Little Expert Bending Plot Lines Back

Chapter 58: 5.17

According to the usual rules, the colleges of all races only hold one game every day, so at night, the Elf Queen gave a banquet to all races very kindly.

The elegant elves palace, the crystal paved ground, decorated with light green creeper patterns, the whole palace looks particularly natural and vibrant, quite elven style. The maid of the elves played music for the banquet, and the music was pleasant, with an unspeakable beauty.

The Elf Queen and Ella have the same colored eyes, the tender green eyes are gentle and majestic, the grass-green hair is winding like vine, and the makeup is elegant. She wears a crown and smiles quietly while sitting in the first place. The luxurious but not cumbersome long skirts seem to be elegant and graceful, while at the same time not losing the majesty of the queen.

"You see how happy these young people are, Ella dear, are you really not going to go down?" The elf queen held the life scepter symbolizing identity in her right hand, with a faint smile on her face, and she leaned slightly. Wen Sheng asked the love girl aside.

The cold-faced Ella wanted to shake her head, but she seemed to think of something. She raised her skirt to the elf queen and bowed to the banquet.

Facing Ella's somewhat alienated behavior, the elf queen faintly lost her eyes.

All races are very open, they taste the fine wines of the elves, chatting and laughing. Even the coldest Celestial Clan and Dragon Clan chatted with pleasure. However, it was a human teenager and the silver-haired man beside the teenager who kept their attention.

With golden eyes, the golden hair of the young man seemed to be woven from the sun, and his appearance was exquisite and beautiful, so that the heavenly clan who respected the light and the dragon clan who loved jewelry couldn't help looking sideways and wanted to come forward and talk with them. However, there was a flower protector beside the boy.

Owing to the coercion of the cold-faced silver-haired dragon race, the self-proclaimed noble and glamorous Celestial race dared not go up to talk. I always feel close to being killed by that terrible man.

The boy raised his head and asked softly the tall and handsome man in front of him.

"Does it really matter if you change back into a human form so blatantly?" Such as being recognized by the elf queen.

"It's okay." The man shook his head and put his arm around the lover. As a silver dragon with house attributes, he seldom came out of his house. The only time he went out was to move from Dragon Valley to Warcraft Forest because of Morton’s prophecy. This elf queen is still very young and they have never seen it before. , Naturally there is no possibility of being recognized.

As for the little dragon cubs, the men's indifferent golden eyes turned to the dragon cubs one, two, three. Seeing that they shuddered and shivered into the corner, they were immediately satisfied.

The three dragons Wendy, Jamie, and Effie, who were scared by their majesty's menacing glance and retracted into the corner:

He hates others coveting his own treasures most, and he will not tolerate them even as cubs of the same race. The man glanced pointedly at Jamie again.

Jamie shrank his neck, only to feel that the wound on his body that had been beaten by His Majesty the Dragon King was beginning to faintly aches again. It was clearly healed with light magic.

"Eh? What is this?" Bertha, who was leaning on her lover's arms, picked up a glass of mellow Elf wine, a little curious, "The color is pretty good~" After saying that, Bertha poured it down. .

After a glass of wine, Bertha did not seem to be drunk at all, her eyes were clear and she looked very clear.

Burris, who failed to stop his lover, turned black, and he wanted to pack his lover away quickly. Unexpectedly, the hand of his lover was thrown away as soon as he touched it.

"My dear, you go back with me first." He coaxed in a low voice. Knowing that his lover would enter a ruthless and unreasonable state of trouble when he drinks alcohol, Burris is not very good, and he has a headache.

#818 The lover who would change his personality when drinking#

"Am I not so good-looking than her? Why do you always smile at her, do you not love me?" Bertha muttered aggrievedly, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that she had guessed the truth, she turned and ran towards My brother, "Clarence, you are the best!"

Sure enough, a man doesn't have a good thing, but his baby brother is the best. Bertha held her brother in tears and did not let go.

"Sister Baisha, you are drunk." Miao Anjun caught her drunken sister with a black line. He thought that he alone would have a tragic system like a mouthful. Unexpectedly, could it be said that this is family inheritance?

When he saw the two people hugging each other intimately, Orlando's eyes turned dark and he immediately swore his sovereignty to Bertha. He pulled his lover back into his arms, pinched his chin, and kissed him forcefully.

"Huh!" The capital is stunned. Miao Anjun felt very tired that his integrity was going to be lost.

After a while, Orlando held Miao Anjun and swore his sovereignty: "He is mine."

"My brother will always be my brother, not yours!"

"Have you had enough trouble?" Burris interrupted at this moment, his voice seldom harsh.

"You are fierce to me!" Bertha was taken aback, staring at her lover blankly, and she was screaming when she realized what had happened. She made a move she would never do in a normal state, and rushed out with her face covered. And Burris chased and rushed out.

This dramatic plot development saw Ella, who was about to walk past, for a moment, and she was still holding a glass of golden wine in her hand.

"Hey, Elf, can you drink the wine in your hand?" Black Dragon walked over and asked arrogantly Ira who was standing still. Jamie still seems to be able to bluff people when he is not revealing his nature.

Ella, who hadn't recovered from the incident just now, subconsciously nodded, and the next moment, her hand lightened.

The black dragon grabbed the cup in her hand and drank the liquid in it.

"Wait, this is!" Seeing the black dragon's behavior, Ella suddenly reached out to stop it. However, the black dragon still drank the liquid in the cup clean.

"What's the matter? Can't this be drunk?" Heilong was a little confused while carrying the empty cup. He squatted down suddenly, seemingly in pain.

Wendy and Effie walked over with ugly faces.

"Hey, what did you add to this glass of wine?" Wendy, with a hot personality, asked Ella with her hands on her hips.

Effie squatted down on one knee and looked at Jamie who was a little bit painful. Her bright red eyes asked with a little worry, "Jamie, are you okay?"

"" Ella was silent, this glass of elven fruit wine was mixed with mandela grass juice with chronic poison, it shouldn't have happened so quickly. This was what she prepared for Clarence, but now it was accidentally eaten by the dragon. She was not easy to explain, she could only secretly pray that the black dragon in front of her would be stronger and not to have trouble.

Seeing her just blindly silent, Wendy suddenly became more aggressive. She glanced at her little friend who was squatting in pain, and the hostility in her eyes was even worse. If it hadn't been for Effie to call her suddenly, she might have done it regardless. There is a problem with this wine!

"Wendy, hurry up, put on a water cure." Effie was a little anxious.

Before Wendy could do anything, Jamie suddenly softened and leaned in Effie's arms.

"Jamie, what's the matter?" Effie asked concerned.

"Well, Effie, I don't, I suddenly feel so hot" Jamie, with a flushed face, struggled uncomfortably while rubbing Effie's body.

Seeing Jamie's behavior, Effie immediately understood something, he didn't say hello, and hugged Jamie horizontally and left. Watching the two of them go away, Wendy, who is very sensitive to certain things, looked at Ella's eyes changed.

"Tsk." She glanced at Ella and left.

Ella: ""This is not the same as saying.

If in those articles about the domineering president falling in love with me, she is probably the **** assist.

She really just wanted to kill Clarence, please don't look at me like that!

The students who focused on enjoying the banquet did not notice this episode.

You are lucky. Ella glanced angrily at Miao Anjun not far away, and had to leave. But I didn't know that her behavior was all seen by a pair of tender green eyes that were very similar to her. The owner of the eyes seemed a little surprised, and the eyes were no longer gentle and full of vibrations.

Late night after the banquet

Ella was called over by the Elf Queen, and she was a little baffling at first.

"Mother, what do you want me to do?" She looked estranged, unlike her mother but more like a stranger.

"Did you take a mandrake from Curry today?" The elf queen looked cold and different from the usual gentleness. She looked at her beloved daughter quietly, waiting for her answer.

"" Ella probably knew what the elf queen wanted to say, she neither nodded nor shook her head, her silent attitude was almost acquiescence.

"Ella, you disappointed me too much!" The elf queen's always pleasant face was actually filled with clouds. She never expected that her daughter who had always loved her would make such an elf queen, she couldn't find a word to describe it for a while. She was faintly disappointed at the moment.

She originally thought that her beloved daughter, Ella, would become the best elf queen in the history, and the elf clan would prosper in her hands, so that she could abdicate with peace of mind and continue to live in peace with her husband in the temple. More expectation, more disappointment. And she put too much expectation on Ella.

"You don't understand anything!" Ella roared, and she ran away with red eyes. Obviously, she only cared about whether she could take over as the elf queen, and she didn't care about her at all. What right does she have to question her here! She was holding back tears, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt wronged.

As soon as she left, the Elf Queen sat wearily on the lonely throne and sighed: "Hudson, did I really do something wrong?"

""The man hidden in the shadow beside the throne did not speak, but was silent.