Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1344: Why is it in City A? !

  Chapter 1344 Why is it in City A? !

   knocked on the door, but there was no response inside. After pushing the door directly, she found that the bed was empty and Bai Youran was not in the bedroom.

  Qiao Qianai hurriedly searched for it, and saw that a light was on in one of the bedrooms in the corridor. He pushed open the door of that bedroom, and saw Bai Youran sitting in the bedroom, flipping through a photo album in his hand.

  Qiao Qianai was surprised, recognized the album, and immediately rushed in and took the album back.

  Bai Youran looked up at her, stood up slowly, and explained, "I can't sleep, so I just wander around."

  Qiao Qianai did not say a word and put the album back away.

  Bai Youran saw this and asked, “The girl in the photo is very beautiful, is she Mr. Ning’s sister?”

  Qiao Qianai’s back stiffened.

"um, yes."

  Qiao Qianai’s voice was a little panicked.

  Bai Youran clearly caught it.

  Sure enough, everyone knows about this, only oneself is kept in the dark like a fool!

  Bai Youran's heart couldn't help skipping a trace of desolation.

  Qiao Qianai walked to Bai Youran's side, took her shoulders, and took her out of the bedroom, "It's late at night, go to bed quickly, are you afraid of thunder, I'll stay with you for a while."

  Bai Youran looked at Qiao Qian'ai in surprise.

  Qiao Qianai explained, "Zi Yao called me just now, saying you are afraid of thunder, let me stay with you."

  Hearing this, Bai Youran's sad heart suddenly felt better.

  Look, the master still cares about her, not entirely just treating her as a substitute.

   Back to the bedroom, Qiao Qianai sat quietly on the side, watching Bai Youran lying on the bed.

   "Go to sleep, I'll be with you, don't be afraid."

  Bai Youran really closed her eyes and fell asleep deeply.

  The next day, the rain did not decrease at all. Bai Youran went downstairs to have breakfast and told her to send her back when the rain became lighter, but everyone didn’t know when the rain would lighten.

  After eating breakfast, Qiao Qianai let Bai Youran watch TV for a while, and then gave her a few comic books.

   "This is what I loved to watch before, give it to you."

  Bai Youran took it, and she didn’t know if it was the reason why she was sent under the fence. She had always been good.

  I don’t know how long it took, a figure suddenly rushed in from outside the villa.


  Bai Youran heard someone calling herself, immediately turned her head, her eyes widened, she couldn't believe her eyes.


  Yes, the figure who rushed in was Lu Ziyao.

  He has an anxious face, drenched all over, with water dripping from the tips of his hair, as if he came under heavy rain.

  Seeing Bai Youran, Lu Ziyao pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

  "Are there any injuries? Why are you running around? I even ran to City A?!"

  Bai Youran could not answer, so she could only remain silent.

  Lu Ziyao was anxious, "Talk to you!"

  At this moment, Qiao Qianai walked down from the second floor.

   "Ziyao?! Why are you here in such a heavy rain?"

  Lu Ziyao then let go of Qiao Qianai, looked at Bai Youran, and said, "I don't worry about her."

  Qiao Qian'ai took a towel to Lu Ziyao, "wipe it quickly, don't catch a cold, Miss Bai will not have anything to do with me, what are you afraid of, such a heavy rain, it is too dangerous for you to come over!"

  Lu Ziyao wiped his hair, looked at Bai Youran and asked, "Tell me, why are you in City A?"

  He was worried that Bai Youran was following him secretly, so he had to ask clearly.

  Bai Youran buried his head deeply, not knowing how to answer, and looked like aggrieved.

  (End of this chapter)