Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 284: Die like a previous life (3)

  Chapter 284 Die like a previous life (3)

  The more Wen Churan gritted her teeth and endured it, the more Guan Erya was unconvinced, she had to yell before she would give up.

Until dozens of silver needles have all been pierced into Wen Churan's body, until Wen Churan's body is full of needle eyes, until Wen Churan's face is pale with pain, and he almost faints to death, with big beads of sweat. Mixed with blood beads, she smashed to the ground, and she hadn't made a sound!

  Guan Er elegantly squeezed Wen Churan’s chin, and raised her weakly hanging head, “Scream! It’s obviously painful, why don’t you scream?! You can bear it like this?!”

  Wen Chuyin’s pale lips seemed to tremble slightly from pain, his breathing was so weak that he might die at any time, and even the drooping eyelids could not be lifted again. A small face was stained with sweat and blood.

  Every piece of skin on the body seemed to be slashed bit by bit by a blade, and it seemed to be consumed by the raging fire.

  Each nerve clearly felt the deepest pain, and the pain gradually became numb and completely lost consciousness.

  She couldn't see anything, she just felt that the whole world seemed to be turned upside down before her eyes.

  Guan Erya was angry when she saw a woman looking at her death as home.

  What she wants most is Wen Churan kneeling down and begging herself for mercy.

  Who knew Wen Churan was so spineless! You can grit your teeth to endure the pain!

  She just doesn’t believe in this evil!

Guan Erya directly overthrew Wen Churan to the ground, lifted her foot, and kicked her with the sharpest heel of her high heels. The kick made her squeak and rattle even her bones, as if she was smashing each other. Break off.

   "Why don't you beg me for mercy?! You beg me! As long as you beg me, I will let you go!" Guan Erya roared frantically.

  Wen Churan lay on the ground, motionless, as if she had stopped breathing.

  Until exhausted, Guan Erya stopped panting.

  She kicked Wen Churan with her toes. Seeing that Wen Churan didn't respond, she panicked.

  People don’t... already dead, right?

  In his prime, Mo sent people around to inquire about Wen Churan's news, while constantly looking for clues in his bedroom.

  She obviously came back and took her ID card and passport. What happened, let her leave these two things.

  Sheng Zhixun rummaged by the bed, "Four brother, your bed seems to have been moved."

"I know."

  He pressed his ID card and passport under the pillow, Wen Churan must have turned his bed.

  Mo casually glanced at Chao Sheng Zhixun in the prime of his life, but this glance happened to reveal the clue.

"do not move!"

  Sheng Zhixun listened to his fourth brother's scolding, he was so scared that he kept bending over, and he didn't even dare to let out the atmosphere.

  Sheng Shimo walked quickly to Sheng Zhixun's side, and reached out to stroke the metal decoration beside the bed.

  This is the entrance to the underground palace, but it has obviously been moved.

  It cannot be Wen Churan!

  If she got her ID card and passport, she would definitely be eager to leave. How could she enter the underground palace again?

  Who would it be?

   In his prime, Mo coldly ordered, "Get the director of the research institute over and let him extract the fingerprints on this thing!"

  Sheng Zhixun cautiously asked, "Four brother, can I move now?"


  Sheng Zhixun straightened his sour waist while oops, turned and left the bedroom. As soon as he walked to the door, he suddenly heard his fourth brother ask behind him, "Do you know where she is?"

   Looking back, he found that his fourth brother was talking to the air.

  Bai Yuning floated in front of Sheng Shimo "I know."

  In his prime, Mo couldn’t wait to command "Take me over!"

  Bai You remained silent for a while, before he said, "Sheng Shimo, I can take you there. This time, please be sure to rescue her! Even if you die, let her come out alive!"

   In the prime of time, Mo shook his heart when he heard this, frowning and asking, "What do you mean? She is in danger?"

   "Yes! Danger enough to kill her!"

    The update is over, go to bed early~ Good night~



  (End of this chapter)