Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 638: Attack on the secluded domain (eight)

Chapter 638 Attack on the secluded domain (eight)

"What's wrong?!" Hearing the commotion outside the city, Arthur hurriedly opened the window to see.

"Arthur!" Ivan broke into the lab and shouted as soon as he came in: "The enemy's army is attacking Brindisi! It is the Legion of the Necromancer!"

"What?" Arthur frowned. "Don't you call your body to be burned? Why are there dead warriors?"

"A rainstorm happened yesterday, and the body may not burn enough." Ivan waved his hand. "In short, the humans and orcs who died a few days ago have returned to the Necromancer. The number is about 200,000! We must Do something, otherwise Brindisi will be captured by the Necromancer!"

Arthur put away his weapons and was about to start the battle. Merlin stopped him: "Don't go! You should keep your physical strength to deal with the final battle of the world's wall, and it is not worthwhile to waste your energy in this place!"

The Cavaliers Wang Bai took a look at the Master: "What do you think is good?"

Archmage Merlin put his eyes on Ivan, and Arthur followed Merlin's gaze to look at Ivan.

"I, me?" The half-dragon teenager paused.

"Anyway, you are a knight with a gun. It won't be too expensive to play." Merlin smiled in disapproval. "Give you a good thing, use it to deal with the dead."

"Good, good thing?"

The mage sneered evilly: "Yes, good things."

Outside the Brindisi Fort, a large number of Necromancers are smashing around and fighting each other with the soldiers of the defending city.

These burnt half of the bodies that were not completely grayed out were disgustingly stinking, ranging from tall tigers to medium-sized humans to short-haired Romanesque foxes.

They basically have no weapons in their hands, they use a charcoalized half of their hands to catch them, and they bite with burnt and burnt yellow teeth, almost no lethality. However, because of the large number of corpses, the invasion of the Necromancer is still very threatening.

"Don't panic! Fight according to the scheduled Necromancer strategy!" Lord Duke commanded on the front line. "People who can use [Holy] are guarding the defense line in the forefront. The gunmen use special sticky bullets to stop the dead spirits. Attack! Those who are not equipped with both are aiming at the limbs of the Necromancer! The dead spirit that has lost its hands and feet loses its threat!"

As the Knights of Pantoraken have dealt with the invasion of the Necromancer several times, they have gained experience. Hall's Knights organized the Roman army's defense in an orderly manner, and even blocked the 200,000-year-old dead army with a lineup of thousands of people - temporarily.

A white shadow descended to the sky and landed beside the Knights Hall of Heaven. Hall thought that it was King Arthur, who wanted to salute, but looked at it in a close look.

"Well? How did you put a wing?" Hall looked at the thing on the back of Evan, a curious smile.

It is a pair of metal wings, the shape is similar to the wings of the eagle, reflecting the silvery white light under the moonlight - the "good things" given by Merlin seem to pull the wind, and the low-key and subtle character of Evan does not match at all.

"Please don't look at it. The shape of this thing is too shy." Ivan blushes and draws a double shot from the waist. "I am heading, trying to find the succubus that manipulates this group of dead spirits behind the scenes." Please cover me."

"Well, you are a gunman."

"I am going!" Evan rushed out, and in a few steps he rushed into the tide of the Necromancer.

The "wings" on his back are completely stretched out, but they are not in the form of wings. Instead, they have sixteen robotic arms, and each robotic arm is connected with a sharp blade, a "grinder."

Sixteen secret silver swords were waved at high speed, and all the enemies close to Ivan were cut and smashed to protect the semi-dragon teenagers from attacking.

"Remember, every dead spirit is controlled by a weak wave of spirits. The controller of the Necromancer must be at the intersection of this spiritual wave." Merlin communicated with Evan through the communicator, "You are on the back [ The butcher's golem] will analyze the source of these spiritual waves, and finally calculate the location of the succubus. As long as you concentrate on knocking down the enemy, the system will help you complete the next calculation."

"Butcher" Evan has a lot of words about this name, but he has not stopped, rushing in the battlefield, while not breaking the fire, "can not change a good name."

"Luo Hao! This accessory was not developed for you. Remember to return it to me after use!" Merlin snarled, observing the situation on the battlefield with the camera on the Evan backpack: "Be careful! Your left! "

Evan has turned and shot a light gun in his hand. The light bomb perfectly hit the head of the orc Necromancer who came from the impact. It took less than half a second and was cut into pieces by the knife blade of the butcher's goth!

Arthur stood up from the chair and was ready to leave Merlin's lab.

"Where to go? You can't play." The Master reminded.

"I know." Arthur pushed the door open. "I just went to find the support for the ignition. Just relying on Ivan, I guess I can't deal with the succubus behind this thing?"

Obviously, the attack of the Necromancer was from the Cavaliers.

Arthur walked in the dark aisle of Brindisiburg.

They purposefully attacked here to drag the Cavaliers.

The conspiracy behind it can be imagined.

However, how can it be that the 20,000-year-old Necromancer can drag King Arthur? If so, is Arthur too underestimated?

Is there any hidden behind?

The Cavaliers came to the medical room a few steps. The medical room is very quiet, in stark contrast to the war outside.

Roble's surgery has long been completed, and the tiger patriarch is now in the sterile isolation room.

Greenville didn't see anyone, and the entire hospital room left the tiger boy, Albert, in the drip.

"Is it lazy here?" King Arthur entered the medical room.

Ayr was watching every move outside the window, seeing Arthur come in, and glanced at the Cavaliers. After a glance, I turned my head and continued to observe the big battle outside the window.

"Do not worry, it is not the orc who attacked, it is the necromancer." Arthur walked to the side of the tiger boy and set up a beggar. "There are 200,000 dead warriors. That is, the last battle died." There are so many people. Whether it is humans or orcs, these blood are flowing."

"And they are back now. How stupid is stupid." Albert replied absently. "After all, it’s just a group of idiots killing each other. There is no right or wrong, just two races vying for the ugly killing of living space."

"That's right. However, even if you know the essence of it, what can you do?" Arthur looked at the fire outside the city and snorted. "We are all weak, clowny creatures. Even if they are In the same race, there are often people who cannot allow each other to exist. Once there is a racial difference, discrimination and hatred are even greater.

Even if you are still wondering, is there really a way to solve this, let the two races that were originally hugely different put aside the prejudice and understand each other? "

Albert listened quietly, and his thoughts flashed in his mind when he was occupied by Bedyville and remembered with Arthur.

"Why, you can become a friend with Brady, then a good friend?" the tiger boy whispered. "What makes you abandon the prejudice of the race and become a friend?"

The Cavaliers did not say anything. In retrospect, this is indeed a miracle.

They just met each other and gradually walked on the same road. Gradually, there was a deep embarrassment.

what the hell. It seems difficult, but things are very simple.

People who are willing to treat each other with sincerity can understand each other. Race, skin color, beliefs, ideas, and cultural differences are not really big problems.

The question is, do you have a hand that extends to the other party first.

The moment Arthur first reached out to Bedieville, they had established a connection to fate.

King Arthur, who suddenly realized it, took a deep breath and stood upright. He solemnly extended his right hand to Albert: "Child, let's make friends."

"Hey, what?"

"Let's make friends. Just hold your hand. This is the beginning of everything."

The white tiger looked at the Cavalier King in confusion, but there was doubt and disdain in his eyes: "You are just taking the form"

"What about it?" Cavalier smiled. "If you don't even go this way, how can you show my sincerity to make friends with you? Are you willing to make friends with someone who doesn't want to shake hands with you?"

The logic of the Tigers can not help but be confused, but he can vaguely feel that King Arthur is right. Arthur did not claim to use "朕" in front of Ayr, but used "I" to lower his value. The Cavaliers only speak to relatives and friends.

Still with doubts, Albert also involuntarily reached out and held it with the Cavalier's hand.

At the moment of shaking hands, Arthur stepped up his grip on Ayr's tiger's paw, scaring Albert to almost retreat.

"Oh, it's very soft. It really is a cat," said Arthur.

"You!" Ayr still wants to say something, but he saw King Arthur laughing, and the tiger boy couldn't help but laughed softly. "Okay, I am jealous. What is it? It's good."

Arthur took a smile and let go: "Not enough for Brady's dog's paw. His dog's paw is more interesting to hold."

"I can't compliment." Elbert shook his head desperately. "The kid's hand is super sweaty."

After the speech, two laughter broke out at the same time.

After the laughter came silent, Ayr glanced at the window of the war. "This war is really annoying. If we don't have to fight, it would be fine. If there is more sunshine in the dark area, if the world is If the wall does not exist from the beginning, then it will be fine."

The tiger boy at the moment is just complaining.

The Cavaliers have listened to everything in their hearts. He is really listening to his friends, so he will remember an unintentional complaint.

This unintentional complaint is the essence of this war, the key to fighting humans and orcs.

If the wall of the world does not exist from the beginning, it will be a peaceful world.

If the sun shines on the dark continent, then all problems will be solved.

"You are a genius, child." Arthur smiled and patted Albert's shoulder. "Perhaps there is really a way to stop it. Maybe it's not too late. Wait for me to take a meal, from After the return of the world wall, we are discussing the countermeasures for this matter."

"What are you?!" Albert was confused by Arthur.

"Oh, don't care." The Cavaliers took out the sword. "This war is also awkward. Let's deal with it first. Although I did, Merlin was not happy."

He spread his wings and flew out of the castle's window.

"Hey, wait!" Ayr wants to stop Arthur, but the Cavaliers have already flown out a dozen yards away.

"Don't leave me alone!" Albert saw the other person's figure and saw it, and he was at a loss.

Are you going to help, or are you here to be honest?

The opponent is not a human being, not an orc, but a group of necromancers.

Dealing with these dead spirits will not violate their original intention to pursue peace.

So why not?

Arthur also said that if he is a friend, he must show his sincerity.

Although self-knowledge is a dull, weak, immature imp, there must be somewhere, and Albert can help.

The tiger-man teenager jumped out of the window without much thought. He stretched his white wings and flew to the battlefield.

This is the first time he has not followed the tide, but he has chosen his own destiny based on his own will.