Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 557: Owner of the bedroom

  Chapter 557 The owner of the bedroom

  He is not even in the bedroom.

  Wen Churan went out to search, and finally found the man in the study.

  He is sitting on the sofa, holding a book in his hand.

  Wen Chu Ying said, "It's late, go back to bed, and see it tomorrow."

   "I'm watching it for a while." Sheng Shimo smiled and patted her butt. "You go to bed first, and I'll go back soon."

  Wen Churan was also sleepy, so he yawned and said, "Well, don’t watch it too late, I’ll wait for you in the bedroom."

  After speaking, he turned around and left the study.

  Just as Wen Churan left, Mo closed the book in his hands when he was in full bloom.

  Sitting on the sofa for a while, I don’t know what I’m thinking.

  After a while, he got up and left the study, but instead of walking towards Wen Churan’s bedroom, he returned to his own bedroom.

   Pushing open the door, it touched a gray area.

  Monotone style, you can imagine how indifferent the owner of this bedroom should be.

  The unique furnishings also show that person’s unique taste.

  He is almost certain that a man once lived here.

  Because I opened the closet, it was neatly covered with suits and shirts.

  Every piece is made by a famous international designer. Not only is the price high, but it is also a global limited edition. At least one of the same clothes can not be found in China.

  In his prime, Mo couldn't imagine what kind of man had lived in it.

   should be a man who hides deeply and kills decisively.

  After turning over the bedroom in the prime of his life, Mo found all things that belonged to men only.

  Finally, he dragged out a paper box from the bottom of the bed. There was no cover, but it was full of all kinds of things.

  It should be a gift once received by the owner of this bedroom.

  There are dolls, pens, shirts, and handmade works.

  The strange thing is, according to this kind of man’s taste, how can he receive these things that are not even ranked?

  It was also specially packed in the same carton, hidden deep under the bed, which seemed to have become the most precious treasure.

  There are still a few old postcards in the carton, which are fairly well preserved, but the traces are too obvious when they are often opened and read.

  Sheng Shimo was not a person who was so curious that he needed to spy on other people's privacy, but the restlessness that started from the amusement park forced him to stretch out his hand and pick up one.

Open   , and see that the handwriting inside is not only crooked, but even the sentences are messy, making it difficult to read smoothly.

  If it is not written by a foreigner, it should be a child.

  After finishing the difficult whole article, the content is very simple, just wishing the man’s birthday, and then confessed by the way.

  The signature is: Wen Churan.

There is also a cute smiling face painted beside   .

   Seeing these three words, Sheng Shimo's eyes and heart were stinged almost at the same time.

  Changed a postcard and found that the writing inside has become a lot neater.

  Exactly the same birthday wishes, but the last sentence says: Countdown to Be Your Bride.

   Signed, still Wen Churan.

  Opened all the postcards, what changed is that more and more beautiful handwriting, and more and more gorgeous sentences.

  The same thing is the confession of the affectionate section and the name of the inscription—Wen Churan.

  These postcards seem to record the innocent love that has spanned more than ten years from a ignorant girl to a bright girl.

  The uncontained love, with excitement and expectation, and a trace of fear and shyness, are all reflected in this kind of text.

  (End of this chapter)