Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 950: Looking for peace in the heart (23)

Chapter 950 Finding the Rest of the Earth

The deep secret road oozes coolness, and an unknown cold wind blows out from the Kilimanjaro volcanic palace, as if warning the invaders. There is a great danger hidden in this underground palace.

Sir Cador read out loud:

"Now, the first place is ranked according to the average score: Group 9 - Bereld, Rogan, Hillhart. You can leave."

Gladiator Bereld, Archmage Rogan, and Viking Warrior Hillhart nodded to the examiners and headed for the secret passage.

The dead silence on the scene. Candidates are expecting their group to be named as soon as possible to start the exam.

After five minutes, Cador turned his attention to his electronic notebook and read: "The average score is ranked second: the twenty-second group - Faris, Bate, Moron. You can leave It is."

The godsman Faris, the poison pharmacist Bate, and the scimitar hand, Moron nodded to the examiners, and then walked into the Kilimanjaro Volcanic Palace.

Bedyville just understood what was going on. This is the "point advantage" that Kay said before.

The order in which the candidates start is calculated by the mean of the scores of the candidates in that group.

Bereld, Rogan, Hillhart, Faris, Bate, Moron, these guys are the first batch of candidates to reach the Kilimanjaro Mountain in the first phase of the exam. When they were assigned to the same team, their scores were much higher than the other teams, and the two teams were scheduled to start at the earliest.

And the fifteenth group of Bediville, because the Werewolf and Solar's points are very low, it also dragged the "chief" Tristan's hind legs in disguise, it is estimated that will be arranged in a very late time to start.

According to the current arrangement, a team is released every five minutes, and they are estimated to wait for one or two hours before starting. They are far behind other teams from the start, and the situation will be very unfavorable.

Do not. Their situation is not the worst. Bedieville looked at Albert's team sympathetically.

The Tiger team consists of three people, Albert, Elaine, and Chanel, and they are the final candidates who arrive at Kilimanjaro, meaning that the three are the tails of the crane. Undoubtedly, their average ranking is the 42nd - the team that was scheduled to start. In this way, a team of people will be released every five minutes, and the team of tigers will have to wait three and a half hours before they can leave! - God! !

Thinking of this, Albert was not willing to clench his fist.

Also, life is also, luck also. Some people are not lucky and have lost on the starting line from the beginning. What is the difference between them and the first three-and-a-half-hour gap? !

When the tiger was wondering, Cador had already projected the group data and the average ranking of the candidates with the electronic notebook in his hand, and showed it to each candidate with the stone wall of the cave as the screen.

Bedyville took a quick glance and only concerned about his companions:

Group 15: Bedieville, Tristan, and Solar (average ranking 32)

Group 1: Albert, Elaine, Chanel (average ranking 42)

Group 27: Paramitis, Evan (average ranking 15)

Group 37: Saifel, Segred, Modred (average ranking 35)

Sure enough, Bedieville had a tight mind and they were ranked 32, and at least an hour was needed to start the exam.

Tristan couldn’t lift himself anymore, and he lay down on the stone wall of the cave: "Hey! I will sleep first, and wake up after the time is up!"

"Sleep, my friend. I am responsible for standing guard." Solar is very tolerant of the rudeness of the fisherman prince.

And Beddyville simply sat down against the wall and took out the weapons in his hand to continue. He actually has nothing to do, that is, to continue to sharpen the wooden arrow, grind the knife, and kill time.

The waiting time is long and boring. But the more waiting, the more and more candidates were present, and they were all uneasy and impatient.

The team that is placed on the Echigo is getting into a greater disadvantage - not only the "thing" in the palace, but also the team that is starting from the front; the monsters in the palace will be less and less. Because they are all hunted by the team ahead.

But this is also a no-brainer. Who told them that their grades are not good enough for others, or that they are not lucky, and they are dragged down by the tails of the cranes in the same team.

But luck is also a kind of strength. The unfortunate guy will eventually fall under the important test and become a loser in life. Those who have both strength and luck will be able to truly climb the highest peak of their reputation and achieve the hegemony of the emperor.

Thinking of this, Bediville once again couldn't help but raise his head and cast his eyes far away on Albert on the other side of the cave. Tigers are not only far less powerful than people, but even luck is even worse. Just watching it makes the werewolf very sad.

About half an hour later, the round table knight Cador called: "The 15th place in the average score: the twenty-seventh group - Paramitis and Ivan. You can leave."

After being named, the Leopard warriors walked by their sons: "We have to take a step first, and you have to cheer."

"Daddy is cheering." "I wish you good luck." The two cats replied at the same time.

The Leopard Warrior nodded and, along with Ivan, stepped into the Kilimanjaro Volcano Palace.

"You seem to be familiar with the terrain here?" Ivan saw Paramitis walking with ease and asked curiously.

"Oh, I have been here once." The big cat marched cautiously with a long gun. In this complex palace with numerous martyrdoms in all directions: "Remember? Seven years ago, Arthur asked me to help Kay. I followed his signal and finally found this place."

"So, here it really is --"

"Yes, seal [flame sword - Revaldin]." Leopard warrior whispered: "And also the guardian of the sword - the giant of the fire giant - the wife of Kay's wife Fu Lei My home. Hey, now I think about it. The situation was really funny. I was ordered to come to Kay. I didn’t expect it to be chased by Fu Lei for dozens of kilometers, and almost died under her flame.

The matter was finally solved smoothly. Kay also got the flame sword from Frey, and even turned the hot beauty into a wife. It’s really gratifying. "

"But this is not the whole thing." Ivan interrupted Paramitis: "There must have been something that made this place a ghost, right?"

He slammed the wall of the palace, and his fingers were immediately covered with a thin layer of frost. It is hard to imagine a volcanic palace that was originally surrounded by geothermal heat and lava, which will suddenly turn into this cold ice cave. The variation here is absolutely not normal - too abnormal!

"That said, [Fire Flame Sword] finally how to deal with it?" Iwen asked.

He recalled the last battle of [Five Kings Battle] seven years ago.

At that time, Arthur defeated the Grand Duke of Palinlo, and there should have been no rivals, but he was chased by the ebony knight who had suddenly rushed into the venue.

When a person with a bad heart holds [Flame Magic Sword - Rewaltin], the magic sword will become a cursed form - surrounded by horrible black inflammation, [extinct magic sword - Ragnarruk (ragnarok )].

Under the combined efforts of the people, Arthur’s [Sword of the King] and the [Destroyed Demon Sword] collided and both broke. Broken into two pieces of the extinct magic sword (flame sword), was taken away by Kay and Fu Lei.

They deserve to have sealed the horrible sword forever, in a hidden place in the world. However, seven years ago, at the end of [Twilight Wars], Ivan once again witnessed Kay taking out the magic sword.

Or, he will take out the magic sword halfway, which is the hilt of the Flame Magic Sword. It was used to deal with a certain green knight under Morgan's hand, burning the stubborn emerald knight into ashes.

The hilt of the magic sword that Kay took out should now be kept by the Kay, and only the world knows where it is.

But what about the other half of the magic sword - Rewading's blade?

"What are you doing?" Palamidis knocked on Evan's head with a gun handle: "There are [guests] coming, we can't be slow."

An enemy has emerged from the intricate passages of the underground palace and appeared in front of the big cat and the half dragon youth.

This monster is grotesque, the whole body is composed of rocks and ice crystals - no, more correctly, its body is a rock of the same size as a human being, only the hands and feet are ice crystals. The wonderful monsters' hands and feet are controlled by some kind of magic, which makes the seemingly inanimate ice form joints and construct complex actions.

The ice that will walk is slowly coming to the Leopard Warrior and the Half Dragon Youth, and the arms are more varied with a five-foot ice blade.

"Mom!" Ivan took out the sabre with great temper: "I am not lucky, I chose the wrong weapon!"

The long sword he extracted was a weapon with ice enchantment. From the faint scent of the sword, it was more focused on freezing opponents when slamming. Of course, for such an enemy, which is originally composed of ice and stone, this weapon has almost no use, and can only be used as a relatively sharp blade to wave.

Paramitis also took out a long shot, and his Mithril rifle with a thunderbolt of lightning was very handsome. But its electric shock is not much better than Evan's Frost Sword - for this kind of insulated monster made of stone, it also has no use.

Although he has an spare weapon plug-in that can generate heat, he can't change it at the moment.

"Oh, it seems that neither of us is very lucky." Palamidis pointed the gun at the monster and prepared to sprint: "Well, just go on!"

The two rushed out at the same time and attacked the monster!