Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 3062: The Final Storm (4)

At a certain moment and somewhere.

Albert opened his eyes slowly and felt a pain in his chest. His last memory remains at the last time he fought a warrior of the ancients. In the end, the arbitrator Mel blew himself up. That guy would rather die than accept Albert's kindness. The tiger youth was also involved in the explosion and was seriously injured.

So what is the situation now? He thought about the ins and outs of the matter. It should have been after Mutter came over to take him away and take him to heal. He didn't know how long he was in a coma. In this different space, the flow of time has no meaning.

His chest was tightly wrapped in a bandage, so tight that he almost couldn't breathe. However, the pain on his chest seemed to split, and there was no bandage to support it. He gritted his teeth and got up slowly, looking around.

The room is still the kind of special room constructed from his memory. The material of the whole room is black, but there are obvious white strokes, which can make people understand its three-dimensional structure. However, there are more things in this room. All kinds of towels, beds, and medical supplies placed on the ground seem to be brought in from the real world, because they are not black bodies with white strokes.

It seems... in addition to Mute, there is the breath of others living here. Because there is more than one bed on the ground. They guarded the seriously injured Albert in shifts and constantly monitored the injuries of the tiger youth.

Has anyone been here?

"Ah, you're awake!" Hearing movement in the room, the catman boy rushed in from outside: "Great, you finally woke up!"

"Mute..." Albert looked at each other, and Mutter looked very haggard. The flow of time in this alien space is meaningless, but it is obvious that Mutter has been taking care of Albert, who was seriously injured during this period, and may not have had a good rest for a long time.

"Don't get up first and lie down." Mutter added, "Otherwise the wound will open again."

"How long have I been in a coma?" Albert asked, lying down obediently.

"I don't know. One month? Two months? It's difficult to calculate the exact time here." The Catman Juvenile drew out something similar to a pocket watch: "The timing device in the electronic instrument doesn't beat, even this. The hands of an ancient clock won’t go. I’m just taking turns to take care of you with them. I’m too sleepy and I go to bed so that I wake up after sleeping as a day. It can only be roughly calculated like this.


"Mr. Gusta and the human being, um, Mr. Eric? They are here too." Mutter replied, "Thanks to them, I can't take care of you alone."

"Gusta meow." Albert frowned. "I obviously asked the guy Eric to send Gust back to Egypt. It seems that guy has broken his promise."

"It's too much to say bad things about me behind my back." Someone broke in, it was the tactician Eric: "Yes, I promised you to send the unconscious tiger back to Cairo. But he After that, I woke up and asked me to bring him over to find you. What else can I do? Should I leave him alone, or should he be knocked unconscious and sent back to Cairo forcibly?"

"Knock him out, of course." Albert said without hesitation.

"Who are you talking about knocking out?" At this time, another person walked in outside the room. It was Han Gusta the tiger man.

"Uh." Albert paused, not directly confronting Gusta.

"The responsibility for all this rests on me. I asked Mr. Lawrence to send me to the hollow." Gusta said again: "And fortunately I am here. We just arrived and saw Mutter dragging me into a coma. Waking up of you covered in blood, really scared us."

"Anyway... Thank you for your help." Albert had no choice but to say. It seemed that either Gusta carried him back to the village of Rianton, or the strategist Eric did a good job with mental power. Albert's weight is not light, no matter how you look at it, Mutter is not able to carry it alone.

"Don't thank me, I have hardly done anything, it was all moved by Mr. Lawrence." Gusta said.

"Just call me Eric. I have said it many times." The strategist Eric reminded. He seems to hate being called his family name, presumably to distinguish him from his brother Lawrence.

"All in all, you wake up." Gusta said again: "It looks like you have passed the dangerous period. Then you just need to heal your wounds and repair them thoroughly. I hope that there will be no sequelae."

"My body is much stronger than you think." Albert said bravely.

"Heh—" Mutter stretched his waist. "I don't care if you are strong. Anyway, you are fine. I'm exhausted. Let me go to sleep first."

"Thank you, we are here to guard." Gusta said: "Get a good rest."

However, the flow of time in this alien space is meaningless. In fact, they don't need to eat or sleep, Albert thought. Mut's rest is not to relieve physical fatigue, at best it is only to relieve mental fatigue.

After Mutter left the house, he didn't find another village house to settle in, but walked into the hidden woods aside. Because all the objects in the different space are pitch black, there is only a clear white stroke. Once in the woods, Mutter is almost surrounded by pitch black, and people outside the woods can't see him at all.

"He woke up." said the cat boy. "Finally, the dangerous period has passed."

"Very good." A black figure of a tiger man appeared in front of Mutter: "In this way, the complete recovery of his injury is an established fact, and time will heal all the pain. Do you still need any medical supplies?"

"No. You have given enough." Mutter shook his head and said: "Obviously in this empty space, thanks to your ability to transform supplies out of thin air."

"It's not changed out of thin air. It's transferred from your real world." The shadow that spoke of the abyss replied: "Just don't ask how it did it."

"...In other words, can you get everything from the real world with your magical powers?" Mutter tentatively asked, "I have an idea. If you can bring the medical cabin on the Dawn too. , Maybe it can quickly heal the stupid tiger's injury. I believe that you, with great abilities, can power the medical cabin in this different space, right?

The black tiger shadow was silent for a few seconds: "It's possible. It's more difficult to deal with, but it should be possible."

(They can actually do it...!)

Well, it shouldn't be difficult to steal a medical cabin from a corner of the world. It is not only the Dawning that has that kind of medical cabin. It is estimated that other ancient ships have them, and the same ship must still be sleeping in a corner of the world, waiting to be discovered.

But how did they generate electricity in this alien space with nothing to power the medical cabin? Mutter couldn't figure it out anyway. Is the power of the abyss really so omnipotent.

"It is said that this is done to ensure that Mr. Albert can fully recover from the injury." The shadow endorsing the abyss said: "Originally, in a space where this flow of time is meaningless, he has enough time to go. Slowly heal his injury until his injury recovers."

"But these injuries may not be completely healed over time. It may be that the wounds are not repaired early, and they will not be able to be repaired completely in the future, leaving permanent sequelae." Mutter continued: "Your master is unwilling. Seeing that the dumb tiger has reduced combat effectiveness due to the sequelae of injuries. This will affect the fairness of the game."

"That's it." The shadow nodded: "Please wait a while, the medical cabin will be ready soon."

"Didn't you say that the flow of time here is meaningless?" Mutter noticed the contradiction in the other party's words: "If the flow of time is meaningless, you should be able to get the medical cabin right away?"

"Yes. But the actual operation of things is more complicated than you think." Sombra replied, "You must consider the flow of time in reality."

"...What do you mean?"

"You can get the medical cabin you want at a certain time. That's what it means. In order to get the medical cabin you want, you must make the time here flow to match the time in the real world. At a certain moment, I got the specific thing, and then restored the flow of time here to the state of [the flow of time is meaningless]."

Mutter shook his head and didn't fully understand, but asked worriedly: "In other words, we have to synchronize this different space with the real world time, and wait for several days before returning to [time not flowing]. Status?"

"It doesn't take a few days, just a few hours to synchronize to the real world."

"From the moment I entered this alien space, how many hours thereafter?" Mutter thought for a moment: "I have a friend who is gone. I was going to attend his funeral at nine o'clock in the morning that day. …Will this way catch up with the funeral?"

"Probably not," the other party replied.

Mutter was silent for a few seconds. He was already mentally prepared to be unable to attend Leo's funeral.

"Is there any way..." the cat boy still asked: "Before that, send me outside and let me come back after my friend's funeral? Then no matter how you adjust the flow of time, nothing It will affect me."

"Don't take an inch." The shadow endorsing the abyss said coldly: "We can send you away from here, but we are not obliged to send you back. You can leave at any time if you want to go, no one will stop you, but just leave. Don't come back."

Mutter gave an aggrieved expression. But it is true that what the abyssal forces want is Albert. The rest of them are all "attachments", they are just allowed to stay in this different space. There is no reason for the abyss forces to let Mute and the others leave here freely, and then freely enter here. This was not a welcome space from the beginning.

If there are only two of Mute and Albert in this different space, and Mute needs to take care of the injured Albert, maybe the abyss forces will tolerate Mute's willfulness. But now there are two other people in this different space, and they can take care of Albert. Mute's existence becomes dispensable.

"Well, when I didn't say it." Mutter sighed: "You can adjust to any time you like."

Rather than attending Leo's funeral, he chose to accompany Albert here, nothing more. There are always many things to choose from in life, and there can never be the best of both worlds.

"Then, the medical cabin you want will be ready in about seven hours—calculated based on real-world time." The Tiger Ying said.

"Here you have to wait for the same seven hours...Is that so?"


"How did you get the medical cabin from the real world in such a short period of time?" Mutter asked more curiously.

"It's not a big deal." The other party replied, "It's just to salvage the wreckage of the spaceship."

The word [wreck] made Mutter uneasy.