Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 3089: The Last Storm (Thirty One)

[Floating Qiu Chan] was awakened by the impact, and now it is looking at [Silver Shadow] with its blood red eyes, as if angry.

"Is going to attack?" Paramedes asked in surprise: "Should all energy be allocated to defense?"

"Wait, let's see what it wants to do first." Vivian observed calmly. Although the Floating Hill toad had a terrifying aura when it opened its eyes, it seemed to be silent, and it didn't look like it was about to attack.

"Just staring at us?" The Leopard warrior looked at the monster across the screen, feeling the creeps: "Don't you mean to attack?"

"If I'm not wrong, it won't even attack us." The succubus analyzed: "According to the information obtained by Great Britain, this monster should have been ordered to move to the Sahara Desert in Africa to trigger some kind of catastrophe, and then began to sacrifice. Ceremony? If the information is accurate, then it is now busy maintaining its defense while moving. There must be no air traffic control for small roles like us."

(Little character...)

There was a drop of sweat on Paramidis' forehead.

"Such a huge monster, just moving the body will have a huge consumption." Vivian said again: "As long as we are harmless to it, it does not intend to expend physical strength to drive us out... probably. "

The Silver Shadow did not have any weapons, but the armor was ridiculously hard, the kind that could traverse the great storm. A half-hearted attack can't hurt the Silver Shadow. The other party must also know this fact, so that he won't take action easily and waste physical energy.

So Paramidis finally understood that just as they were watching the situation, the monster was watching the response of the Silver Shadow. They are watching each other, testing each other, to see who will act first and expose their weaknesses. If Mou Ran acts, it will let the other side know the hole cards of Silver Shadow, and then they will be in a quite passive position.

"In other words, it seems to be getting farther and farther away from us?" The big cat squinted his eyes and asked, "Is our boat flying backwards?"

"No. It's the effect of the [Subspace Generator]. Look, the generator is on the head of the monster, and the location is just in line with our ship. It continues to generate subspaces, and these subspaces are integrated into the real world. In space, the space keeps expanding. And time, space and distance are relative. The space becomes bigger and wider, and it looks like the floating hill toad is getting farther and farther away from us."

"That's it..." Not only did Paramidis not let go, he even narrowed his eyes. "It's almost the same, right? Should we retreat?"

"This is the first time [Subspace Generator] has been officially put into actual combat. It is necessary to ensure its successful operation." Vivian said, "Give me another five minutes. After monitoring its operation data, we will withdraw."

"Are you afraid of problems?"

"If the monster wants to attack us, it should start attacking just now." The succubus disagrees: "It hasn't done anything until now, isn't it because it doesn't care about our little characters?"

(Still a small role...)

Boom! The whole space shook suddenly. Or perhaps the Silver Shadow carrying the two was shaking.

This was obviously not caused by the shock that the Silver Shadow hit, because the surrounding area was empty. This vibration may be transmitted through the atmosphere, some kind of physical shock wave.

"Huh?" Paramidis suddenly felt a blur. Some kind of external consciousness is constantly trying to break into his consciousness.

"Oops!" Vivian also covered her head, seeming to feel something: "Despicable monster...Do you not use physical attacks, but mental attacks? Want to control us to use a ship to crash that subspace generator?...Pa Rami, cheer up! Don't be affected by the opponent's mental attack!"

"But, but..." The more intense headache was affecting Paramidis, and he fell to the ground in darkness.

A silent and starless night.

The Leopard boy got up from the bed, and he heard a faint noise.

"Meow Phileos?" The young Paramedes called, but did not hear a response. In the same cave, on the small bed of animal skins and hay, his brother was not seen.

The Leopard boy got up and scratched his head, thinking that his brother was playing football outside again in the dark. He wanted to persuade Phileos to go to bed early, not to affect his body for playing, and to take advantage of the night to touch the cave outside.

However, when he walked outside, he saw Phileos' figure drifting away. His guy didn't practice playing near the hidden spot of the thieves, but went in the direction of the human town.

Isn't it dangerous? The band of thieves usually cooperated with many people to attack the west, and finally succeeded in looting food from human towns, and there was a risk of being calculated by humans. Now Phileos sneaked into the town to steal by himself in the dark, but how could Paramidis not care about the nine-death action.

So he also ran back into the cave and hurriedly put on a black cloak for sneaking. He let his figure melt into the night completely, and then followed the trail and smell left by Phileos all the way, chasing after him.

The band of thieves has always had no fixed place. They often find a human town and find a hidden hiding spot near the town as a "secret base" to settle. After that, he would come out from the secret base every once in a while, launch a looting of the town, then flee, wait for the wind to pass, and hide back to the hiding spot, and then cycle. When they have looted a certain town several times, they will stay away from this town and find another hiding place and continue to looting the next town. They generally do not carry out looting of a town that lasts more than three months, because this will attract the attention of humans and the risk of looting will increase. This has always been their way of survival-wandering around and living in an uncertain place, hiding their body and blending into the environment, looting just for survival, and fleeing before they attract attention.

Paramedes has never doubted their way of survival since they became sensible. But everything that happened this night made him suspicious.

This is a large-scale human town, and the third town looted by a band of thieves this year. They had planned to **** more supplies and evacuate before the winter, and then find a safe and warm place to spend the winter. It seems that they have been around this town for too long, and they are even overly familiar with the town's security configuration. Paramedes skilfully bypassed the guards' eyes and ears, climbed over the city wall, and easily entered the alleys inside the town.

The smell of Phileos remained on the ground and walls of the alley, leaving traces every time he walked, so it was not difficult to trace. Paramidis kept groping along the trail, and it was easy to find Phileos who ended up at the end of a certain lane.

He was surprised to find that Phileos, who was supposed to be hiding in the shadows, ran under the light.

There, Phileos, who was wearing a robe and bandages, carefully concealed his identity as an orc, was actually performing.

That is indeed a show, there is nothing wrong with it. Palamidis and Phileos used to be scouts for a band of thieves, and they have been observing in various human cities for a long time. They know that there are special people like buskers in human cities. Street performers put hats or tin cans on the ground and perform various performances to gain the attention and appreciation of passers-by. When passers-by are satisfied with the performance of the busker, they will put some odds and ends of money into the busker's hat or jar to make the busker profitable.

That's right, Phileos does perform on the street. He put the jar on the ground to collect money, while he was practicing playing football. He has been able to kick the ball under his feet superbly. Whether it is to pad the ball with his feet or to bounce it back on the wall to head the ball with his head and chest, he can control the ball freely. As if it was already part of his body. Paramidis had seen Philaeos practice, and he knew how much Philaeus had put in this matter. Therefore, Fileos' performance today can even be described as wonderful, although Paramidis is not sure how to play is truly wonderful.

However, one hour passed, two hours passed, and three hours passed. Passers-by were not interested in Phileos' performance, and always hurried past indifferently. As the night darkened gradually, the originally bustling streets became sparsely visible, and finally turned into empty streets.

"Oh." At this time, Phileos stopped and sighed: "There is still no show today..."

Did not earn a single dollar. He played there like a fool for a long time, but no one cared. Paramidis, who was hiding on the roof watching all this, frowned, feeling sorry for his brother.

In the evening of the second day, Philaeos slipped out in the same way, but he found nothing.

The same goes for the third night.

On the fourth, fifth, and sixth day, still nothing.

The people in the town might not care about what Phileos did. He doesn't know how to sing, nor can he play any musical instruments, he just plays and plays football there. And with Philaeos's insight, it is the limit to kick the ball to this point, and there can be no new breakthroughs above this, unless someone teaches him how to do it. However, Paramidis's ability to track and hide has become more and more exquisite, and his brother has followed his entire planet without being discovered by anyone.

On the night of the seventh day, when the pedestrians on the street gradually dwindled, and it seemed that it was a night of nothing, Phileos stopped the performance early. He sighed, cleared up and planned to leave early. At this time, someone stopped him.

"Are you not performing, kid?" A middle-aged man's voice sounded in the gloom.

"Hmm...hmm. Go." Fileius carefully concealed his mouth addiction, in order to prevent his identity as an orc from being exposed.

"It looks like you can't make a lot of money from acting, kid." The middle-aged man said again, "What's the point of this kind of acting?"

"Me, I'm just practicing and trying to make a profit." The Leopard boy replied.

"Just to make money, I have a good idea." The man approached Filios: "Would you like to try? Use your...body... to make money. It's more profitable than doing art."

"What do you mean...?" Filios didn't understand the other party's words, and when the man reached out to touch his shoulder, he subconsciously took a step back.

"Come with me in the alley, you will understand what I mean. We can do some pleasant things in that alley, and I will pay you. If you are not used to it, by the way, first Just use your mouth to serve me once. I will teach you how to do it--"

"No, don't!" Fileos felt something was wrong and ran away immediately.

Paramedis, who was hiding on the roof, shook his head and followed secretly.