Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 487: Love this kind of thing, you must say it

   Chapter 487 If you love this kind of thing, you must say it

  "Aren't they staring at me strangely because I was crying?"

  "They laugh because they find it funny, and you cry because you want to cry. There is nothing strange."

   "Then I can rest assured." Wen Churan fell into Sheng Shimo's arms again.

  The film is over, the music is played, everyone is getting up and leaving, but Mo is still sitting in the position in the prime, holding the little woman in his arms tightly.

  After a long time, Wen Churan in his arms muffled and said, "Shen Shimo, can you accompany me to the amusement park tomorrow? I want to ride the Ferris wheel."

   "Okay." The man responded gently.

  Night fell, and the moonlight outside the window lit up the originally dark bedroom.

  In the prime of time, Mo was lying on the bed, holding Wen Churan tightly, thinking of going to the amusement park tomorrow, so he asked, "Aren't you going to Shengshi tomorrow?"

  Wen Churan's head leaning on the man moved slightly, "Um...I took a leave..."

   Hearing her voice with sleepiness, Mo lowered his head and dropped a kiss on her forehead, and said softly, "Go to sleep."

After a moment of silence, he added "I love you, good night."

Wen Churan's sleepiness suddenly disappeared. She looked at the man's hazy face in the moonlight, and asked puzzledly, "Why do you have to say to me I love you every morning after waking up and every night before going to bed? "

  "Don't you like it?"

   "It's not that I don't like it, it's just..." Wen Churan couldn't tell the specific feelings, "I just feel a little strange..."

   "I just figured it out." Sheng Shimo explained, "If you love this kind of thing, you must say it and bury it in your heart. It's not a good thing."

  Wen Churan still did not understand.

  Even if he didn’t say it, she knew it.

  Like before, he never said to her I love you.

  In the early morning, when Wen Churan woke up, he found that Mo was well dressed in Shengshi.

  She hurriedly got up from the bed, "Why don't you wake me up!"

  Sheng Shimo, while tying his shirt buttons, watched the woman rush towards the bathroom, and smiled and said, "It's not in a hurry, it's still early."

  Wen Churan hurriedly finished washing up, and then gestured back and forth with several sets of skirts on her body.

  Turned his head and saw that Mo was wearing a casual plaid shirt on his upper body.

  So she chose a long plaid skirt.

   just fits into a couple outfit.

   Arriving at the amusement park by car, Wen Churan was surprised to find that there was not even a person inside.

   "What's the matter? No one came to the amusement park today?"

  The man stopped the car, walked from a distance, and held her head behind him, "Want to know why?"

  Wen Churan looked back at him "Why?"

  He evokes a smug smile, "Because today, I booked the venue."


  Knock! It's just an amusement park. Does it need to be such an exaggeration? !

   "Let's go." Shengshi Mo took her hand and walked into the amusement park.

  When passing by the doll shop, Wen Churan pulled him in again, letting him win a lot of dolls by shooting.

  After playing all the amusement facilities in the amusement park, the sky is basically dark, and the Ferris wheel has already lit up with dazzling lights.

  Sheng Shimo and Wen Churan sat in the cockpit together, watching the Ferris wheel slowly rise, watching the scenery on the ground become smaller and smaller, watching the fireworks in the sky, blooming beside him.

  Wen Churan's attention was all on the man opposite.

  That is the man she loves and only loves in her life.

    The hero is not dead.



  (End of this chapter)