Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 3043: Decisive Battle in Trial (29)

The Mithril fluid adhering to Bedivre's body would actually crystallize and harden and peel off, which was unexpected by Bedivre.

Of course, this is not "erosion". Unlike the Mithril fluid previously eroded by Mordred's [Blood Control Technique], the flaked Mithril fluid did not rust, but hardened and scattered on the ground. And after a few seconds passed, the hardened and peeled Mithril fluid regained its activity and flowed to Bediveville.

Those Mithril fluids are not "broken", but "temporarily out of function". This is a great fortune in misfortune.

No, it's not right. It's a great fortune there. Seeing the Mithril fluid reattached back, Bedivre felt cold. Elaine's roar can temporarily invalidate Bedyville's Mithril fluid, even if it is only a few seconds, this effect is still very fatal.

Because the current Bradyville completely relies on Mithril fluid to support his actions, if the Mithril fluid is aging, he will become immobile in those short seconds! That was enough time for Elaine to kill him Bediwell several times!

What did Elaine do?

The roar is too mysterious, right? If it were to bounce off a physical attack, Bediville's wolf roar could also do it. But the roar even bounced off the non-physical attack (the clump of photons) such as the light bomb, proving that in addition to being a physical shock wave, the roar also had a certain degree of photon explosion. .

The mere photon explosion. The explosion can bounce off the light bomb, and Bradyville will not be surprised. But the photon explosion can actually affect the operation of the Mithril fluid? Is there such a ridiculous thing in the world?

Do not. It does.

Bediwell suddenly recalled that this kind of thing had really happened in the world, and Bediwell knew well.

King Arthur’s holy sword, the sword of the king (now the sheath of the king), [Spellbreaker], is a move that can do this.

[Spellbreaker] is also a kind of photon explosion. The golden light shot out from the sheath can even interfere with the spellcasting of the wizards and invalidate all spells. What's more, the golden light can directly invalidate some golems that have not received special protection, mainly by destroying the core of the golem.

[Spellbreaker] said that the purely photon-like impact brought by other sources (spells, golems) internally composed of photon commands and spells can disrupt the effects of interference.

------So Bradyville suddenly understood.

His Mithril fluid, to put it plainly, is a kind of memory metal, or even a nano-level miniature golem. Each crystalline particle in the fluid can be regarded as a small golem. They are controlled by the brain and form various shapes under the manipulation of Bediville. Naturally, his Mithril fluid will be temporarily invalidated by the influence of [Spellbreaker], although the invalidation time is very short.

So... Elaine's roar is actually the same level as King Arthur's [Spellbreaker]? Can even spells interfere? !

"So that's it." Bediwell snorted: "That is...Leo's legacy to you. Only the lion, only the lion clan can use it. The ability to meet the status of a king."

Elaine did not answer, he was guarding Bediwell from a distance.

Only then did the Mithril Wolf learn about the terrifying aspects of Elaine the White Lion. That lion roar is a shock wave that spreads out in all directions, both a physical and photonic shock wave. That trick is completely unavoidable, after all, it is a large-scale shock wave. If he hits that move in close proximity, all the mithril fluid in Bediveville's body will fail in a short time, and he will become unable to move and be slaughtered.

Therefore, Elaine cannot be close by anyway. Once he got close and asked that guy to use the roar, Bediville had already lost!

In this way, you can only fight at a distance.

Bediwell suddenly drifted to thirty yards away, and instantly rushed to the canopy, observing Elaine from a distance. Although it is said to fight at a distance, the attacks of the light gun and the revolver will still be bounced by the pesky lion roar, and the attacks of the flying props are probably ineffective.

So what attack methods are left? The range is far enough to injure Elaine who is protected by the roar?

Bradyville didn't think of a way for a while.

Wait, there are ways. It's not a direct attack, just use indirect means to attack.

He summoned the fire of incantation. Through [Spiritualization], now he can divide the fire of incantation into two. The icy-blue incantation fire originally used to control the mithril fluid naturally remained in its original state, while the incantation fire he separated out was red, which was the incantation fire that normally controlled the flame.

He threw the fireball without even thinking about it, hitting a very high parabola. The fireball almost rose from the ground to high altitude, and then fell from the highest altitude.

And when the fireball fell, it split into dozens of small fireballs. That was just a very simple spell operation, nothing more than the fireball that made the spell fire explode in the middle. Moreover, the power of the small fireballs themselves is also insignificant. Each is smaller than the tip of a thumb, but the inner core is made of high-efficiency fuel, which can ensure that it will not extinguish before landing, and will continue to burn after landing!

Huh! ------Dozens of small fireballs fell around Elisen's body, in the woods, and lit the trees.

That's right, Bediwell's so-called "indirect long-range attack method" is actually setting fire to the mountain!

This kind of thing cannot be achieved in hills, deserts, or snowy terrain, but the final battlefield where they are located happens to be a forest. Bradyville naturally wants to use this terrain to its extreme and surround Elaine with fire!

All direct and long-range attacks will be shaken by the white lion boy's roar, but indirect attacks, such as this kind of fire, Elaine can't resist!

At least Bediville thought so.

"Woo..." The heat wave rushed towards Elaine. The fire spread very quickly, and the woods around him had been stained with fiery red, and the greenery was no longer there.

"Stop, stop!" Elaine did not rush to escape from the fire, but hurriedly shouted: "Don't break or destroy the environment! This tree and forest are real!"

"The woods are real? What the **** are you talking about?" Bradyville didn't understand Elaine.

"The woods, the woods!" Seeing that the fire continued to grow, the white lion boy was even more anxious: "This is the original forest that exists and exists. It was moved and moved from another place by magic! This forest is but a small animal Home!"

"What are you kidding..." Bediwell snorted. It seems that I haven't seen any small animals since just now, at least not when I was fighting. Bedyville had clearly broken and broken many trees, but he didn't find any birds or beasts escaping from the fallen trees. This is obviously a man-made scene. There are no animals in the forest. What the **** is Elaine talking about?

"It's just that they didn't move the animals or move the animals over!" The white lion boy said anxiously: "But if the game ends and ends, they will move the scene and move back to the original place? Those animals will be homeless. Up?"

Assuming that what Elaine said is true, Bediwell did this to burn down an entire forest and lose their habitat to the animals that originally inhabited this forest. But now there is no evidence that Elaine's words are true. From Bediwell's point of view, Elaine was only afraid that the fire would swallow him up, so he was talking to himself there.

"If you really want me to stop, you can stop me." Bediwell jumped from the top of one tree to the top of another, and at the same time threw a fireball. The fireball still aimed at Elaine's head and fell. Before it fell, it split into dozens and surrounded the White Lion boy with fire.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." It is strange that Elaine did not try to escape the fire. He should be able to use [Voiding] to avoid the flame and quickly escape from the circle of fire. But he didn't do this, instead standing stupidly in place, letting the fire and smoke ravage his petite body.

Could it be that you can't run anymore? Without physical strength, there is no way to use [Blur]? Bediwell was a little puzzled. Or did Elaine deliberately not escape? Because he was afraid that Bediville would continue to aim at him with fireballs, and then continue to set fire, letting the fire spread in this forest?

And why doesn't that guy use Lion Roar? Is it really afraid of the shock wave generated by the lion roar, blowing the surrounding flames out, making the fire spread even more? is this possible. Is that guy really so gentle? In order to protect a man-made forest, even one's own life (the outcome of the game) is taken?

In any case, Bediwell did not intend to stop.

On the battlefield, mercy is the enemy. Whether it's compassion for the enemy or compassion for the environment. Since ancient times, many battles have set fire to mountains and used fire to annihilate enemy forces. Have those who won battles have pity for little animals in the forest? Have you considered the damage to the environment? If there is, then they will not win.

Victory will always only belong to the stronger, more cunning, and cruel side. This is the principle that has not changed since ancient times.

Elaine, who would take pity on an artificial forest, is simply not influential. Innocent to the extreme, innocence to the extreme!

Bradyville cast several fireballs in succession, and those fireballs burst into fire rain in the air, falling like a severe fire rain.

"If you want to have mercy on this forest, then you have to fight and lose before you have mercy." Bediwell said sternly: "You are so afraid of duels, you are not qualified to be a knight of the round table!"

"Woo...!" The flames and smoke surrounded Elaine heavily, not even giving him breathing space. The fire had burned to the grass under his feet, almost igniting his snow-white hair. And he knelt there, breathing hard. Dizzy and unable to think, it's just a complete fainting.

(If you don't resist, you will lose... Resistance will cause more damage...)

(In the end how to do......?)

"In trouble?" A phantom appeared in front of Elaine, Leo.

"Leo...?" Maybe it was because of extreme hypoxia that I saw the phantom, or just missed that person. The phantom Elaine saw was erratic like mist, as if it was just branded in his pupils. The afterimage of it.

And there were more figures behind Leo, who seemed to be the shadow of children. They are thinner than Leo's figure, they can't even see their faces, and can only vaguely judge an outline.

"If you have any difficulties, let us help you too." Leo's voice echoed in Elaine's mind. The voice is very small, but he can hear it clearly.

"------After all, we are a community with a shared future."

In that flame, there were countless small **** of light spreading out from Elaine. They were much weaker than the fire, but they were not covered by the dazzling fire.

There are more and more star points that will not succumb to the raging fire, at least thousands.

"What's that?" Bediwell also found those small spots far away, and couldn't help but wonder.

The star-pointed light repelled the flames from the white lion boy, freeing Elaine, who was almost swallowed by the fire, from suffering.

"Difficult, unbelievable..." Bediwell looked at this amazing scene and didn't know how to make or comment. He originally thought that he knew all Elaine's moves and routines well, and there was no information he didn't know. But what is this mysterious star light that suddenly appeared?

"Scream, you will get a response." Leo's voice resounded in the ears of the white lion boy.

"Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Elaine roared.

"Roar ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ------" a small ball of light beside him repeating his roar, that roar spread out.

"Roar ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ------" his side another small ball of light also repeated his roar, roar continues to spread out.

"Roar ah ah ah ah ah! ------" "Roar ah ah ah ah ah ah! ------" "Roar ah ah ah ah ah! ------ "Countless roars resounded among the light balls.

The roar of the lion chanted back and forth like an echo, stirring and spreading!

Those little **** of light have long been scattered in the sea of ​​fire, and they also caused a lion roar, and the shock wave blew the surrounding flames away! The monstrous fire was instantly extinguished by the shock wave!

------Miracle, resonance!