Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 577: Unexpected result

  Chapter 577 Unexpected Results

  What if he doesn't bring it, isn't he still sneaking up?

  Zhen Xi felt helpless, and said, "You come in with me first."

  Jinglan was stunned.

  Can't believe that Zhen Xi actually invited him into the bedroom.

  Since what happened that night, Zhen Xi has forgiven him, but is still very wary of him.

  It was fine during the day, but at night, she would not allow him to approach her bedroom.

  Tonight unexpectedly...

  Jinglan almost suspected that there was a problem with her ears.

  Zhenxi stepped in, and seeing him still outside, she urged impatiently, "What are you in a daze, why don't you come in?"

  Jinglan is just waking up like a dream.

  As soon as he entered the bedroom, a brand-new ink robe flew towards him and fell into his arms gently.

   "Your gift." Zhen Xi said casually.

  Looking at the clothes in her arms, Jing Lan was a little flattered, "Master bought me specially?!"

   "Hmm." Zhen Xi replied indifferently, but her eyes were slightly flustered.

Jinglan was surprised and curious, and blurted out and asked, "When did Master buy it? Why didn't I watch it..."

  The sound stopped abruptly.

   Realizing that he almost missed his mouth, he stuck the unspoken words in his throat in time.

  Zhenxi knowingly asked, "Huh? Didn't you see anything?"

   "No, the disciple didn't see anything..." Jing Lan's eyes were erratic, and he dared not look at her.

  Zhenxi saw him look flustered, as if she had returned to five years ago, she couldn't help but feel a sense of abuse in her heart.

   then approached and asked, "You clearly said you saw something, why don't you keep talking?"

   Seeing the woman pressing harder and asking her every word, Jing Lan had no choice but to take the initiative to take the initiative, and she stretched out her hand directly and embraced her.

   lowered her head, pressed her ears, sighed softly, and smiled faintly, "Master, this is different from the past. If you molested me like you did five years ago, the disciple would not help but want to flirt and go back."

  The man’s low voice, like a deceptive one, always lingers in his ears.

  The root of the ears became hot and red instantly.

  Heart suddenly missed a beat.

  In a panic, she pushed the man away with the only remaining reason, backed up a few steps, and kept a certain distance from him.

   "I gave the gift too, get out!"

Jing Lan took the ink robe and left the bedroom contentedly.

  Zhenxi sat on the bed, the hot cheeks could not dissipate.

  Knowing that she was the one who took the initiative to molest her, but in the end the one who was upset became her.

  As he said, this time is different.

   is indeed different from five years ago.

  Zhenxi unknowingly fell into confusion.

  I don’t know what kind of feelings he will face with Jinglan, let alone how to respond to his feelings.

  Qing Hengjun said to her.

  She can no longer continue her heart.

  A few days later, Mingyue Jun came to Shushan again, this time not for a visit, but for the sake of someone.

  Who do you want? Naturally Jinglan.

  What are you doing? Naturally, I brought it back to my home for cultivation.

  Actually, it is shameless to be so blatantly important.

   But if you can get a disciple with extraordinary aptitude and talent, and cultivate it as a successor, it is really something you can meet and not ask for, and what a face is.

  Mingyue Jun is a disciple of Shushan's head after all, even if he created his own fairy gate, he still has no relationship with Shushan.

  Even if Jinglan is to go from Shushan, he will always be a disciple of Shushan.

The head of Shushan Mountain naturally has no objection, but it is up to Zhen Xi to decide if Jing Lan is a disciple of Zhen Xi.

  Mingyue Jun is sure that his senior sister will not agree, and they are all ready to return empty-handed.

  Who knows, the result was unexpected.

  (End of this chapter)