Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 489: Why is it at this time

  Chapter 489 Why is it at this time

  Gu Nanpei hurriedly rushed into the wedding room, "Where is Mr. Sheng? The guests downstairs are all rushing!"

  Sheng Zhixun, who was sitting in a wheelchair, said, "I'm going to look for the fourth brother, maybe something has been delayed."

   are all in the same villa, what can be delayed?

  Everyone knows it well.

  Wen Churan suddenly got up, "I'll find it!"

  Gu Nanpei hurriedly stopped, "Choiran, you are a bride, how can you show up? I will go to He Sheng Zhixun to find it. Just sit here and wait."

   "No!" Wen Churan's attitude suddenly became very tough and determined "I will go! I will go personally!"

  Speaking, she lifted the skirt of the wedding dress and rushed directly out of the wedding room.

  There is a strong anxiety in her heart.

problem occurs! There must be something wrong!

  But why... it's just this time!

   seems to be telepathic, Wen Churan's footsteps stopped outside Sheng Shimo's bedroom.

  Intuitively told her that he must be here.

  But she suddenly lost the courage to open the door.

  Because she was afraid, after opening this door, he would not be seen.

   afraid that he has disappeared completely,

  I don’t know how long it took before Wen Churan took a deep breath, endured the fear in his heart, and tremblingly twisted the door handle.

   There was a creak, and the door was slowly pushed open.

  She saw the man's figure standing quietly in the bedroom, dressed in a haute couture suit, sketching his beautiful figure.

  More handsome than ever.

   Ke Wen Churan's eyes were red, and tears began to drop crazily.

  Because she saw that his legs had begun to become transparent.

  He is disappearing little by little...

  Wen Churan suddenly lost the power to approach him, so she could only cover her cheeks with her hands, crying and asking, "Why! Why is it at this time! Almost... almost..."

  A little bit, we can finish the wedding with him.

  How much she loves Sheng Shimo, she will know him better.

  She is not a fool. From the night he came back, she already knew that he was not really a prime minister!

   "You... I already knew..." The man who gradually became transparent did not understand at this moment.

  Wen Churan fell to the icy floor with a plop, and started crying loudly, as if a child was spoiling.

All her unwillingness, all her grief, all turned into a roar after another, "I know! I know all! You are only his memory! You are just...just to help him complete the thing he wants to accomplish the most in his memory! "

  In the story that Bai Yuning told her, there was a memory beast, transparent, full of scales, and three beast horns on its head.

  The memory beast will not harm other people's lives, it will only devour other people's memories.

   may be out of instinct, or it may be out of good intentions. Before digesting those people's memories, it will help those memories become those people's appearances and accomplish the thing that those people's memories most want to accomplish.

  As soon as the time limit expires, the memory will be completely swallowed by it, and then, in this world, it will disappear completely.

When Wen Churan determined that he was not Shengshimo, he guessed that he should be transformed by Shengshimo's memory.

   Staying with her every step of the way, treating and taking care of her carefully and tenderly, the sentence I love you before going to bed after waking up, the wish privilege of Aladdin’s magic lamp.

  Also accompanied her to go shopping for dinner, watch a movie and ride the Ferris wheel.

  Wen Churan lay on the ground, crawling on his body, humbled into the dust.

  She had already cried and became hoarse, but she was still screaming.

  "Is this the one thing you most want to accomplish in your memory?!"

    I said, the answer is in the book~



  (End of this chapter)