Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 971: Are you satisfied if you have to fight o

  Chapter 971 Are you satisfied if you have to fight but not fight back and scold you? !

  Professor Wu dared not chase upstairs, so he scratched his head in a hurry.

  He can even imagine how difficult it will be in the future.

  Treatment is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that the patient does not cooperate.

  Wen Churan rushed back to the bedroom and slammed on the door, shocking the servant with a loud bang.

  What's wrong with this again?

  Is it possible that your Excellency the President angered Miss Wen again?

  Wen Churan sat on the edge of the bed, trembling with anger, and simply took out his mobile phone and called Sheng Shimo.

Just after the connection, before the other end had time to speak, she yelled at her anger, "Sheng Shimo, what do you mean? Ask a psychology professor to come to see me? What do you think of me? Are you crazy?! I see you only. Get sick!"

   "What? Did you see Professor Wu?!" On the other side of the phone, Mo's tone was very surprised.

   "What to pretend! Didn't you ask him to come and find me?!"

  "Wait!" Sheng Shimo hurriedly calmed Wen Churan's excitement, and said, "I'll go back soon!"

   said, and hung up the phone with a click.

Wen Churan was so angry that he slammed the phone on the sofa.

   Being treated as a neurosis, who can be happy? !

  Wenchu ​​had been mad for a long time and was bored in the bedroom alone. The servant asked her if she would eat breakfast, but she was too lazy to answer.

  It didn’t take long for the door to be knocked again, and then a man’s voice "Wen Churan, open the door!"


  She knew he would come back to find her, so she locked the door in advance.

   bang bang bang ——

  The door slamming continued, accompanied by the man’s anxious call, "You open the door first, I will explain to you!"

  Wen Churan was irritated by the quarrel, picked up the pillow and slammed it in the direction of the door. "The psychology professor has come to the door. What else can I explain. If I feel sick, stay away from me and get out!"

Sheng Shimo explained, "Wen Churan, I didn’t mean that. You should also be aware that your recent mood has been abnormal and fluctuated too much. I asked a psychology professor to help you regulate your emotions and release stress, not to watch. A psychiatrist means that you are sick, can you understand?"

   "I don't understand, I don't understand!" Wen Churan was completely unreasonable, and roared, "I am in an abnormal mood, so please ask a psychology professor? Why don't you say that I am early menopause?!

  And you, aren’t your previous emotions also unpredictable and unpredictable? I didn't even take you to see a doctor. Why do I have to hire a psychology professor when I get here? You guys don’t want to double bid too much!

  Is it possible that I can’t lose my temper? ! Can't you be a woman who does what you want? Are you satisfied if you have to fight or scold or verbally? ! "

   Can’t fight back or scold it? !

  Who beat her and who scolded her? !

  Sheng Shimo put his arms on the door panel, bowed his head and let out a long sigh.

  After five years, this is the first time a woman has shown a childish side in front of him.

  It's like going back to the past, she made trouble with him unreasonably and acted like a baby.

  He felt cute and helpless, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

  Professor Wu was still sitting in the lobby on the first floor waiting. Seeing Shengshimo's figure going downstairs, he hurriedly got up to meet him and asked cautiously, "Your Excellency, Wen...Ms. Wen is okay?"

   Mo raised his eyes when he was in full bloom, and his eyes seemed to have a layer of ice, but just a glance at him made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his body could not stop shaking.

very scary…

  (End of this chapter)