Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 887: Guild Wars in Tianyuan (5)

Chapter 887 Guild Wars in Tianyuan

King Arthur frowned and knew there was a ghost on the phone: "Who are you? Why do you know the phone number of you?!"

"It doesn't matter." The sound seemed to be treated with special sounds, which made people guess: "Listen, King Arthur. I can stop the fire immediately, but you have to hand over the little devil."

When the other party said such a ridiculous transaction, King Arthur froze in an instant.

Some kind of scalp tingling spread on Arthur's forehead: "What are you?!"

"I can stop the fire, but you have to hand over the little devil." The mysterious voice repeated the words again: "If you hand over the little devil, things will quell. Otherwise, the disaster will continue to fall on you." On the other hand, there will be more people dying, and you will regret it!"

King Arthur's hand squeezed the phone so that even the phone made a crackling sound. His forehead is blue. His eyes are protruding, his teeth are gnashing, and his anger is unstoppable: "Damn guy, dare to threaten?"

As the head of a country, sitting on the Knights of the Great Knights, the Cavaliers who have supreme power, how can they be at the mercy of these ordinary people?

However, he is very curious.

In order to find out the true thoughts of the matter, he deliberately and quietly tested the other's tone: "What do you want to do with Hal, why do you want to get him?"

"Hey?!" The Leopard teenager heard the conversation on King Arthur's phone, not only a doubt.

"Not the leopard boy, the dog." The mysterious voice said: "Hand over him, everything will calm down. Otherwise, the disaster will be-"

Oh! The phone in Arthur’s hand has been shattered by the horrible grip of the Cavaliers. It turned into a large number of pieces scattered all over the place, seems to be to show everyone, let people know Arthur's powerful grip - fortunately, the battery did not explode.

King Arthur’s face was flushed and his face was terrible.

"Uncle Arthur" Husky looked at the Cavaliers with grievances.

"-Nothing, don't care." In front of the children, King Arthur tried to put away this terrible look, so as not to scare the child.

But one thing is already certain.

The guys who are secretly active, the goal is Husky.

Why is there someone who looks at this unidentified canine boy? It is yet to be investigated. However, if you look down on the origins of Husky, the information of these monks will naturally surface.

After making up this idea, the next step is to deal with the fire in front of you.

This time it was the turn of Constantine’s mobile phone. The Knight of the Round Table took out his mobile phone and was going to answer it.

"Give it to me." Arthur glared at Constantine and reached for the phone that was ringing.

"Your Majesty, please pay attention to the strength!" Constance reluctantly handed over the phone, fearing that King Arthur would crush the phone again.

"Hey!" Arthur picked up his mobile phone and immediately yelled in a strong tone: "Don't call again, you **** gangster! You can't agree with your request! You can't stop it!!"

"Your Majesty?" The other end of the mic came with the voice of the Knight of the Knights of the United States. He was stunned by King Arthur and looked a bit wrong: "What the **** are you talking about?"

"Oh, it's Ewings." Arthur's tone changed immediately. "Sorry, mistake you for being a gangster who just called to threaten you - what's the situation on your side?"

"Someone dares to threaten our King Arthur?" The Knight of the Knights, Euns, smiled ironically and said: "Things are all done. I and Nashan Zhuona acted as the captain of the captain. She is willing to lend the boat temporarily. We use it. [Ice Crystal] is on the way, please hold it again."

"You better hurry." Arthur looked at the institute that was swallowed by the fire. The building was originally made of extremely heat-resistant and impact-resistant materials, but it continued to slowly dry under the constant high temperature burning. Disintegrated.

If you don’t hurry to put out the fire, the entire institute will collapse. In those of them, the hope of survival will be even worse.

Oh! The submerged submarine ice crystal was exposed from the "water" surface of the subspace, and rushed to the scene at the maximum speed.

The little prince Calvin sat on the captain's seat of the submarine, and he looked like a sacred look: "The battleship is at the maximum speed, at full speed! The deep blue wave guns are starting to charge!"

Nasan Zhuona held back her smile: "Your Highness, your statement is repeated - the deep blue wave gun can start charging."

"The deep blue wave gun starts charging and the charging rate is 10%." The mermaid crew responsible for the operation said.

"Hey, so this is the scenery that my brothers saw." Calvin looked at the clouds and stars that flew around, and felt very novel.

"Well, it's a good deal." The Knight of the Knights, Euns, just finished the conversation and looked at it all on the side of the bench.

The technology of [Dimensional Submarine] is currently only in the hands of the Icelandic mermaids. Although the firepower of the warships of the Great Blaster is violent, it has not yet reached the level of submarine space. As a knight who is not a big one, Euns is certainly envious of this new technology and would like to get it.

Of course, the mermaids hide everything deeply. Even if it is the Icelandic allies, it is impossible to easily share this new technology.

On the far side of the ground, a pillar of fire rose to the sky, shining the entire night sky. Although it was in the suburbs, half of London's cities became red with the spark of the fire pillar, which shows that the fire was fierce.

The ice crystal number also stopped at the effective distance, opened the muzzle of the main gun, ready to launch a deep blue wave gun.

"The main gun charge rate is 50%." The mermaid crew continued to report.

"Your Majesty, the main gun is quickly charged, and your knights are evacuated to safety." Younes called again.

"It is already done." King Arthur at the end of the phone. As soon as Ice Crystal appeared in his field of vision, the Cavaliers began to command the people who were on fire to evacuate, and people had basically stopped the firefighting work and ran a hundred yards away.

"Deep blue wave gun, the charging rate is 100%. It can be launched at any time!" the mermaid crew reported.

"His Royal Highness." Nasan Zhuna clicked a button on the captain's seat. A control panel horse rose up and stood in front of the captain. The handle has a pistol-shaped handle and comes with a sight.

"Cool!" The little prince reached out and held the handle. "Can you launch it when you press it?"

"Yes, be careful to aim." Agent Captain said with a smile. Of course, this is just a child's words. The handle only controls the timing of the launch, and the operation of the aiming, the battleship system has been fully calculated.

"Oh, whispering." The little prince was very excited, as if he was really the leader of a ship, and he was carrying out a major task of life and death. He carefully controlled the handle to aim, and repeatedly confirmed that the aiming had been properly done before shouting: "Dark blue wave gun, launch!"

"Deep blue wave guns are fired!" the mermaid, who is in charge of the operating system, also shouted.

A deep blue light beam radiated from the main muzzle of the submarine and went straight to the institute of fire. This negative energy cannon, consisting of pure negative entropy, freezes the object to near absolute zero!

It is fried in the fire without hesitation, freezing the air and offsetting the high temperature. The flames are frozen and turned into countless ice sculptures with fluffy structures!

"Wow! It's so powerful!" Husky, who was next to Arthur, saw this wonder and couldn't help but exclaim: "The flame can also freeze?"

"Yes. The flames are only burning carbon particles and hot air. They heat up quickly and heat up," explains Constantine. "As long as the temperature is low enough, carbon particles or air can freeze." "

"It's amazing! The black heart doctor knows a lot!" Hal said.

A drop of sweat emerged from the frontal angle of Constantine: "You can't stop me from being a black-hearted doctor? - Your Majesty, you tell them!"

"Oh." King Arthur deliberately stupid. He looked at the wonderful ice fire in the air - or fire ice? - The fire in the institute has gradually subsided and the fire has been extinguished.

"The **** mermaid, technology is enviable." Knight King can not help but swear.

"Wow, hahaha--" The little fish prince looked at the institute surrounded by strange fire ice, and was very novel. His longing eyes were seen by his father, Eunes.

"Want to go see it?" The Grand Duke came to his son and asked.

"Of course!" the child shouted excitedly. Of course, he didn't know that this was actually a terrible fire. He only used it as a game.

Euns picked up his son and jumped out of the tactical deck of the submarine: "Kelberos!"

A huge three-headed **** dog came in and appeared on the tactical deck. The ferocious appearance of the **** dog should have scared the children, but Calvin seems to have seen this **** dog long ago, not afraid of him at all, and cheerfully greeted the three-headed **** dog: "Hey, small Kay!"

"Wang Hao!" The three-headed **** dogs also came together and smashed Calvin's face with the huge tongue.

"Oh, disgusting." The little prince of the fishman rubbed the dog's saliva on his face. "How did Xiaokai's bad habits have not changed?"

"He is a dog, and the deaf is a nature." Euns smiled and shrugged, picked up his son and jumped on the back of the three-headed **** dog: "Go."

Kelberross screamed, and the whole body fell into the subspace, carrying both Euns and his sons.

When he appeared again, he had crossed a hundred feet of space and came to the ground, behind Arthur and others.

"Your Majesty!" The Grand Duke of Euns took his little son and jumped from the back of the **** dog: "Things are done, are there victims?"

"Oh, it's you." Arthur turned his head and glanced at the father and son of Euns, and said indifferently: "You should ask, [Is there a survivor?]"

Although the fire was blown up, the situation was not optimistic. In that terrible skyrocketing fire, it is estimated that there will be no life.
