Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 303: Trapped in chaos (below)

Chapter 303 is trapped under chaos

At the same time, the Institute of Capricorn.

"Eat." A plate was placed in front of Bediville, which was full of dog food.

"Hey, are you kidding me?" Bedieville (now a wolf's form) looked up at Capricorn with dissatisfaction.

"Do you think slaves are joking?" Capricorn sneered, her smile was extremely vicious. "Well, if your uncle is not used to this kind of food, don't eat it. Continue to hungry!"

The wolf's belly is constantly screaming. It’s already ten o'clock in the evening, and Bedieville doesn’t have a bit of things all day, and it’s hard to be hungry.


But this is a dog food

However, now is the wolf's Bediville, but I think this thing is very fragrant.

But this is a dog food

But if you don't eat, you will starve to death -

But this is a dog food!

However, living can escape from here!

After surrendering to the consciousness of survival, Bedieville swallowed a slobber and reluctantly poked his head out of the gap of the cage to eat the food on the plate.

Hey, hey, hey.

The dog food chews like a biscuit that is soaked in water, a bit wet and sticky; the taste is a bit like a light lunch meat that is not seasoned – in short, not too tasty, not too bad.

Hey, hey, hey.

The silver wolf ate in humiliation and felt the slippery dog ​​food slipping through his dry throat. He deliberately did not think about whether these things are real dog food, or where these things came from.

Hey, hey, hey.

Capricorn looked at the silver wolf, the more she looked, the more pleasant, the joy spread on her face, and her cheeky face began to distort.

"Wow, hahahahaha!!!" finally couldn't help it. Capricorn laughed wildly and pressed Bediwell's head to the plate full of dog food.

"Hey!" Beddyville struggled, his face deep in the plate, almost drowned by dog ​​food.

Press, press, and press again! Capricorn's strength is as big as crumbling the silver wolf's skull!

Press, press, and press again! Capricorn looked at this cute little wolf, and wanted to take him apart and have a good time. He used all kinds of means to kill him all!

"Ah, hahahaha, eat, puppy, eat! You are a obedient little wild dog, aren't you?! Are you eating very cool, aren't you, ha? Eat, eat!"

Bedyville was dizzy because of lack of oxygen, his face was covered with wet dog food, and everything was extremely uncomfortable.

He couldn't help but cry. For the first time, such a large person has been fooled like this. Being forced to eat dog food, was confused. But the reason that really made him cry is that even at this time, his mouth is still eating without any disappointment. swallowed.

The body that was hunger-stricken and lost its own, lost its own bottom line. In this humiliating humiliation, it voluntarily surrendered and ate the inhuman food without shame.

Remorse made Bedieville cry, and the teenager couldn't help drown himself in the plate of the dog food with tears. But this time his mouth is still eating with disappointment.

Capricorn retracted her hand, she had already reached the goal, only need to sneer at the side of the cruel, watching the weeping youngster crying.

"Try, Mom, so you are happy, right!?" Biddyville cried.

"The expression is so good." Capricorn glared at her lips. "I really want to take you from the inside out, a drop of dryness. You will give in to the slaves and give everything to your slaves. After the completion of the slave, can you let me go quickly? Um?"

At that moment, Bedieville almost wanted to give in.

But he didn't. How can he be insulted and he can never give up his last line of being a man. Otherwise, he will become a real beast.

If that happens, even if Capricorn puts him back, he has no face to go back and see Arthur.

Even if he was humiliated, Biddiville had to keep his own **** and could not yield to Capricorn. This is a small rebellion that he can do now.

"You can kill me, dissect me, take away the things in my body." Bettiville lifted his head slowly from the plate and looked at the high-spirited Capricorn, "but you can't force me to submit."

"Oh?" Capricorn frowned, his hands raised, and the cage that closed Biddeville shrank again. The twisted cage broke out the extra metal strips. They pierced Bediville's body and hurt him. Not open.

Almost impossible to breathe, and can't move half an inch. Was it stuck in this cage? !

Capricorn calmed her anger, and soon she showed a false smile and loosened the cage. She looked at Bedyville, who was covered in blood: "Hey, look, the flow is not flowing, but it should not flow. You are a disobedient puppy."

Beticville, the weakest, did not have the heart to listen to the madness of the demon woman, and soon lost consciousness.

In the middle of the night, Bedyville heard a voice. What is there, wiping the face of Bettiville.

He opened his eyes gently and saw the lotus sound. The Pattimo girl is carefully wiping the dirty silver wolf with a handkerchief.

His body injury has been bandaged, although it is still painful, but at least there is no danger to life. Although it was thrown back into the cage, the size of the cage was slightly larger, and Bedieville was a little more comfortable.

"Lian Yin" silver wolf whispered.

The Pattimo girl stroked the face of the silver wolf. There was no special expression in her eyes. As always, it was cold and stiff.

"Why, do you want to obey the demon girl?" Biddyville whispered. "You didn't need to listen to anyone's orders."

"This machine is Patimo, a magical warfare man made by the ancients. It is the existence of the machine to take orders from the master." The Pattimo girl replied mechanically.

"Not" The silver wolf closed his eyes. He was hurt and tired. He was very tired in the middle of the night. He wanted to say more, but he did not continue his spirit or strength.

The Pattimo girl and the silver wolf look at each other, and her purple hazelnuts are deeply immortalized in the silver wolf's retina. She is so beautiful, but it is so lonely. I watched the world for thousands of years, but I didn't know how to live. I didn't even know why I should live.

"You should have a better fate and you should have freedom."

It’s definitely not the life you should live by obeying others. This sentence is left in Bedieville’s heart. There is no way to say it, and he has lost consciousness.

Lian Yin gently stroked the sleeping silver wolf and touched his smooth and smooth head, as if he was sleeping with a child. The expression of the silver wolf gradually became soothing from the pain, perhaps a magical effect, and he slowly healed the wound in his sleep.

Only at this moment, the cold face of the Pattimo girl showed a hint of warmth. She put her face close to the silver wolf's cheek and kissed him.