Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 3031: Decisive Battle in Trial (17)

After being questioned by Tristan, Bediwell remained silent for a long time.

"Do you have to mention this at this time?" the young werewolf asked in a low voice.

"Yes. Before we really fight with our lives and finally kill each other by wrong hand, I think I have an obligation to make it clear, and you have an obligation to make it clear." Tristan said a bit aggressively.

Talking about a lot of reasoning. The mouth is full of legitimacy. Like a noble prince. Look down on people. And it's full of fire.

Bediwell squinted.

"This matter cannot be explained in a few words." Bediwell said.

"Then try to be as brief as possible within a hundred words and finish it for me." Tristan ordered.

"You..." Although Bediwell was unconvinced, he still tried to organize the language in his heart.

He really intended to explain to Tristan what happened, even if the Murloc Prince would never believe it. But Bradyville suddenly changed his mind and found that something was not right.

"Wait. You are delaying time, right?" The werewolf youth was angry: "Want to entertain me?"

"Well..." The Murloc Prince smiled slyly: "God knows."

He raised his hand, and the entire battlefield suddenly changed its appearance.

In fact, there was a cloud of ice fog, which has been permeating this complex battlefield full of stalagmites since just now. But because the terrain of the battlefield was too complicated, and there were too many objects obstructing the line of sight, Bediville could not even notice it. And when Tristan asked Bediwell sternly, the werewolf youth really thought Tristan wanted to know the truth, so he was deceived.

In fact, the sly guy was just buying time for himself to cast spells and trap. I'm afraid he doesn't care what Bediwell thinks, let alone what happened before!

By the time Bradyville discovered the problem, things had become out of control. The icy fog rising from the ground gradually appeared, one by one, confusing phantoms.

of course. The most proud of mermaid spells, in addition to ice spells, is hypnotism. As long as they are given enough time, they can even hypnotize the guards of an entire castle. The guards in various military bases around the world change their guards in turn, and will never let the same guard be on duty for a long time at the same post. This is also based on similar reasons-guards on duty for a long time at the same post, very Easily hypnotized by hypnotists such as mermaid.

Hypnotism is profound. In addition to using photons to inject "commands" into the hypnotized person, allowing the hypnotized person to follow the instructions of the hypnotist, it is also possible to directly spread photons in the air that disrupt human vision. When the opponent's optic nerve receives these photons with confusing information, they will see things that shouldn't exist in this world. And the behavior of using hypnotism to influence the opponent's vision is also generally called "illusionism" in the world-thinking that it does make people see hallucinations and illusions.

Bradyville's will is so firm, Tristan certainly can't use hypnotism to order Bradyville what to do. But he can use illusions to interfere with Bediwell's vision to gain a greater advantage from the game.

Thousands of Tristan appeared in front of Bediwell, their bodies are illusory, translucent, they are floating in the air in the wind.

Although knowing that none of these Tristan created by hallucinations is true, Bediville has no way to tell where the real Tristan is present.

The real Tristan has been integrated into this illusion, and it is no longer possible to distinguish which is virtual and which is real.

"Are you at this level?" Bediwell hummed disapprovingly, his eyes beginning to shine.

------[Eagle Eye], start again.

In short, it is that Bediwell has elevated his perception of "intuition" to the extreme, allowing intuition to judge the true place of Tristan.

No matter how strong the illusion is, what only interferes with Bediwell's "vision", they cannot interfere with Bediwell's "intuition." Because that "intuition" is actually the visualization of the super analytical ability in Bediwell's mind, as long as the thoughts and logic of the werewolf youth are not confused, this "intuition" will not be disturbed.

And Tristan's figure is invisible under the observation of [Eagle Eye]! In Bediville's eyes, the real Murloc Prince glowed with a faint orange light, and he was slowly approaching the werewolf youth at three o'clock, fifteen yards away. He already knew Tristan’s true location, but he deliberately pretended not to notice it, and wielded the sword in his hand wildly, acting in a panic: "Damn it! Where are you? ?!"

Act, continue to act. He cut off the surrounding stalagmites and cleared a space for him to move around beside him. In the eyes of outsiders, his actions are like chasing after the wind, fighting some invisible illusions!

The real Tristan is probably approaching Bediwell with a smirk at this time, and is thinking about how to give Bediwell a final blow! But the real Bediwell, why didn't he smile secretly and figure it out, waiting for Tristan to throw himself into the net?

He got closer. On the other hand, Bediwell pretended not to notice Tristan's deity, and continued to hack, pretending to walk around in a panic.

Maybe even Tristan didn’t know the actual location of the "phantoms" in Bediwell’s eyes, at least he didn’t know it very accurately, so he didn’t notice that Bediwell was hacking the air, and it was not even Tristan that was chopped down. Phantom created!

But Bediwell acted well and seemed to have completely fooled Tristan. Tristan thought that Bediveville was being deceived by the illusion, boldly approached, and moved behind the werewolf youth, preparing to carry out a sneak attack!

"That's it------" He raised the photon shotgun and blasted it at Bediwell's back.

Of course, the attack has no effect. Bediville, who had been on guard for a long time, manipulated the electromagnetic ball of [Sun God's Sun Wheel] to form an electromagnetic shield in time to block the attack.

Tristan hadn't had time to be surprised, Bediwell's tungsten tortoise tongue whip had been swept out with his backhand and hit the murloc prince's waist! But that blow didn't work, because Tristan reacted too fast, and before he was hit by the whip, he blocked the attack with the hoarfrost dragon scales!

However, this is not over yet, Bedeville has long known that Tristan is not such a simple opponent that can be defeated. He has already manipulated the Mithril fluid to deploy defenses around him. The moment Tristan used the dragon scales was the moment when he couldn’t move freely, because the dragon scales’ structures with huge magical powers, and dragon scales that grow on them, would inevitably have a negative impact on Tristan’s agility. ! Bradyville caught Tristan's use of the Dragonscale Protector and activated the Mithril fluid traps secretly deployed around him in one go! A large amount of fluid hit the murloc prince like a fountain, and instantly grabbed Tristan's body!

"I caught you." Bediwell turned and sneered.

"No, you can't catch it." The murloc prince said, his whole body began to exude an astonishing chill. Those mithril fluids began to become brittle under the influence of the cold, and they made a sound like ice cracking. I am afraid they will be frozen crunchy in a few seconds, and then be broken free by the Murloc Prince!

"I should have caught you." Tristan added.

"Wh----" At this time, Bediville realized that the ice mist that permeated his feet had become thicker and thicker, turning into a semi-mist and semi-fluid substance like milk soup. Then Bedville's ankle had started to frost, and he was frozen on the ground with his shoelace feet!

Tristan's illusion is not only to confuse Bediveville, to give the Murloc Prince a chance to attack. The real purpose of his illusion is to distract Bradyville's attention, so that the werewolf youth can't notice the thick ice mist that is gradually gathering and accumulating on the ground! Those ice fog did not spread out in the field, they seemed to have self-consciousness and gathered at Bedivre's feet, which shows that this is a specific spell!

"In a few seconds I will be able to break free, and in a few seconds you will be trapped." Tristan sneered. "It's your defeat, Werewolf Bediveville."

"Not necessarily." Bediwell said, although his feet were almost unconscious, his face remained unmoved.

"[Fractal]!" he shouted.

The incantation fire in his hand split into two spirit bodies in an instant. One kept the ice blue and was the incantation fire used to control the mithril fluid; the other returned to the orange-red color of the flame. The catalyst needed by Bediville to launch a normal spell!

"Burn your body and fire!" he shouted again. It is not necessary to call out the name of the move, but when he shouts it out, he can give himself a psychological hint, making his move more specific and more powerful. Anyway, incantation is hypnosis and self-hypnosis, a spelling spell on others or yourself!

The orange-red fireball landed on Bediveville's forehead, and then lit the whole werewolf youth in a flash. Tristan is no stranger to this trick, because Bediville used this trick to surround himself with flames to resist Tristan's icy magic.

Bediville's feet, which should have been frozen, were gradually thawed by the heat of the burning body fire. Even, because Bediville and Tristan stood so close, the mithril fluid, which was crumpled and crumbling from the ice and collapsed at any time, entangled Tristan's whole body, also benefited from the heat wave brought by the flame. Restored the toughness it should have!

"In a few seconds I will be able to break free, and in a few seconds you will be trapped." Bediwell imitated Tristan's words and said ironically: "It is your defeat, Prince Tristan."

"No, end, all, yes." But the murloc prince shook out word by word, his tone was very strong: "It's nothing more than a fight!"

A stronger chill was released from his body to offset the heat from Bediville. He uses his body as a medium to directly release the magical power of ice cold. In fact, the principle of magic is very similar to that of Bediville [Burning Body Fire], except that one is negative entropy and the other is positive entropy.

He used his [Frost Body] to resist the heat of [Burning Body Fire] from Bediville. After all, this battle became a pure conflict between cold and heat, a confrontation between ice and fire!

However, Bradyville still has an advantage. Tristan, who was bound by the Mithril fluid, couldn't move, but Bediville, who was covered in fire, had at least hands free! The werewolf youth raised [Dawn Guardian] and shot Tristan in the chest!