Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1210: Irresponsible person

   Chapter 1210 Irresponsible Person

  Speaking, he stood outside the cafe, looked for a wall and leaned against it, waved to Wen Churan and Gu Nanpei, and urged, "Go go, I'll be waiting for you here."

  Wen Churan and Gu Nanpei turned around and walked towards the ice cream shop.

  The little milk tank waited boringly, took out his phone and swiped Weibo.

   At this moment, a scream came from my ear.

   "Help! Catch the thief!"

  He immediately raised his head, and saw a middle-aged woman lying down on the ground at the entrance of the coffee shop. A young man stood beside her. He grabbed the bag from his hand and ran away.

  The middle-aged woman has difficulty connecting, so she can only whine, and ask for help from all around, "Help! Help me catch the thief in front of you!"

  Little milk tank found that the pedestrians walking by her, their faces were cold, no one helped her to catch the thief at all, and it seemed as if she hadn't heard her at all.

The little milk can frowned and did not understand the pedestrian's indifference. At this moment, a policeman passed by. He immediately walked over, stopped the policeman, pointed at the middle-aged woman who fell on the ground, and said, "Someone robbed her bag, you Go and catch the bad guy."

  Who knows, the police waved his hand, "I don’t care, I don’t care."

  The little milk can suddenly got angry, "You are a policeman, how can you ignore it?!"

  The policeman sneered coldly after hearing this, "Hehe, the new little president of our country doesn't even care about this country. What am I going to do with these messy things?!"

  The little milk can was stunned.

  The police passed him directly, without even looking at the woman who fell on the ground.

  The woman lay on the ground and cried.

  Wen Churan and Gu Nanpei returned from buying ice cream, they saw the small milk can leaning outside the cafe, but they looked gloomy and depressed.

  Wen Churan walked over and squeezed his face, "What's wrong? It's been too long for us to be unhappy?"

  Small milk can shook his head, pointed to the entrance of the coffee shop, and muttered, "Just now, a woman was robbed of her bag by a thief, but there was no one willing to help her."

  Wen Churan asked, "Why are you unhappy about this matter?"

  Little milk can nodded, "She was crying very poorly."

  Wen Churan sighed, "My silly boy, in this world, there are still very few people willing to help others."

   "But...but...not even the police." The little milk can hurriedly said, "Should it not be the duty of the police to catch the thief?"

Wen Churan continued, "In this world, there are many irresponsible people."

  The little milk can was stunned again.

   Irresponsible people...

  After hearing Ma Ma's words, the little milk can can't help but think of herself.

  The police's duty is to catch the thief, but he saw that if the thief didn't catch it, he was an irresponsible person.

  How about that already?

  It is his duty to manage this country, but he is unwilling to manage. Has he also become an irresponsible person?

  No, no, no! How could he be an irresponsible person.

  The little milk can shakes his head to get rid of all the cranky thoughts inside.

  Wen Churan held the hand of the small milk can, "Let’s go, Ma Ma will take you to eat crayfish."

  Walking to the lobster shop, I saw a group of disabled beggars piled up outside the shop, and the manager was driving them away.

   "Walk around... Don't hinder me from doing business."

  The disabled group lacked arms and legs, so they could only shrink in corners and let others bully them.

  The small milk can pointed at the group of disabled people, "Hey, look, how come those disabled people become beggars?"

  (End of this chapter)