Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 374: Stepmother of the little girl

  Chapter 374 The little girl's stepmother

When Wen Churan woke up, she found herself lying alone in a strange room.

  She got up from the bed in a daze, stepped on the soft carpet with her feet, and carefully looked around the strange room.

  Pink sheets, pink desks, pink sofas, even pink wallpaper and chandeliers, all the furnishings are very delicate and lovely.

  At this moment, she seemed to be caught in a pink whirlpool.

  The dreamy room like a princess is dazzling.

What is this place?

  Wen Chuyin's brain spins fast, remembering the big men who appeared before the coma, which is enough to show that she is now kidnapped.

   Could it be...that pervert? !

   Thinking of this, she immediately became vigilant, and looked at the room more carefully, but did not find anything suspicious.

  It seems...just an ordinary room.

  Moreover, the furnishings in the room are high-end but compact, which should be for children.

  At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open.

Immediately afterwards, a lady walked in from the outside, her head-to-toe dress was very luxurious and beautiful, she looked only in her thirties, but her face was very delicate and beautifully maintained, and her whole body exuded even more temperament. It is expensive and elegant.

  With a gentle smile, she walked towards Wen Churan step by step.

  Wen Churan was so scared that he backed away.

   Isn’t it? The pervert who stole her body turned out to be a middle-aged woman? !

After the lady approached, she smiled and said, "Yan Yan, are you awake? Your father is waiting for you to eat downstairs!"


  Could it be...

  Wen Churan suddenly understood.

  If she guessed correctly, Yan Yan should be the real name of her body. This pink room is the room where the little girl once lived.

  The lady in front of should be her stepmother, that’s right!

  But the problem is that the lady with a gentle smile in front of you does not seem to have killed this little girl!

What exactly is going on?

  Wen Churan's mind was muddled, but the lady had already taken her little hand and took her out.

  After leaving the room, she realized that she was in a luxurious villa.

  In fact, Wen Churan had already guessed it a long time ago. The body he used should be a small daughter who was born to a wealthy family. However, he was bullied by his stepmother and even forced to die.

  In the lobby on the first floor, there was only a middle-aged man sitting at the table of Nuo Da. He was dressed in a decent suit, his waist was straight, his expression was serious, and he looked very majestic.

  The lady pulled Wen Churan forward, "Guorui, Yan Yan is already awake."

  The middle-aged man named Guorui lifted his eyelids, looking at Wen Churan as if a blazing fire was burning in his eyes, and in the next second, he raised his palm and slapped the dining table fiercely.

"Bastard! I just went abroad for two months on a business trip and you became so presumptuous! Even if you ran away from home, you still dare to go to the Sheng family to recognize your father?! If you want to break away from our Mo family, then I As if you never had a daughter like you!"

  Only four words popped out of Wen Churan's mind-inexplicable!

  My daughter has been killed by your little wife. I don’t know if I don’t know, I’m still here to blame!

Wen Churan couldn't help but roll his eyes.

  Mo Guorui was trembling with anger, "You...what is your attitude!"

   Seeing this, the lady hurriedly came out to make a relief.

"Guorui, the child is still young, you are so fierce, and she can’t understand her. I’ll have a good chat with her tonight. In fact, I’m the one who blames this thing. I didn’t care about Yan Yan. Fortunately, I have already treated Yan Yan. After finding it back, she already knew it was wrong!"

    ah ah ah! Ask for votes~



  (End of this chapter)