Little Expert Bending Plot Lines Back

Chapter 33: .4.4

Miao Anjun discovered in the past few days that Gu Xiuneng would hardly show up in this room except for giving him food. Om thought of the teleportation technique he had used before, and felt that this plan was very feasible. Miao Anjun took advantage of this gap and drew a teleportation array while Gu Xiuneng was away.

He always has to try. As for the materials used to cast spells, Miao Anjun is looking for 0237 to exchange. Due to time constraints, the transmission distance is not very far. But when Miao Anjun wanted to come, it should be enough.

However, as soon as Miao Anjun landed, he saw the pale man stopping in front of him.

"Why do you want to escape?" Gu Xiuneng's expression looked very pure, as if he was just chatting with his friends, but his purple and black eyes were slightly narrowed.

The person he likes actually wants to escape? Realizing this, Gu Xiuneng was not very happy.

Failure to escape Miao Anjun didn't expect Gu Xiuneng to chase him so fast. Although the teleportation distance is not too far, it is also several kilometers away from that room. Now, the most important thing is to appease the zombie emperor in front of him.

"It's just that I feel bored." Looking directly at Gu Xiuneng's purple-black eyes, Miao Anjun's tone was flat, as if he didn't feel the danger in Gu Xiuneng's eyes.

Miao Miao, your reason is so nonsense, would the zombie emperor believe that qaq0237 almost wanted to kneel for his calm host.

He will believe it. So, why did you suddenly call me Miao Miao and not host me Miao Anjun was a little weak.

Because the host is not friendly enough, isn’t it good to be called Miu Miu~ Hee hee (*^^*)

"Is that so? I'm not thinking about it." Gu Xiu was able to stare at Miao Anjun's eyes for a long time, and only after seeing the unabashed seriousness in those dark eyes did he relax his tone. It seemed that he felt that Miao Anjun said something. reason?

"Then, Zimo will go back with me first? I will arrange this separately." Gu Xiu-neng smiled and stretched out his hand to Miao Anjun.

Oh eh eh (っД;) っhe actually believed it? 0237 feels that this world is simply fantasy.

"Okay." At the moment, Miao Anyun had no choice but to go back with Gu Xiu. Don't look at Gu Xiuneng's seemingly kind, but if the answer given by Miao Anjun doesn't suit his wishes, Gu Xiuneng will probably do something very terrible.

Fortunately, Gu Xiuneng was probably satisfied with Miao Anjun's current affairs. Holding Miao Anjun's hand, Gu Xiu-neng felt that his mood that had deteriorated because of discovering that Miao Anjun wanted to escape before seemed to improve. om


Following Gu Xiuneng all the way back to the previous house, many zombies were encountered on the road. It's just that those zombies sensed that the stranger just wanted to approach, they sensed their emperor's aura, that kind of coercion from the highest level, so that the zombies were very afraid to avoid.

Back to the room surrounded by zombies before, Miao Anjun sat on the bed again.

"Zimo, let me find something for you to pass the time. What do you want?" Gu Xiu-neng asked happily, feeling that Miao Anjun was under the range of his breath again.

Any request made to him at this time will probably not be rejected.

"I don't know." Miao Anjun looked at Gu Xiuneng honestly. He really didn't know what he wanted. I said that I was bored just to deal with Gu Xiuneng. Although, he is really a bit boring here.

"Food?" Gu Xiu spoke tentatively.

""The answer to him was silence.

Gu Xiu can think about it and feel that what he mentioned is a bit ridiculous. Food in the last days is precious, but it can't be used to pass the time? So he obediently changed one: "Crystal core?"

"" Miao Anjun shook his head. Although the crystal nucleus is helpful to the improvement of the power, he has not awakened the ice power. Speed ​​abilities and power abilities cannot be improved by crystal nuclei, so the crystal nucleus is of little significance to him now except for viewing and exchange.

"If you can, can you help me find some books to read? Any book is fine." In order to prevent Gu Xiu from saying anything weird, Miao Anyun said first.

Miao Anjun felt that he was probably the best-treated prisoner, especially when he was imprisoned by a zombie emperor with a human recipe. Gu Xiu can offer him delicious food and drink every day (although maybe just to fatten his mouth), in order to prevent him from getting bored, he also wants to help him find something to pass the time.

"Yes, Zimo doesn't need to be polite to me~" Gu Xiu can smile ambiguously, almost instantly making people want to ask the two or three things that two people have to say. "Then Zimo is waiting for me, I'll be back soon." Gu Xiuneng emphasized the words waiting for me.

"Yeah." Miao Anyun nodded, knowing what he meant. He has failed once before, and he will not try a second time in the near future before he is fully prepared.

Sure enough, Gu Xiu-neng returned within half an hour. I guess I just ran to a bookstore not far from here.

"Is this okay?"

Only then did Miao Anjun notice the book Gu Xiuneng was holding. This book is very intact, and it will not be easy in the last days. The cover is very serious, a pure white cover with a string of English written in black font.

Taking it from Gu Xiuneng, the unsuspecting Miao Anyun just turned the first page of this serious-looking book and was stunned. I only feel that my three views have been affected.

Although he said anything is fine, this does not include certain 18x books. Miao Anjun looked at the 18xbl fleshy in his hand and was silent.

"What's the matter?" Gu Xiuneng was a little curious. Obviously he didn't pay attention to the content of these books when he took the books. "Not satisfied with this book?"

"Can you change a copy for me?" After a long silence, Miao Anyun squeezed out these words.

"Of course~"

The cover of the book Gu Xiu was able to bring back after that was still serious, but it was no longer like the previous little yellow book with a serious cover. They were really serious.

Miao Anjun looked at the cultural relics and archaeology in front of him, thought about a certain little yellow book, and silently swallowed a mouthful of rejection. Although these books are very boring and boring, they are better than an r18bl book.

Then his daily routine became, lying on the bed reading these books, by the way, looking forward to the types of books Gu Xiu can bring to him today.

At the beginning, he also expected that Gu Xiu could bring back some interesting books such as the travel notes he read in the world before. Soon, he felt that his idea was really naive.

On the first day, he saw a book of architectural history and architecture. The content is only so much better than cultural relics and archaeology. But Miao Anjun soon realized that this book was already at the top of the books Gu Xiu could find for him.

The next day, an astronomical observation book appeared in front of him, and it was full of professional jargon when opened. Miao Anjun had to admit that he was illiterate, he could not understand.

On the third day, he actually saw the elementary school Chinese? ? ? There is a feeling of nostalgia, but for elementary school Chinese or something, let's retreat.

On the nth day, when a gilded bible appeared in front of him, Miao Anjun had no surprises, and there was no fluctuation in his heart. Looking forward to Gu Xiuneng again, he wrote the name upside down.

Gu Xiuneng has indeed been immersed in the pleasure of finding books recently. Everyday looking for books to please(?) Miao Anjun, Gu Xiuneng has almost forgotten that he initially regarded Miao Anjun as a food reserve.

"Go and help me find some books. Remember, they must be intact." That's what Gu Xiuneng told his little brother.

"Yes, Wang." The two knelt down respectfully.

After Gu Xiu Neng left with a happy expression, the two of them took off the serious expressions on their faces. The two of them are zombies second only to Gu Xiuneng in strength, and their levels are about eighth and ninth levels. At this level, even zombies no longer just survive by instinct, they have developed consciousness. If these two people want, they can break any base at the moment.

After all, as long as the power level is so bad, it will be a world-shaking change. What's more, the strongest player in the base now is only at level three, and they have a difference of five or six levels of terror before.

Their king seems to be somewhat courteous to that human being? The two looked at each other, and then they went to find what their king had asked for.

Gu Xiuneng, who had given the load to his subordinates, walked straight into the room where Miao Anjun was. Recently, he likes to stay with Miao Anjun more and more.

Sitting aside, not talking, just quietly watching Miao Anjun flip through the books. Gu Xiu could feel a little satisfied in his heart. It seemed that the feeling they had got along with each other in the previous life spontaneously.

Although he is a zombie, there is probably no such thing as a previous life.

Miao Anjun looked up at him with no surprises, and then lowered his head. He was used to Gu Xiu-neng not being able to stay beside him and read a book every day. I don't know what exactly this zombie emperor had after bringing him back. Gu Xiu could not mess up, and Miao Anjun was also happy and calmly continued to do these chores.

It's impossible, is it reluctant to eat him? Miao Anjun felt a little funny for the thoughts that suddenly came up in her mind.

Although the atmosphere between them was fascinating and harmonious, Miao Anjun didn't think that Gu Xiuneng was the kind of personality that would change the recipe for an unrelated person.

However, for Miao Anjun, Gu Xiu was able to stay with him longer day by day, and the difficulty for him to escape almost doubled.