Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1060: Meat-eating girl

  Chapter 1060 Meat-eating girl

  In the early morning, Bai Youran woke up, stretched out, got up to wash, and went downstairs for breakfast.

   was eating, suddenly a figure rushed in from outside.

  Bai Youran took a closer look and found that the swift figure was actually Lu Ziyao.

  He rushed directly in front of Bai Youran, pointed at the phone in his hand, and asked coldly, "Tell me, when is this?!"

  Bai Youran looked dazed, not knowing what was happening, staring at the phone screen and seeing a video playing on it.

The protagonist of the    video is her. She is sitting in a restaurant, eating a table full of meat. After quickly solving ten dishes, she even asks the waiter to serve ten more dishes. The food is full of oil, but still relish.

  Bai Youran knows when and where it happened, but she doesn’t know why her appearance of eating meat was filmed into a video, and it was still on her owner’s phone.

   "Say! When did this happen!" Lu Ziyao urged impatiently.

  Bai Youran immediately replied, "It was the day you promised to accompany me to the amusement park and broke my promise. I was bored at home, took the money in your drawer and went to buy meat and eat..."

  Speaking, she lowered her head in shame, wringing her fingers nervously, like a child who had done something wrong and was waiting to be punished.

  The money in the drawer? !

  Lu Ziyao frowned. After a while, he seemed to think of something again, and he couldn't help but feel annoyed.

  He did put a wad of money in the drawer of the bedroom, but later forgot it, but he didn’t expect that Bai Youran would steal it and go out to prank it!

  No response for a long time, Bai Youran raised her head, observing Lu Ziyao's face, and cautiously asked, "Master...why am I being photographed?"

  A woman who smokes ten plates of meat madly, can such a weird thing not be photographed by the onlookers?

Lu Ziyao said coldly, "It should have been taken by other customers in the restaurant. Now this video, unknown to others, was posted on Weibo, and it spread across the Internet in an instant. It was reported and discussed extensively from what I found in the hospital. It only took a few minutes for the video to go back to the villa. However, the amount of video playback and forwarding has reached the point of one million, and it is still growing rapidly. This time, it will probably be possible with the entire city of B people. I know you!"

  Bai Youran hasn’t noticed the seriousness of the situation, and she shook her hand and said, "Don’t don’t! I don’t need so many people to know..."

  Lu Ziyao rubbed his swollen temples, feeling severe pain in his head.

  He didn't want Bai Youran to be exposed to the public's sight, and he didn't want to involve her in these disgusting disputes, he just wanted her to remain innocent forever.

  Furthermore, the higher the exposure rate, the more and more murderous things cannot be hidden.

  Bai Youran must be well hidden, so that no one can approach her!

  Sure enough, by the evening, Bai Youran had already become an internet celebrity, setting off a new upsurge on the Internet.

The words "meat-eating girl", "remnant-arm porcelain doll", "big-stomach girl" and other words have been ranking first on the hot search list, and continue to do so. No matter which software or website is clicked, Bai Youran's first post is definitely Bai Youran who eats meat. video.

  The comments on the Internet are also varied, with mixed reviews.

  More people question the authenticity of this video, it is bound to find out this meat-eating girl!

  (End of this chapter)