Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 848: The milk tank does not grow up in a day

  Chapter 848 Milk cans don’t grow up in a day


  The fritters are completely speechless.

  Okay, let’s drop your love!

   Outside the venue where the audition was conducted, fans crowded with different actors came to cheer

   are all sister powder, auntie powder, milk powder, all holding up banners, the shouts are overwhelming, mixed together, but it is not clear what they are shouting.

  If you have to have the loudest voice than which fan, then it really must be the little milk pot family.

  "The milk tank does not grow up in one day, and the sisters do not get married in one day!"

  "The milk tank does not grow up in one day, and the aunts do not have babies in one day!"

   "Milk... the milk tank does not grow up in a day, grandma... the grandma will not... not die together!"

  嚯! So awesome?

  The fans from other homes were so shocked that they stopped shouting and began to look around in the crowd, wondering what the origin of this little milk can was.

  For a time, all the shouts outside the venue were the words "little milk can".

  At that time, the baby-sitter car with the small milk tank just passed by outside the stadium and drove to the underground parking lot.

   Along the way, posted by the window, listening to the strong support from the fans, the little milk can said that she enjoyed it.

  Youtiao said bitterly, "Little actor, you see, there are many people supporting you. In order not to disappoint those fans, you must cheer!"

  The little milk can snorted, which was a promise.

  As everyone knows, Shengshimo’s car followed behind their nanny car and drove towards the underground parking lot together.

   heard the call from outside the stadium—"Little milk tank! Little milk tank! Little milk tank race high!"

  In the heyday, Mo, who was lazy on the back of the chair, said with a faint smile, "What is the origin of this little milk can, it can be so big."

  The driver who was sitting in front of the car replied, “It seems to be the child brought by President Mu Cheng from Country E himself.”

  Hearing this, Mo's original indifferent expression suddenly changed slightly.

  Immediately, he turned his head and looked out of the car window, only to see those shouting fans holding banners with pictures of children printed on the banners.

Because the distance is too far, the child’s face can’t be seen clearly, only some outlines can be seen vaguely, but it is surprisingly found that it is just a vague outline, so perfect that it can’t pick out the slightest flaw. It’s hard to imagine how beautiful this is. Exquisite child.

  Small milk can...

   In his prime, Mo silently read his name, but for some reason, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

How    feels, even Sheng Shimo himself can't figure out.

  He became inexplicably curious, curious about the child's appearance, curious about the child's acting skills, and wondered what kind of child it was.

  Little You Tiao parked the babysitter’s car in the underground parking lot and wanted to get off the little milk tank. It was almost time to enter.

  Who knows, the little milk can was holding the phone and didn’t want to get out of the car, and shouted, "Wait! Wait for me to play this game!"

  Small You Tiao had no choice but to sit in the driver's seat and wait a few more minutes. If he did not leave, he would directly carry him to the audition site!

  Through the car window, Xiaoyou Tiao saw a luxury car stopping next to him, and then walked out of the car with a slender figure.

It was a man. His appearance was described by the word'extremely beautiful.' He was slightly thin and pale. He exuded a noble and elegant temperament, as if he was born with it. Walking on foot is even more fierce, just like A king who reigns over the world.

   What shocked Xiaoyou Tiao was the man’s face. On the one hand, it was so good-looking, and on the other hand, because of... that face...

  (End of this chapter)