Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1069: We only have to grab!

  Chapter 1069 We only have to grab!

   made him wish to rush to Lu Ziyao’s villa now and take Bai Yuning back directly, only in this way can he feel at ease.

  Even Sheng Zhixun didn’t know why he became so upset after seeing Bai Yuning.

  In the middle of the night, unable to sleep, he simply got up and ran to knock on Gu Nanpei's door.

  Gu Nanpei was falling asleep in a daze, opened the door to see Sheng Zhixun standing outside, asking strangely, "What's the matter? What happened?"

  Sheng Zhixun emotionally pressed Gu Nanpei’s shoulder, "We want to bring Bai Yuning back, and we must get her back!"

  The man’s strength is so strong that Gu Nanpei couldn’t help but let out a pain, "I know, we will bring Bai Yuning back, but you don’t have to stay up at night and still think about this, right?"

  "I can't sleep." Sheng Zhixun was like a demon, and kept muttering "As long as I think of Bai Yuning, I can't sleep at all."

   Seeing Sheng Zhixun's look of sorrow, Gu Nanpei couldn't help frowning.

This scene, like five years ago, when I first met Bai Yuning, Sheng Zhixun also looked like this, as if he fell into a love-like obsession, just like Bai Yuning has some kind of magnet on his body, which keeps attracting him. .

  Gu Nanpei also hoped to bring Bai Yuning back, but I don’t know why, seeing Sheng Zhixun’s obsessive appearance, she felt a bit of bitterness in her heart.

  But she could only force a smile, patted his shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, you will find a way. It’s too late now, even if you want to pick it up, it will be tomorrow. Go back and get a good night’s sleep.”

  Sheng Zhixun let out a long sigh, and turned away from the back, as if he had lost his soul.

  Gu Nanpei returned to the bedroom and lay down on the bed again, but he also lost sleep.

  Sheng Zhixun likes Bai Yuning, right?

  The first time he met five years ago, he had already pursued her, and now he took her over again, that Sheng Zhixun...

  No, no, no!

  Gu Nanpei shook his head vigorously, annoyed that he could think arrogantly. Anyway, Bai Yuning had to be brought back. Now is not the time to consider the love of these children.

  The next day, Gu Nanpei was awakened by a rapid knock on the door. She thought that something had happened, so she got up and opened the door, but what she saw was an anxious face.

  Without a word, he took her arm and dragged it out, "Go, let's pick Bai Yuning back now!"

   "Wait!" Gu Nanpei was dragged staggered and almost fell to the ground. "Um...Sheng Zhixun, have you thought of a way?"

   "I thought about it all night, I must bring Bai Yuning back, but the way...I haven't thought of it yet..."

   "Unexpectedly, how did you get her back?"

   "Grab!" Sheng Zhixun's tone was determined, "Last time he deliberately delayed the time and hired a helper, we caught him off guard this time, I don't believe he still had time to call a helper!"

   Upon hearing this, Gu Nanpei was shocked, "Sheng Zhixun, calm down! Let's think of a solution!"

   "Think of a way? Can Lu Ziyao willingly return Bai Yuning to us? Impossible! We only have to grab it!"

  Gu Nanpei was forced to brush his teeth, wash his face and change clothes, and was dragged into the car again. In another accompanying car, followed by a group of black-clad bodyguards, each tall and mighty, like a black se who would fight.

   Soon, I arrived at Lu Ziyao’s villa.

  (End of this chapter)