Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 507: Decisive battle in chaos (3)

Chapter 507 is the battle of chaos (3)

At the same time, Vivienne and his party came to a huge cylindrical room.

The large pillar in the center of the room seems to be some kind of axis for transmitting energy. The fluid energy from the lower power furnace is constantly rising, and the whole room is illuminated.

In this swaying room, a spiral wide corridor continues to extend upwards. At the top of it is the door to the control room, which is the final destination of Vivian.

However, a knight in red armor was in front of them.

Baggs, who should have died, was caught by Capricorn, infused with [the blood of Chaos] and became a beggar. His indifferent eyes could not recognize the people in front of him. Bagus in this state, even the brother of Kaus, can kill the killer.

Vivienne threw out a few sticky grenades without thinking, and the grenade was smashed by Bagus with his flame-knife, exploding, and the glue drenched Baggs!

"Successful?" Kass said. If you can, sticking to Bagus and waiting to save him will be the best result.

But how can things be as good as they can be. There was a burst of black smoke on Bagus. The magic knife in his hand launched a flame storm and rolled the entire Leopard into a hot vortex. Within a quarter of an hour, the resin on Bagus was decomposed by heat.

Bagus climbed out of the resin and prepared to attack, regardless of the burn on his body.

"I know that it won't be so smooth." Kaus looked at his second brother and scored two swords at the same time. He played two ice arrows and forced Bagus back. "He is going to deal with me. You must go first!"

"Don't be merciless. He is no longer your second brother." Paramitis glared at Vivian's waist and leaped to the wall.

Bagus was ordered to block all invaders, and he would not easily let go of the Paramitis couple. The flame-knife in his hand slammed out and raised a huge wall of fire!

He thought that Palamidis had to jump over the wall to jump over the block, so the fire wall was made very high, far higher than the height that the leopard could jump!

Paramitis is not over the wall at all. As a green knight, he can make his body change locally. He turned out sharp claws and a meat pad with a barb, and with this ability he could smoothly hook on the wall and climb the wall like a spider!

He began to hang on the wall and ran along the cylindrical wall! Bagus did not intend to let them go, sweeping out a few knives, and the fireball from the flames of the magic knife followed Paramitis!

Bump! The ice arrow quickly shot and collided with the fireball, eliminating the fireball attack. Paramitis has already run a long way in this space.

"Don't look around, your opponent is me, Baggus." Caos lifted his sword and attacked his second brother.

At the same time, Bedieville and Ryder are fighting the world's snakes in the power stove.

[The World Serpent's Golem - Jermaidgard] Like other ancient heritages, there is an outer shell that is almost impossible to destroy, and it must be defeated.

Fortunately, this golem is now reprogrammed into autonomous control mode by Capricorn. Without the driver, its movements were relatively rigid, and Biddiville quickly explored the attack rhythm and began to flee and take the opportunity to counterattack.

The world snake bites wildly, and Biddiville uses his body shape to flexibly avoid it. The madness makes the werewolf juvenile huge, the body becomes bigger but the weight does not increase, and it can adapt to the movement of the body by a little practice. His speed is still the same, his body is also filled with a large number of photons when it is huge, and it has a powerful explosive power.

As a result, the world snakes fluttered three times and were easily escaped by the silver wolf. Beddyville leaned to the left and let the snake smash from his shoulder. His arm attacked at the same time, and the right abdomen of the snake in a boxing!

lb! The world snake was shot and flew more than ten yards and fell to the ground.

But it was completely harmless and climbed again. is sturdy. Bedyville’s arm was sore. The flesh filled with photons should have strong defense and resilience, but the arm is hit on the world snake, and it is still scarred. Bediville saw that the surface of the opponent's body was wrapped with a barbed scale!

No, this guy is hard and the arm will be scrapped soon. The werewolf teenager dispelled the madness and instantly fell to the ground.

The snake has swooped again, its multi-section body is rapidly rotating, stirring the vacuum vortex to increase the attack range. In this way, even if it is gently rubbed, Bedieville will be hurt by the tornado-like vortex.

The world's serpent is like a tornado, sweeping everything in front of you!

The werewolf teenager saw this attack difficult to escape, and had to raise his [magic bow - the fire of Nale], with a full blow of the bow to hit the attack of the giant snake!

lb! ! The tornado and the shock wave collided together, knocking the world snake out of the tens of yards and falling heavily on the ground. But this guy is still unscathed, the material that makes it is a magic metal similar to Mithril, [theoretically unbreakable].

It is absolutely impossible to stop this golem by attack alone. Bedyville has been looking for opportunities to enter the cockpit of the serpent. But the guy moved very fast and there was no way to catch it. Plus it is now even full of barbs on the body, and it is even more difficult to climb the head!

"Beddy, let it come here!" Ryder shouted in the same place. There are several huge blue apertures beside him, which seems to be the entrance to the subspace.

Yes, bring the world snake into the subspace, and then close the entrance.

It’s easy to say, but it’s hard to do.

The world snake flew again, and Biddiville used the beasting technique to transform himself into a silver wolf, sprinting with four legs and barely catching up with the speed of the world snake.

He ran in front, the world snake stalked behind him, and under the guidance of Bedieville rushed to the blue aperture next to Ryder.

"Skip, fast!" Ryder shouted, raising the ring in his hand to open the mouth.

Bedyville passed through the aperture without thinking. While his body passed completely, Ryder also launched the entrance to the subspace. Originally suspended in midair, a transparent aperture, a black opaque film suddenly appeared, obscuring the view on both sides of the aperture.

Seeing that this film is going to be hit, the world snake demon is not an idiot. It still turns its head in the high-speed sprint and slides over the left side of the transmission port to avoid this trap!

"Good flexibility!" Bettiville exclaimed. Even he himself did not have the confidence to be able to make a sudden turn under high-speed sprint.

The silver wolf relies on four legs to run, and the world snakes have thousands of barbed scales, each of which can be regarded as a "leg", which is thousands of times more flexible than a silver wolf.

"No! It’s not enough to lead it. It’s not enough to force it to run in!” Ryder shouted, and the ring in his hand drew three apertures to protect his body in three directions. "You think of a way." !"

"Hey," Beddyville looked at the world of snakes in the distance. "Can we stay here? Isn't it better? It doesn't dare to attack -"

"Idiot!" Ryder roared. The distant world snake saw the two on the defensive, then they dropped Brady and Ryder, turned their heads up, and planned to chase Vivian and others!

"Oh, **** it!" Biddiville rushed over and immediately launched a madness. The combination of madness and animalization makes the werewolf teenager a huge silver wolf. The wolf bites the tail of the world snake and drags the magic image back!

"Give me back!!" Bettiville bit his snake's tail and slammed the entire world snake statue back into the middle of the room.

"Hey!" The snake twisted the body one step before hitting the ground, avoiding falling into the subspace entrance on the ground.

"Well, how fast!" The silver wolf flew out of the snake while he stepped away.

"At least it can't escape." Ryder had already closed the road up with a ring.

"Beddy, my [Time and Space Lord of the Rings] can only make three subspace entrances at the same time. The road closure has already consumed one, and only two are free to use." Ryder shouted. "Using these two entrances, grab the snake in."