Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 983: My bed skills are very good!

  Chapter 983 My bed skills are very good!

   Narcissism, or arrogance.

   is obviously an extremely annoying character, but it can be put on a man like Lu Ziyao, but it has become a unique charm, which makes people want to conquer him even more.

The woman evoked a smile with her winning ticket, her hand has reached into Lu Ziyao's collar, she stroked his chest back and forth, and said softly, "Unfortunately, they can't catch you, but I'm different... I'm so bold. Unrestrained, Doctor Lu, are you sure you don't try it? My skill in bed is very good, I promise to serve you comfortably!"

   "Sorry, I'm not interested in you, and even less interested in your bed work!" Lu Ziyao grabbed the woman's hand in his clothes and threw it aside, unbiased and just hit the car window.

   "Ah!" The woman screamed, and immediately covered her hand. The back of her hand was smashed red, and she almost cried out of pain, showing how much effort Lu Ziyao used.

Lu Ziyao took the opportunity to push the car door open, and just about to get out of the car, who knows, the woman still refused to give up, grabbed his sleeve, and couldn't wait to say, "Doctor Lu, I helped you. I will send you back so late. , Won't you invite me to your house for a cup of coffee?"

  Lu Ziyao still smiled gently, like a spring breeze in March, but his eyes seemed to have a layer of ice. "I'm sorry, Dr. Song, there is a cat in the house, but I scratch when I see people."

   paused, then added "especially women."

   After finishing speaking, he pulled his sleeves back from the woman's hand and slammed into the car door, completely blocking the woman's entanglement.

  Opened the door of the villa, unexpectedly, no small figure threw into his arms this time, welcoming his return.

it's wired…

  Lu Ziyao walked in, turned on the lights in the villa all the way, went upstairs to a bedroom, reached out and knocked on the door of the room "Leisure."

There was no response in   , and he asked again, "Are you asleep?"

Today he received a lot of sickness, and he did get off work late, and because the car broke down, he couldn't hire a car. He took a female colleague’s car and returned to stop the female colleague from sexually harassing him. time.

  At this time, it’s normal to fall asleep.

  It’s just that Lu Ziyao was still a little worried. He wanted to go in and take a look, but he didn’t expect that the door was locked.

  This time, it looks even stranger.

  On weekdays, she never locks the door of the room. How can she make it as if she is guarding him this time?

  There is definitely a problem!

  Lu Ziyao found the key to the villa, and opened the door easily. At a glance, he saw the raised part in the center of the bed, where the woman was shrinking under the blanket.

  The light in the bedroom was not lit, which proved that she was not asleep.

  Since he is not sleeping, why ignore him?

  Lu Ziyao walked over, sat down gently by the bed, and poked the bulging bed with his fingers. Knowing that she was not asleep, he deliberately asked, "Asleep?"

  The bed was motionless, and the woman inside did not answer.

  He poked again and asked "Asleep?"

  Extremely patient.

After several times, the woman in the bed became impatient and moved to the other side with the bed.

  Lu Ziyao poked, and the bed was moved.

   Seeing this, Lu Ziyao couldn't help but laughed, and said, "If you move again, you should fall under the bed."

  The bed stopped moving, but the woman did not get out of it.

  Lu Ziyao stood up, reached out to lift the quilt, but couldn't lift it, as if a woman was pulling the quilt inside, and was secretly competing with him.

  (End of this chapter)