Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 659: Awakening to the source of sin (9)

Chapter 69 Awakening to the Source of Crime (9)

At the same time, he was strangled by the tentacle, and Ivan was already dying.

La la la la la la la la - the half-dragon boy's throat is on the edge of tearing, with a dangerous sound!

Motivate and nourish! A large amount of anesthetic venom was injected into the limbs of Ivan from the tentacles, and the venom was splashed and landed on the ground to corrode the ground, giving off a horrible sound.

(No, if you go on like this -)

"Hahahaha! This body is mine!" Boken's head smiled insidiously, and the tentacles below his neck squirmed horror.

Everything rests! Evan has been unable to struggle, and can only wait desperately for the body to be encroached!

Hey! What has been shot.

That radiant bullet accurately shot through the back of Boken's head and opened an anxious hole in the monster's head!

Hey. The light bullets fell like raindrops and instantly smashed the monster's head.

Once upon a time, the eagle-eyed Boken, the sniper who once killed so many people, actually died without a glory.

Those who burst into the head are also exploding. It's just that simple truth.

The dead monster lost its power, and the tentacles did not entangle the Evan again.

"Oh!" The half-dragon boy squatted on the ground, exhausted the last force to break the tentacles on his neck, and then gasped with a big mouth. His face has turned dark black because of lack of oxygen, and it will die in a few seconds after lack of oxygen!

"Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh." He turned and gasped as he gasped, lying on the ground, trying to see who saved himself.

"Are you alright?!" Constance on the silver screen shouted.

"[Silver Shadow]? Constantine?" The Half Dragon Boy slowly got up. Boken's neurotoxins made him all over the body, and the action was very difficult.

"The spacecraft is finally fixed, are you going to come up?" Constance shouted, and at the same time he had manipulated the spacecraft and extended a robotic arm to Ivan.

At the same time, the confrontation between Archmage Merlin and the Enchanted Ellie also entered the final stage.

The Dark Giants waved their right fist toward the giant of the fire element, and the power of the dark straight punch is boundless!

The fire element waved up one, the palm of the flame unloaded the opponent's attack, while the other palm shot! The oncoming scorpion flame can burn people!

The dark spirit giant waved his left arm and turned his arm into a wall of smoke, which separated the heat of the flame!

"Oh, really stupid!" Ellie smiled, the moment of the fire element's fist running through the smoke wall, the dark left hand turned into a giant mouth, a tear, biting the arm of the fire element giant!

"Since you want," Merlin also sneered, holding up the staff and commanding: "Give you a favor!"

The hand of the giant element of the fired element is instantly condensed into a fireball, and under the command of the Archmage, a powerful explosion is induced!

Bang! ! The explosion smashed the half of the Dark Giant, and even Ali, who held the tin cane to manipulate the dark spirit, was not spared and was burned with half of his face.

"呜" Ellie turned to the burn, and the camouflage on her face fell off a lot.

When I saw the face of the disguised face, Merlin was stiff.

He knows the master of this face.

"Pan Pandora?!" The Archmage exclaimed, his voice with surprise and mourning.

"Who is Pandora? I don't know." Ellie sneered, and since the other side was stunned, it was a good time for her to counterattack. She manipulated the dark spirit and waved dozens of punches at the giant of the fire element!

Hey! The dark giant punches the fire element apart and turns it into an indescribable flame. The sparks that splashed everywhere also fell on Master Merlin's body, burning the mage's shoulders, hair, and left foot.

"Hey!" Merlin immediately gave himself a vacuum, and the low pressure rolled over, and the fire on the Master immediately went out.

"That looks can't be wrong!" Merlin still screamed unrelentingly: "You really don't recognize me, Pandora?! It's me, Prometheus!"

Ellie was a doubt, and then a sneer. She reached out and pulled off the camouflage skin on her face, showing the appearance of her glamorous woman.

"Is this face really like Pandora?" She smiled wickedly. "I am sorry, I am an artificial man created by Queen Morgan with copying technology. Who is this original owner of this face, I am not You know, you can only ask Queen Morgan to kneel down!"

"Morgan really has had contact with Pandora." - "Merlin has returned to the original calm," well, now you don't know anything, it's useless to keep you - go to hell!"

Merlin, who moved the real thing, released his own spirit from it.

The light of Merlin floats in the air, and instantly penetrates into the giant of the fire element, and fits with the fire element created by himself.

Instead of relying on magic to control the elements of fire, Merlin himself "dressed" the body of the giant of fire, turning himself into the embodiment of the flame!

"Oh, I can still play like this." Ellie burst into laughter and her body changed.

The green knight's body turned into a pool of black mucus, instantly entangled with the dark giant. It became the bones and flesh of the dark giant, and manipulated the darkness from the inside!

Flame incarnation against the dark incarnation! The two violently punched each other, obviously a giant of thirty feet, but they all fought at an alarming speed!

"Simple melee--" Ellie’s voice came from the dark incarnation. "I have been trained by regular knights. How can you win me with a magician who never played in person!"

A fist slammed on the face of the flame incarnation, and flew it out dozens of yards!

"Well," the flames of the incarnation climbed from the ground, and the huge hollow on the face was immediately filled with flames and instantly repaired.

"Do you think that I have crossed so many time and space, just to practice magic?" Merlin's voice came from the flames of the incarnation, "Quiver, stupid human!"

The flame incarnation instantly changes a huge flame sword. The 30-foot-long sword has a blazing glory that makes it impossible to look directly!

"The trembling is you, the **** of the old generation!" Ellie also changed the huge dark sword, the dark matter is tightly combined at a very high concentration, looks like some kind of dark crystal.

"The times are constantly improving. You old gods can't avoid the fate of being eliminated! Look at it, your flame sword can't win my dark sword! You can't lose the hardness!"

"We are walking." The flames of the incarnation rushed to the opponent, and the flame sword stabbed straight!

"Death!" Ellie also waved the dark sword and stabbed out!

The swords of the two swords collide and break each other, offsetting the hardness and strength of the other side! !

Oh! ! After the fight, Merlin’s Flame Sword smashed the Dark Sword and pierced the chest of the Dark Incarnation!

"How come!" Ellie’s voice came from the core of the darkness, with infinite doubts.

"By the flames, of course you can't win you." Merlin's voice was transmitted from the flames of the incarnation, passed through a solid to the darkened body, and echoed in the dark spirit.

"But, from countless time and space, I will continue to grow."

It is not just the flame that breaks the dark sword.

In the process of fighting, Merlin continually secretly collected the sand on the ground, blending in his own flame body, and changing a crystal-hard bracket under high temperature and high pressure!

He took out the flame sword, there are tens of thousands of flames outside, and there are hard and sharp crystals inside.

Under the attack of this double structure, the Dark Sword is hard to be the front!

The crystal that pierces into the darkened body is super-vibrating. The flame of the Great Flame also envelops the dark incarnation from the outside.

High heat burning, the power of overclocking vibration affects the dark avatar at the same time, and quickly breaks down the dark child!

"No! No--" Ellie screamed desperately, dying in the midst of great pain.

"Ah, hahaha, lie to you." The dark incarnation sneered sneer, raised his hand to launch the magic, and fired a few dark arrows at the body that Merlin "disengaged"!

"What?!" The flames of the avatar quickly reached out to fish those dark arrows. The hardness of the arrow exceeded his imagination, directly penetrating the palm of the flame incarnation, and continued to shoot toward Merlin's body!

"Damn!" The light spirit had to escape from the flames of the incarnation and flew to his body. At the moment he returned to his body, the dark dart also came on his face, only one foot away from Merlin!

The Archmage struggled to the left and slammed, and barely avoided the attack of the dark dart! The dark dart left a scar on the mage's leg, and nothing else.

However, the flame incarnation that lost control also lost the opportunity, and the dark avatar suddenly slammed back!

"I won, Master!" Alice's laughter came from the air.

"Oh, not necessarily." Merlin sneered with a wand and detonated the flames.

Bang! ! The flame sweeps everything and completely engulfs the Dark Giant! It even shakes the megalithic column and makes Arthur, who is fighting in the lift, feel a sway! The lift resumes work and continues to rise!

"What?!" Arthur's moment of distraction, the dark beam of light has already passed through Arthur's golden sword light, slamming against the Cavaliers!

"It's time to send you to the West, Knight King!" Uther shouted viciously, and strengthened the intensity of the attack.

Worse, it will be overwhelmed by the momentum! Arthur is not feeling deeply, his [third miracle] effect is about to pass!

"Hey!!" A scream rang, a white light flew out of the crown of the Holy Spirit, turned into the form of the Holy Spirit White Phoenix, and smashed into the past!

"Don't get in the way!" Uther opened his mouth and spit out the dark flame to drive away the Holy Spirit White Phoenix.

The white phoenix flutters dexterously, avoiding the flame attack, and hitting the green knight Uther! Once hit, the white phoenix immediately turned into a white flame, igniting the green knight!

"Wow, ah!" Uther, who was burned by the flames, screamed and distracted.

Arthur saw the time has come, concentrated the last strength, and made a full blow! !

The huge golden photon torrent, overshadowed the darkness and completely annihilated the black knight!

After the golden light, only the greener knight who fell to the ground could not be left.

The golden light purifies the dark body in the emerald knight, and the green knight who lost power has gone.

Even if the other party has endless dark power, Arthur still wins!