Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 317: Sheng Shimo's feelings for her

  Chapter 317 Mo's feelings for her in the prime of time

After making a wish and blowing out the candles, Wen Churan cut a piece of cake and handed it to Shengshimo.

  Mo did not answer "I don't like sweets."

   Yo Yo Yo Yo! The birthday cake I made for him last year was so unpalatable, didn't he still eat it all up?

  Wen Churan directly stuffed the cake into his hand, opened his mouth and said nonsense, "Daddy, after eating the cake, my wish will be better."

  The man stared at the cake in his hand, and slowly took a spoonful into his mouth.

  Wen Churan carefully observed his expression, but saw that he hadn’t made any comments, so he couldn’t wait to ask, "How is it? Is it delicious?"

   "Yeah." Mo lightly replied, "It's very sweet... You made it yourself?"

  He seemed a little bit unbelievable that a little kid could make such an exquisite cake.

  Wen Churan triumphantly lit his little head "I did it."

  Sheng Shimo glanced at her, lowered his head and continued to eat the cake, his movements were very elegant.

  At this time, Wen Churan pointed to his face and exclaimed, "Daddy! You have cake on your face!"

  Moo reached out and wiped it when he was in prime, but did not wipe it to the correct position.

  Wen Churan grabbed his hand and moved closer, "Daddy, I'll help you wipe it."

   Staring at the handsome white face of the man, she was suddenly taken aback.

  Looking at him from such a quiet distance, it seemed like a long time ago.

  Looking carefully, he found that he had indeed lost a lot of weight, with a deep outline and no flesh on his face.

  In these days when she was away, he must have not eaten well and slept well.

  Thinking of this, Wen Churan's heart ached.

  Looking at the cream on his cheeks, she twitched her head, pouting her mouth directly, dropped a kiss on his cheek, and then rolled her tongue out, licking the cream on his cheek cleanly.

  The man's back became stiff.

  Wen Chu dyed a Ji Ling, retracted his head, and just hit the man’s surprised gaze.

  She immediately grinned and concealed her embarrassment with a smile "Okay, now it's clean..."

   Ke Shengshimo always looked at her with cold eyes, his eyes exuding keen light, as if he was prying into the secrets deep in her heart.

  Wen Churan was afraid that men would be held accountable, and hurriedly pointed to the carton full of gifts, and changed the topic "Daddy, these... are these all your birthday presents?"

  Sheng Shimo only then faintly withdrew his gaze, staring at the gift in the carton, and gave a hmm.

   "Who gave it, Aunt Wen Churan?"

The man took out an old doll from the carton, and suddenly he smiled. "This was given by her on my tenth birthday. Everyone gave pens and poetry collections, but she gave me a doll. And this Shirt…"

  He took out a yellowed white shirt from the cardboard box. "This is the first time she got to work in Shengshi, she gave me. She said, I hope I can work hard, make money, and marry her home soon..."

  These childish speeches still sound laughable nowadays, and there is a touch of sadness invisibly.

  After returning to the room, Wen Churan rolled on the bed, "Ahhhhhhh! I was so stupid just now..."

  Bai Youning lay lazily on the side, her dog's legs stretched out straight, "What are you doing? Blushing like a tomato!"

After Wen Churan stopped rolling, he lay down on the bed in a daze, sighing, "My head is about to explode, you say...what kind of feelings did Mo feel for me in prime of life? I really can't see him more and more. !"

  Bai Yuning rolled a dog's eyes, and silently complained about low EQ.

  But she could not say clearly that in order for Wen Churan to live well, she would rather Wen Churan misunderstand Shengshimo all the time.

   There are still updates, please wait~

     The "father-daughter" relationship is getting closer and closer~ 噗嗤~

     ask for a ticket~



  (End of this chapter)