Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 727: Third wedding

  Chapter 727 The Third Wedding

  The servant's inaction caused Wen Churan to be embarrassed, and was stunned in the same place. It was neither a moment ago nor a retreat.

   Seeing her begging for everything from a group of servants, Mo couldn't help but wrinkle his eyebrows in her prime, and suddenly shouted, "What are you trying to do, don't all get out!"

The roar of    was obviously directed at the servants.

  Wen Churan raised his head fiercely, then finally glanced at the man, his face was full of astonishment.

  She never thought that Mo would speak out to help her in the prime of time.

  Your Excellency the President has spoken, and he was so angry that the group of servants fled and left.

After the door was closed with a click, the entire cloakroom fell silent for an instant.

  The two were just facing each other, no one spoke, and time seemed to stand still.

  I don’t know how long it took, when the tie that was on Sheng Shimo’s neck suddenly fell to the ground, and the stalemate was broken.

   "Is there something to say." Mo asked when Sheng Shi, his indifferent voice was not mixed with any extra emotions.

  Wen Churan licked his lips with the tip of his tongue, but still had no intention of speaking, but walked towards the prime of Mo.

She walked to him and stopped, not too far or too close, and then, bending over to pick up the ground, after shaking her hands twice, she stood on her toes and wrapped her arms around the man’s neck. Help him put on a tie.

  Mo was slightly taken aback in her prime, a little surprised at her behavior, but instinctively bent her neck to cooperate with her.

   Looking down, the woman's way of tying a tie is very beautiful, and she is also very skillful, and she does it in one go.

   "Are you here... just to tie me a tie?" Sheng Shimo couldn't help asking.

   "Yeah." Wen Churan lowered his head and responded boringly. After a while, he added "and... congratulations."


  Sheng Shimo's brows wrinkled, and his eyes instantly became cold.

  Obviously, the tie has been finished, but Wen Churan still held the tie tightly in his hand, and did not intend to loosen it.

  She pulled her slightly, and Mo's head would be lowered at random, and her lips just touched the top of her head.

  His expression was startled, and when he was about to look up, a woman's voice suddenly came from his ear.

  "Do you know, actually...I have had two weddings..."

  Her voice is very low and light, especially pleasing to the ears, as if she is telling a long story.

  "The first time...he didn't love me. At that wedding, I was the only one who felt happy. Later...I finally waited for his willing marriage proposal. There is no bouquet or ring, only one song. What a pity..."

  The words came to here, and suddenly stopped.

  No one knows, that's a pity what lies behind.

   There was no expression on Mo's face when he was in prime, and his eyes were still indifferent, but his hands were severely clenched into fists, as if he was trying desperately to endure something, until the veins on his neck were faintly violent.

After a while, Wen Churan spoke again.

  "Unfortunately...he disappeared before the wedding could begin..."

  The woman's voice sounded a little choked.

  She lowered her head, making it impossible to see her expression.

  Did she cry?

   Just when Mo was secretly guessing in the prime, she suddenly raised her head, and suddenly smiled at him, her brows crooked.

  The smile is like a flash of light in the dark, like a beautiful flower blooming, like a spring breeze in March, blowing on your face, blowing directly into the depths of other people’s hearts.

  She laughed so dazzlingly that she couldn’t even look at her.

   "I'm still waiting, the third wedding." Wen Churan said with a smile.

  (End of this chapter)