Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 910: Is it true or false

  Chapter 910 Is it true or not?

  Yes...As long as he is still in country V, he will definitely be able to find her.

  Don't understand Mucheng?

   "Xiaoran, you better come back."

  He really didn't worry about letting her stay in that man's field of vision.

  Wen Churan sighed and refused, “The day I was threatened by him, I mustered up the courage to accept it. What is it like to be weak and retreat now? Mu Cheng...I have been entangled with him for too many years.”

  One time amnesia, two rebirths, three deaths, countless births and separations.

   "This time, let me break him thoroughly."

  Mu Cheng didn’t know what happened to her and Sheng Shimo. After a moment of silence, she could only choose to compromise, “If you need help, you can call me anytime.”

"it is good…"


  After eating the glutinous rice dumplings, the little milk jug took a hot bath contentedly, squatting on the bathroom sink, facing the mirror and smearing fragrance on her cheeks.

  "You said...Is that big pervert really my baba?"

  The little fritters standing behind replied "No."

  Small milk tank was surprised, "You are so sure, do you know what the inside story is?"

  Small You Tiao shook his head, "I don't know what the inside story is, but if Miss Wen said no, it should not be."

   "Cut!" The little milk can gave a disdain, and continued to pat her plump cheek with her little hand, so that the skin care products could be absorbed quickly.

I don’t know how long it took, the little milk can’s voice sounded again, still disdainfully saying, "You don’t know... I, Ma Ma, love to lie, but... I’m the least good at lying, what she said is true. The words are lie, but I can see through them at a glance."

  Hearing this, Xiaoyou Tiao was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Then...what Ms. Wen said, is it true or false?"

  On the contrary, the little milk tank was silent, and never answered, but smiled at herself in the mirror.

  In fact, at the beginning, he didn't believe that the big abnormality would be his own Baba, until he saw that Ma Ma tried to veto her, and there was a trace of lying on his face, he knew that there must be something hidden in it.

  So, he chose to stay, not for the purpose of making a promotional film, nor for his **** dreams.

  In order to figure out whether the big abnormality is her own Baba, I want to know why Baba abandons herself and Mama, and even more for Mama to avenge the bearer! his true dream since childhood.

  The little fried dough stick, who was still waiting to answer, suddenly saw the small milk can in the mirror raised a sinister smile. It was a sinister smile that only appeared on the faces of adults. He was immediately taken aback.

  But in a blink of an eye, the insidious smile disappeared again, and the little milk pot was still tapping his cheeks, his expression serious and focused, and the corners of the sinking mouth did not smile, as if what he saw just now was just an illusion.

After applying the fragrance, the small fried dough sticks hugged the small milk can on the bed and stuffed it into the bed. The small milk tank showed only a kiwi-like head. He muffled and suggested, "Little fried dough, do you think I should give it to my baby? What insurance is on your face?"

  Small You Tiao stunned "Insurance?"

   "Yes!" The little milk can slapped her cheek under the bed, and said solemnly, "My face is so handsome, it is a priceless treasure, a priceless treasure, I must take insurance!"


  It wasn't until the next morning that Wen Churan knew that when Mo brushed her shoulders with her yesterday in the prime of time, it was not her illusion that it was her illusion that she would see these four words next time.

  (End of this chapter)