Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 320: Melee in the snow (middle)

Chapter 320, the melee in the snow

At noon, Paramitis managed to find a shower in a maze-like research institute and took a shower. I was guilty of not replacing the clothes, and a golem took the clothes.

The leopard people wore clothes and wondered. The degree of automation of this institute is really high. It is no wonder that Vivian can live and work without the help of a servant.

However, one lives in such a cold research institute.

A person. lonely. Work hard

It was Paramitis, and it would be mad for him to live this week. No matter how you like research, this is still a non-human life.

Why does Vivienne want to study alone here?

Arthur once said that Vivienne is extremely annoying to contact with others. but why?

He couldn't help thinking about Vivienne's affairs. It was her thing, she couldn't stop thinking about it, and she couldn't calm down.

There is a picture of his memory that constantly appears in his mind: it is not the time he and his wife used to be - but when he just woke up after surgery, he saw Vivian sleeping in front of his bed, that quiet Beautiful face.

Perhaps the incitement of the two sons made him so cranky? He shook his head, washed his face with water, and then wandered around.

At the same time, the base of the Knights of the East, the Fort Elsing in London, accommodated the courtyard of the Knights of Arthur.

"That," Arthur dunked in the bathtub. "Jacolov, can you not pour those messy things into my bathtub?"

"This is lavender mint oil, a fool's cousin." Yagelovi poured the lavender oily liquid in the vial into the water and said: "It can soothe nerves, repel fatigue, and enhance immunity. Used to cure a cold."

"It smells very pungent." Arthur hates the smell and hates the mint added to the hot water. It gives Arthur a thorny feel.

"You can't leave me alone, let me take a quiet bath?" Arthur said helplessly. "You have been staring at me, how to make people feel comfortable -"

"Dad said that you have to protect yourself, you can't walk away in half a step." Jaglovy sat down on the chair next to him. The humidity and heat of the bathroom had already made him all over the water, and the shirt was translucent. Posted on his chest.

"You are so busy, the knights of the Knights of the Eastern Heavens clearly have so many tasks to complete -"

"The Knights?" Jaglovy smiled disdainfully. "I am not a Knight of the Group. I am just an unemployed idler."

"Hey, what?" Arthur was puzzled. "But you are the Duke of Palinlor -"

"Son, that's right." Jaglovy sneered and grabbed the white road. "So what, I don't have to inherit the status of my father. I never even thought of being a knight, so old-fashioned life is not suitable." I.

I am studying design studies now and I am going to be a fashion designer in the future. You look at it, the fashion I designed will definitely be popular in the future, and the countless dignitaries of the upper class will be crazy for me. "

Arthur was in awe. This guy of Jaglovy didn't even think of being a knight and went to the life of killing and killing. He only has to live his stable days and fight for his goals in the industry he likes. However, even if he does not want to, as long as he is the eldest son, the Grand Duke of Palinlo will still have a certain mission left to him after his death, he will still be forced to become a golden knight, unable to Give up such a title.

It is really unfortunate that he was born in the Palinol family.

In order to alleviate this embarrassing atmosphere, Arthur asked casually: "Since you are not a member of the Knights of the East Heaven, why should you take over the task of protecting me?"

"Hahaha, do you still need to ask? Because you are my cousin." Yagelov smiled. "Daddy also said that Arthur was very shy. If he changed another knight to guard, You are definitely not willing. So let me and Pasiva, the two idlers, take turns to protect you."

They are voluntary! ?

The two brothers had not been in harmony with the Grand Duke of Palinlo, and it was not so easy to listen to Palindol. But now, they volunteered to help protect Arthur.

Arthur’s previous influence on Jaglovy stayed on the word [Playboy]. But now, he began to change his cousin.

Dear ones?

"Arthur!" The Grand Duke of Palinol rushed in the bathroom door and he looked flustered. Followed by a large group of knights.

"Wow! What are you doing, what?" Arthur subconsciously hid in the bathtub, trying to cover his body as much as possible. "How everyone likes to run in and see me bath! You are perverted!"

"Stupid" Palin Lol scratched his head. "Hurry up and change clothes, come out and see! Big things are not good!"

Ten minutes later, Arthur changed his clothes and ran out. He wondered what could make the Knights of the Knights who were always used to the big scene so panicked. He ran to the square in the other house before he saw a strange scene:

In the sky, blood-red snowflakes fall.

Arthur reached out with a puzzled hand, and the red snow melted in his palm. He did not change into water, but it infiltrated into his body, making him feel dizzy!

"Stupid! Put on this!" Palinol ran quickly and picked up the cloak and covered it on Arthur. "Don't touch these weird snowflakes! They may be magical. They don't know." What is the impact!"

Arthur looked up at the huge red cloud over the sky above London. Indeed, such a weird thing, in addition to using magic, there is no way to explain it.

"The Grand Duke of Palindol! There are thousands of people outside the castle rioting!" A staff member rushed to report, "Insane! The world is crazy!"

"This red snowflake is a kind of hypnotism." Pasiva put on his gloves and picked up the snow on the ground. "It is estimated that the hypnotic magic photons are mixed into the snow, and the hypnotized photons are invaded at the moment of contact with the victim's body." In the victim's body."

"Oh, the **** parliament, the net will make small tricks." Palindol screamed angrily. "You stay here, protect Arthur, don't go anywhere. I want to calm down the normal riots."

"Don't kill anyone." Arthur was busy. "Those citizens are afraid of being hypnotized and violently involuntarily."

Palindol sneered and rushed out with his knights: "Hey, I have enough fists to deal with a few citizens."

(However, your fist is also very lethal)

"Hello!" Arthur sneezed again. Although this snow is magic, it is also very cold.

"Come on, let's go in the advanced room." Jagrovilla is Arthur.