Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 574: Ignorant, ignorant

  Chapter 574 Don't understand, know nothing

  Jinglan stopped the'violence', but did not immediately put down Bai Yuning, but looked down at Xun who was only his calf high.

   "She is my junior sister, I don't feel distressed, but are you in a hurry?"

   fiddled with her little head, grievingly said, "It is my bride for nothing, and I can't let others bully her."

  "The bride?" Jing Lan glanced at Zhenxi next to him, and then deliberately asked, "Do you know what a bride is?"

Xunnai replied milkily, her little face full of seriousness, "I know, the bride just brought home for nothing, and then lived with her forever. She can only love her for the rest of her life and treat her. Well, it can only make her happy, not make her sad, not make her angry, not make her sick, not hurt, and not let her be bullied!"

  "Love?" As expected, he was still a child, and opening his mouth was love. In fact, he was still confused about love. Jing Lan smiled silently, "You are just like you at this level."

  After finishing speaking, Bai Yuning put down.

  Xun immediately took Bai Youning and left, standing in the distance, wiping her tears while comforting her injured heart.

   Back to the bedroom, Zhen Xi couldn’t help but said, “You are not allowed to bully Xiaobai in the future, let alone beat her!”

  In spite of this, she said every day, but Jing Lan never listened.

  What should be played or should be, and what should be bullied is still to be bullied.

  "Master, can you hear what I said just now?" Jing Lan asked suddenly.

  Zhenxi was pouring tea and said, "He and Xiaobai have always had a good relationship. The two have been in love with each other for a long time, but it is normal. If I can make a couple when I grow up, I am naturally happy.

  Jinglan leaned a little closer, "Then Master still understands the like between men and women? Do you still think that my feelings for Master are just a momentary confusion?"

  Zhenxi's tea-pouring hand paused, turned her head, and saw the handsome face of the man close at hand.

He leaned in her ear and said faintly, "I am to the master like Xun to Xiaobai. I want to be with him forever. I will only love and be good to him for the rest of my life. If my feelings for the master are confused, then Xun Is the feeling for Xiaobai also confused?"

   "I'm talking nonsense again!" Zhen Xi turned her head away from the man's approach, drinking tea in a panic.

  I took a sip and was snatched by the man.

  "The child is ignorant of love, but the master doesn't know anything about it." He sighed first, then held the teacup, pointed it at the place where she had just drunk, and drank the tea.

  Under Jing Lan's constant gaze and blending, the contact between Zhen Xi and Qing Hengjun is finally much less.

  Even if he said a sentence or two occasionally, Jing Lan had to stand aside with a black face.

  After a few days in peace and tranquility, one morning, Qing Hengjun came personally and invited Zhen Xi to travel together.

  Zhenxi seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and she had dressed neatly in advance, and even dressed up a little.

  Master wants to travel, there is no reason to stop being a disciple, so Jing Lan changed a way, that is, asking to go with him.

  As long as you travel with you, you can monitor it all the time, which is better than staying in Shushan and working in a hurry.

  If you change to the past, Zhen Xi might agree, but this time, she refused with a strong attitude.

  Jinglan, of course, didn’t give up so easily, she was reluctant to give up like a child, and Zhen Xi was a little angry.

Seeing that the situation is getting more serious, Jun Qingheng spoke out to persuade him, "Little disciple Jinglan, this trip, Jun Ruoshui and I have something important to you. It is really inconvenient to take you with you. Don’t worry, I will take care of it. It’s as good as Lord Shui."

    Ten more is over, good night!

     ask for votes~~



  (End of this chapter)