Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 669: Awakening to the source of sin (19)

Chapter 669 Awakening to the Source of Crime (19)

Not waiting for the reason why the Grand Duke of Hall asked more questions. Ayr has already attacked with a sword.

The magic sword Til's front in his hand is absolutely impossible to defend. A magic sword that can be cut even in space. Halls who know this can only control Wallace dodge.

Fortunately. The ability of the Golden Lion is to control gravity. It can float in the air. It is the result of controlling the gravitational field. Its air dance is much more advanced than flying. To control the movement of the gravity field around. Dodge the attack of Ayr. It is even more easy.

Albert, who was short of a sword, did not intend to entangle with Hall. He flapped his wings and flew north.

A few golden lights came. Prevented Albert from moving forward. That is Wallace's golden arrow.

"I want to go so soon. Play with me again." Hall sneered. Also lift the light gun. A madness to the tiger boy.

Albert escaped the oncoming light bomb. On the one hand, faintly said: "The old man. You really want to die."

"No. I don't want to." Hall whispered. His words are full of sincerity: "But I will do my best to stop you from being swallowed up by the darkness. If that is to be at the expense of my life, I will not hesitate to do it -

I will never give you up. and so. Please don't give up on yourself. "

There is such a moment. Albert's heart was touched by the words of Knight Knight. But he was quickly blinded by the darkness. No longer believe in everything.

"In any case, it's a bunch of good words. To let me relax my vigilance. Please come to more and faster chapters. Right."

People are selfish. People are greedy and shameless.

If it is not a relative. Talents will not desperately go to that point for others.

"Your rhetoric can't lie to me. Go to hell."

The tiger-man teenager raised a black fog. The horrible nano-level golem can erode life. In the face of overwhelming rush. Covered half of the night sky.

That cyclist will be swallowed up by the black fog. Hall patted Wallace's neck gently: "Get it done."

"Oh ah..." The golden lion screamed. Along with the Griffin, the gravity field centered on him changed.

A strong repulsion blocks the black fog. They simply can't get close to Wallace.

A chaotic troll who is proficient in gravity magic. It is the nemesis of Albert's ability.

"Oh. It's really a problem." Albert raised the sword. Cross the black fog and storm the golden lion.

of course. Was quickly escaping by Wallace. The golden lion flashed away. Immediately launch his golden arrow. Hundreds of fine-tipped fur arrows scatter to Albert.

Plan and draw. The tiger-man teenager raised his sword and cut off the oncoming golden needle rain.

"Hah." Hall had been waiting for a long time on the back of the lion. Waiting for Ayr to resist the golden needle rain. The moment of the flaws. Raise the number of long guns in your hand.

The weapon in his hand was specially selected to deal with Albert. Well-made long shots produce powerful kinetic shock waves as they swing. The number of vacuum waves that were shot was sharper than the tip of the original long gun. The middle distance can penetrate the enemy's body.

Albert flapped his wings to dodge. But his left wing was still impacted by several fist-sized holes.

He waved the sword and counterattacked. Tyre Feng split the space again. Leave a few black cracks in the air. The torn space is filled with the sound of a discharge. Form several black holes. When they are merged together. The void of expansion has to devour everything around it.

"It’s useless." Hall again ordered Wallace to make a move. The golden lion has another big bang. Generate a gravity field.

The black hole is wide open. Inhale the surrounding air. There is no way to **** Wallace. The golden lion is like a meteorite that is in the storm. Not affected by the frenzy of the world.

The black hole only appeared for a few seconds. It is annihilated in time and space.

Albert looked at Hall's ride with a cold eye. The power of the Golden Lion Wallace is indeed the nemesis of Albert.

It seems that this chaotic troll was born for this moment.

"Give up. Kid." Hall bitterly persuaded. "Come south to escape. Before the arrival of the monster, escape far away. No matter how tragic things you have encountered. You should not give up on yourself. Throw your life freely -

Death is the worst ending. As long as you are still alive. Everything will always have a solution. Wallace. "

"Shut up. Close your stinky mouth..." Albert didn't listen to persuasion. "I am not Wallace. I am Albert Robert. More and faster chapters please..."

He slashed his sword. But anger made his attack become unstructured. It’s just the level of a child’s sword.

"And my father, Rob, is dead. I was murdered by your human being..."

Hall avoided the attack. While waiting for an opportunity to fight back." Even Diana, who wants to talk to him, was murdered by you. Why..." The tiger boy reached out and raised a black fog. The black fog was blocked by Wallace's gravity field.

"Do we orcs are such an unforgivable existence?" Albert continued a violent snarl. "Do you have to be killed by your human beings... answer me."

Hall swayed over Albert's sniper on one side. At the same time, it also ordered Wallace to go away. More faster chapters please come. It’s a dozen yards away from the tiger’s boy.

"Is it the idiot of Cernas?" Hall probably guessed the ins and outs of the matter. "Kid. About your father. I am sorry. But -"

"You don't have to feel sorry." Ayr yelled: "You didn't promise me. It will protect Diana's life. When she was assassinated. Where are you?"

Even the promises cannot be fulfilled. I dare to cover my face and say [sorry]...

Also said what is [the Knight of Heaven]. You can't even protect a girl. Full of beautiful words. Actually, nothing can be done. What a sinister hypocrite -

People like you. Go to **** soon. "

A ray of light fell from the moon. The first time update fell on Albert's chest.

The bright white light was instantly polluted by the darkness. It becomes black in the general ink. Covered the whole body of Albert. And the body of the tiger boy. Then the black spots in the early north are completely eroded. Become a pure black tiger.

"Treacher. Just don't look at justice in front of me. Go to die and die..." The screaming tiger-aged boy condensed a huge dark ball 30 feet in the palm of his hand. Throw away at Hall.

"Damn." Hall saw the situation is not good. Wallace has been ordered to avoid.

The golden lion flew more than thirty yards. The dark ball has exploded behind him.

Bang - a fierce shock wave. A huge wave like a tsunami was set on the sea. Moreover, the Hall of the air was blown and the lion turned over.

Hall was shocked and threw it from Wallace's back. Flip in the air.

"Dead." Albert has quickly approached Hall. The hand fell off the knife.

"Not yet." Hall does not have any air-conditioning capabilities. But he grabbed a pike in his hand and slammed it. The vacuum wave that is played not only forces the opponent to dodge. Its reaction force also pushes the Hall away from the dangerous area.

Albert, despite his body being penetrated by vacuum waves. Hard to eat the opponent's gunshot. The sword in his hand has cut a horrible black arc. A serious wound was opened in Hall's chest. If the non-Hall escaped a good distance by reaction. The Sword of the Devil has already cut the Knight of the Sky into two.

"Oh." Blood sprang from the chest of the Grand Duke of Hall. Hall sees the situation is not good. Immediately put a momentum magic. The shock wave exploded on his palm. The wind blows on Albert's eyes. The tiger-aged boy closed his eyes and protected it.

Just in time for Albert's flaws. Hall grabbed the hand of the tiger man holding the sword in one hand. Holding Albert in one hand: "Fall with me..."

"Put. Let me go..." The black smoke surrounded Hall. The nano-level golem is drilled into the body from Hall's seven cymbals. Destroy the body of the Knight of Heaven from the inside out. Albert thought that this would scare off the opponent.

"I said. I will never let go of you again." Hall looked calm. That is the calmness of the deceased: "I have already died once. I don't care if I will die again. Wallace this time. Dad will save you."

this moment. Albert knows. Hall really wants to save him. Even sacrificing your own life. Also want to save Ayr.

Did not understand Hall's pains. The tiger-aged boy has been giving up on himself. How stupid.

Albert shed tears as he fell. The darkness in his heart is gradually receding.

The two were wrapped in black smoke. Falling to the sea. Hall struggled against the attack. Even if you can't beat Albert. It also prevented at least the integration of the tiger man and the [source sin] -

Or not.

A huge hand caught the two falling. They landed on the metal plane of the giant palm. A muffled sound.

" could--" Hall looked at the dark hand with amazement. Its five fingers are the head of the dragon. One by one twisted over. Evil scorn for the Knights of Heaven.

[Source crime] is five hundred kilometers away. This should not come so fast.

But the monster has surpassed common sense. It has one arm. It has extended more than 500 kilometers. Flying straight out. I caught up with Albert and Hall.

of course. It is looking for Albert. Hall can go to death.

The five faucets went together to the Duke of Hall. Wallace rushed over. Blocked in front of Hall. Bitten by the faucet. The faucet completely shredded the golden lion. Devouring. There was only one storm and blood. I drenched two people.

"Damn. Damn, ah, ah." Hall tried his best to pick up Albert. I plan to throw the tiger boy out of the monster's clutch. He has not had time to rescue Ayr. I have been bitten off by the faucet for half a body.

Hall’s only remaining sense of consciousness is constantly blaming itself. indeed. He is a useless waste. Even if you fight hard. People who cannot save are still unable to save -

Resurrected by fate. He was dragged by the flood of fate. In any case, you cannot defy fate.

The tiger man who was thrown into the air was watching the horror scene with amazement. Scared and shivered. Just when he thought he could not lose more time. He lost more.

"No..." Albert screamed loudly.

But everything is too late. Hall was completely shredded by the dragon. The food is exhausted.