Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 712: Good fortune and fierce for the right

   Chapter 712

   "Miss Wen, are you okay?"

  The white shadow asked.

  Wen Churan discovered that the ghost in front of him turned out to be a servant in a white dress.

  It is strange to say that this servant who takes care of her will never enter her bedroom without her permission.

  But today, she was inexplicably standing next to her bed early in the morning, which shocked her.

  Wen Churan was still in a panic, so he stubbornly asked, "Is there...what's the matter?"

  The servant bent over, as if putting something on the coffee table.

   "These candies, remember to bring them with you."

  Wen Churan looked up and saw that there were candies on the coffee table, piled together in colorful colors, very beautiful.

  She nodded and responded, turned over and got out of the bed to go to the bathroom to wash. Unexpectedly, after she came out, the servant was still standing in the bedroom without even intending to leave.

what happened?

  Wen Churan frowned in confusion, "Are you still okay?"

  The servant shook his head.


  Why are you standing here when you are okay?

  Wen Churan was a little embarrassed, "Um... if it's okay, you can go out."

   "Miss Wen, I am here to accompany you."

with her? Why should I accompany her?

  It's not that she can't take care of herself.

   "Yes...but I want to change my clothes."

  The servant smiled and replied, "If you mind, you can go to the bathroom. I'll wait for you to change, and then accompany you downstairs for breakfast."


   Seeing that the servant had a tough attitude, and then thought that after all, he was sent under the fence, even if he had a temper, he would not have a good temper.

  Wen Churan could only grab the clothes on the bed, and was about to rush into the bathroom, when the servant behind him suddenly stopped her.

   "Miss Wen."

  Turning her head, she saw the servant walk up to her and stuffed a bunch of candies into her hands. "Miss Wen, don't forget to bring the candies."


  Wen Churan changed his clothes and stuffed the candy into his pocket. Then he followed the servant to the restaurant on the first floor.

  Perhaps because she found out the cause of low blood sugar, the breakfast was much richer than usual.

  Wen Churan was a little uneasy while eating, and when An talked to her, she just made a few perfunctory hum.

  An noticed her anomaly, so she asked, "Miss Wen, are you uncomfortable?"

uncomfortable? That's not the case, it's just that I feel a little uneasy in my heart for no reason. It's hard to express this feeling in words.

   "Since I woke up in the morning, my right eyelid has been jumping." Wen Churan pressed his right eyelid with his hand, but still couldn't stop it from jumping.

   "Everyone says that things are good and bad, Miss Wen, can anything bad happen, right?" Ann asked.

  In fact, like this kind of unlucky words, saying it will only make others unhappy, but Ann's temperament is always straightforward.

  Wen Churan's face became a little ugly, "It shouldn't be, these are all superstitions..."

  That's what she said, but she still couldn't help worrying in her heart, shouldn't...something bad would really happen?

  I hope not...

  The torrential rain outside the window, accompanied by lightning and thunder, crackled and hit the ground.

  The temperature dropped sharply, and Lu Ziyao added a piece of clothing to his white coat.

  At this moment, a nurse suddenly rushed in from outside.

   "Dr. Lu, something has happened. There was just a mid-level earthquake in City C. Because of the heavy casualties and the lack of manpower in the deputy hospital over there, the dean asked our surgical doctors to rush to the rescue!"

earthquake? !

  Lu Ziyao frowned as he was about to pack his things and set off. At this moment, a voice came from outside.

   "You don't need to go!"

    I don’t understand what happened to Sheng Shimo.

     The relationship between Mo and Ann in his prime, please read Chapter 744: What are you afraid of?

read carefully! read carefully!



  (End of this chapter)