Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 423: Dancing to the ritual (4)

Chapter 4 Dance to the Sacrifice (4)

The angry elephants threw out the fox supervisor.

"No!!" cried black. But it is already late! The fox supervisor was just next to the cage of Warcraft. The Warcraft in the cage was shaking, and the food that fell on its mouth would not be missed.

Warcraft bit the head of the fox supervisor.

"Hey, see what you have done!" Xiaohe looked at the **** scene and exclaimed.

Puff didn't talk, he didn't regret everything he did. It is impossible for him to watch a girl being invaded and indifferent, even if the slaves are treated like this is a normal thing.

"Give me the hand. Bandage," Papho said.

"No! You have to leave soon!" Xiao Hei pushed Pusher. "If the owner of Caos sees you kill Alex, he won't let you go!"

"You also escape." Paphoe reached out and seemed to want to go with the black rabbit girl.

Xiao He shook his head and subconsciously touched her thorny collar: "With this, I can never escape."

Paphos saw this thing. That is actually a very basic magic collar. The slaves escape the magic management without permission. The magic in the collar will be activated, and the acupuncture on the collar will be pierced until the slave's throat and artery are pierced. And the cervical spine.

The advantage of this acupuncture collar is that it can be reused continuously: even if a slave dies and the collar is removed and installed on another slave, the new slave can be controlled.

Xiao Hei saw that many slaves who had tried to escape died under this collar. She also saw slaves who were caught again by acupuncture and were arrested again. Their end is very tragic, Xiaohe does not want to be one of these people.

Puff was silent: "You will die."

"I will find a way to cover up the past! Thank you for your concern!" Xiao Hei hurried, "Now, run!"

Puff ran out of helplessly. He knew that this **** smell would soon spread in the village, and the leopards would soon arrive. It’s not a big deal for him to be killed by himself. He is most afraid of being tired of them in Bediville.

He picked up a bottle of scented medicinal spray on himself and sprayed a lot in the passing place. The magic potion neutralized all his body odor and made his traces in this warehouse disappear.

Then he quickly slid out of the alley and left in the darkness of the morning.

Xiao He was desperately kneeling on the ground, thinking about how to escape the disaster.


The little boy yawned on the coast and lazily enjoyed his sunbathing. On one side are two fishing rods fixed in the cracks of the stone, and the father of the little boy.

The cool sea breeze blew the little boy's ankle. He lay half-sleeping and lie asleep. The body leaned against the plane of a large stone. The sun slid the stone half-warm and was the best mattress for a nap in the wild.

The scent of grilled fish gradually spread, and the sweet honey of the tempting honey is mixed between the fish and the refreshing aroma of the lemon balm. It was the little boy's mother, Igleian, who baked Arthur's favorite vanilla honey-roasted fish.

"Oh! Another!" Uther saw the line of fish shaking, and quickly closed the rod, hanging a huge squid. In a few moments, he broke the fish and disintegrated two pieces of fresh squid.

"Well, okay!" Arthur said in a cover.

"After cutting the fish, you don't feel embarrassed when you eat it in your mouth?" The father yelled and gave the washed fish to Iglesia.

"Don't catch it again!" The woman couldn't help but laugh. "You are not afraid to kill a lot of fish to destroy the ecological balance. Should you consider the problem that I will help you grill the fish?"

"Oh, sorry, this is the last one--" Uther has not finished yet, and another fishing rod is shaking again. In spite of Iglian's frown, Arthur rushed to lift the rod and catch a bigger squid, two feet long!

"Wow, this monster!" The little boy pulled the fish ashore with the help of his father, only to realize how big the fish was: it was almost as high as Arthur!

"Hey, you must be kidding me!" Iglian looked silly, she wants to grill such a huge monster? !

"Where, sorry, this is the last one." Uther smiled and cut the fish. "This is the fish that Arthur caught. You will bake it and eat it, right?"

"Okay," although reluctant, the woman still did. This is the first fish her son caught today. How can she grill the fish without cherishing it?

The family is also happy to eat grilled fish, and spend a quiet day in this windy day.

The little boy is eating fish, with sweet and sour lemon juice, enjoying the breeze on the beach and feeling very happy.

"Aya Yaya Arthur sorrow and sorrow" a voice came from the distant sky, looming into the boy's ear.

He turned his head and looked at it, trying to find the origin of the strange sound.

Nothing is empty. In front of him is just an endless field.

"Arthur? What happened?" Iglian touched the boy's head and asked.

"Well, nothing." The child left behind the matter and continued to eat his delicious lunch. He is happy to rely on his mother and enjoy his parents.

This is a man he never wants to leave, [Heaven].

Greenville saw that no matter how shouting and shouting, she could not wake Arthur. She sighed.

The red curse has eroded onto Arthur's cheek, and it will not be long before it will cover Arthur's body.

All she can do is wait. or--

She reached out and touched the Holy Spirit drill on her chest.

When Albert woke up, he found himself lying on a bed of incomparable luxury. Although it is still a wooden bed, the mattress is made up of thick cotton and smooth cotton, which is very comfortable to lie on.

However, the feeling of foreign objects on the back? Albert remembered the change on his back: he had a pair of wings on his back!

The high priest "Jack" sat quietly. She took off her veiled hat and revealed her white leopard face, smiling at Ayr.

"You guy!" "Elbert jumped out of bed, but when he jumped, he found himself in full pain, so he fell on the bed again.

But his mouth did not admit defeat, still yelling: "You **** actually count me? What is your purpose?!"

"Calm!" Jack said with a smile. "We are sitting on the same boat. Everything I do to you is for your sake, don't be so angry!"

"For my sake? You have a pair of wings on my back, is it for me?!" The tiger boy is even more angry. "Let's fart! Give me back!"

The Snow Leopard girl has a hard-faced look: "The thing is a strong colony that has been completely integrated into your spine and can only be taken out after you die-"

"What?!" Ayr fired a slap in the face. He almost wanted to beat someone, but he thought that the other person was a woman. He couldn’t easily suppress his anger: "What awkward you can do after you call me -"

"You will be fine, I promise." Snow Leopard said with a heavy heart, she lacked the naughty when Ail first met her, and replaced it with a deep insight into everything.

Albert looked at Jack's silver-gray eyes and couldn't help but have a blush on his face. Then he refused to accept the face and went away: "Hey! The net will lie. I won't believe your ghost again - where is Bedieville? I want to see him."

"Your friend is a little excited. We will lock him up first, lest he hurt anyone. Don't worry, let him out immediately," Jack explained.