Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1113: Invitation letter from an island country

Three Holy Village.

Li Fan coded the characters for a while, then watched various media on the Internet for a while, as well as martial arts fans' comments and comments on the two chapters of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" updated today.

In general, the evaluations on the Internet are still very high. Although there are occasional evaluations with ulterior motives, the number is very small, and it is submerged in a large number of evaluations, and hardly many people see it.

Even if someone sees it, they don't bother to pay attention to it, and they don't even have any interest in refuting. Those evaluations with ulterior motives will naturally not be able to turn any waves.

After watching for a while, Li Fan got up and left the study. He was about to go to the village and wander around. The phone rang, and Li Ru called again.

"Xiao Ru, what's the matter!" Li Fan answered the phone.

"Brother Fan, where are you?" Li Ru's voice came through the phone.

"at home."

"Brother Fan, wait for me at home. Here is a letter from you. It seems to be an invitation letter. The address is sent directly to the farm office. I will send it to you."

"Okay, thank you, then I will wait for you at home."

After hanging up the phone, Li Fan felt a little strange, believe? Invitation card? Who sent it here?

It shouldn't be acquaintances, acquaintances usually call him directly, and how can they write letters and invitations?

After thinking about it for a moment, I stopped thinking about it. Whoever he is, I'll know in a while.

Before long, Li Ru came over. After seeing Li Fan, he handed the letter to Li Fan while saying: "Brother Fan, what kind of invitation letter should this be, and it's mailed from the island country." Yes, I guess it should be more important, so I will bring it to you as soon as possible."

Li Fan accepted the letter, nodded, and said "Thank you!"

After Li Ru gave the letter to Li Fan, he went back to the office.

Li Fan looked at the letter carefully, and it was really sent from the island country. With a whisper in his mouth, he opened the letter. It was really an invitation letter and a page of letter paper.

Both the invitation letter and the letter are written in Chinese.

Of course, even if it is written in island language, Li Fan can understand it. He is a man who has used language skills books. There is no language in this world that can stump him.

After reading the content of the invitation letter, Li Fan was quite surprised. This is a mystery contest called "Evergreen Cup" organized by the island nation.

In the mystery contest held by the island country, what do you send yourself an invitation letter for? This made Li Fan very confused.

However, after reading that page of letter paper, Li Fan understood.

The letter was written by a man named Ichiro Suzuki, who can also be regarded as an old friend or opponent of Li Fan.

Li Fan also knows a lot about Suzuki Ichiro, who is now the most famous mystery writer in the island country and is best known as one of the most intelligent people in the island country.

However, this guy didn't make his debut with a mystery, he was first known for his youth romance novels, and then he switched to mystery novels.

This guy is indeed very talented in mystery novels. After switching to mystery novels for a short time, he broke the reputation of Nuo Da, and his reputation also surpassed his previous time when he wrote youth romance novels.

Now, its fame has reached its peak.

Li Fan's first encounter with him was at the Modu University in Modu.

At that time, the students from Mordu University and the members from the Yingyun Society of the island country held a competition at Mordu University because of certain conflicts.

In that game, Li Fan played for the students of Magic University, and Ichiro Suzuki, as a special guest of Yingyun Club, competed with Li Fan on the same stage.

The result is naturally Li Fan's victory.

Later, when Li Fan released the detective work "Young Bao Qingtian", in the first case "The Prince was murdered", Ichiro Suzuki was very sure many times, telling who was the real murderer of the prince, and The design level of the case mocking Li Fan is not very good, and he can tell who the real culprit is at a glance?

As a result, it was natural that Ichiro Suzuki made the wrong guess again and again. Until the truth was finally revealed, Ichiro Suzuki never guessed the right one. Who was the real culprit?

The above is the two direct conversations between Li Fan and Ichiro Suzuki. The two defeats made Ichiro Suzuki feel very unhappy and have always been worried about it.

And Junichi Takano, who challenged Li Fan with a manga "Basketball Boy," is also a friend of Suzuki Ichiro.

In the end, "Basketball Boy" was completely defeated by Li Fan's "Slam Dunk". Although Junichi Takano was dull, Ichiro Suzuki was also very unhappy.

Therefore, Suzuki Ichiro has always been very "worried" for Li Fan, and has been waiting for an opportunity, hoping to recover the lost face from Li Fan.

This time the mystery contest held by the island country is obviously the opportunity that Suzuki Ichiro has been waiting for.

In this letter to Li Fan, Ichiro Suzuki gave Li Fan a detailed introduction about the situation of this "Evergreen Cup" mystery contest.

This is the first mystery fiction contest held by the island nation, which means to promote the island nation's mystery fiction to develop better and faster.

Originally, this was only a domestic event in the island country, but Ichiro Suzuki strongly suggested that the organizing committee invite Li Fan from China to participate.

Li Fan, who said that China, is also very good at the creation of mystery novels. His mystery works such as "Young Bao Qingtian" and "Song Mention Criminal Officer" are very popular in China, and the evaluation is also very high.

I believe that if Li Fan can participate in the mystery fiction competition this time, it will be a very good stimulating work for domestic mystery writers and encourage them to create better reasoning works.

In the end, the Organizing Committee of the "Evergreen Cup" Mystery Fiction Grand Prix listened to Ichiro Suzuki's suggestion and sent an invitation letter to Li Fan.

Suzuki Ichiro stated in the letter that he hoped that Li Fan could accept the invitation of the organizing committee to participate in this mystery fiction competition.

He said that for Li Fan, it was an excellent opportunity to improve his reputation. He tried his best to get the organizing committee to send an invitation letter to Li Fan, hoping that Li Fan would not miss this opportunity.

There are a lot of high-sounding reasons, but what is its real purpose? Li Fan was naturally clear, but wanted to use this opportunity to beat himself in front of the public.

Moreover, the reason why the organizing committee of the mystery fiction contest sent an invitation letter to Li Fan should also have such a meaning in it.

They also hope to use this opportunity to let Suzuki Ichiro beat Li Fan.

Because, the last time Junichi Takano's "Basketball Boy" was completely defeated by Li Fan's "Slam Dunk", the entire cultural circle of the island country felt a little bit worried.

If you lose in comics, then use mystery novels to win back.

In fact, this letter from Ichiro Suzuki did not hide his true purpose.

Because he knew that no matter how he concealed it, no matter how high-sounding he was, he would definitely not be able to hide it from Li Fan.

In that case, why bother to spend so much thought?

So, this letter can also be seen as Ichiro Suzuki

I was afraid that Li Fan would not participate in the competition and gave Li Fan a challenge.

Because, according to Suzuki Ichiro's understanding of Li Fan, he knew that if he didn't add a little "spice" to Li Fan, Li Fan would probably ignore this invitation.

However, the superficial work still needs to be done, so this challenge book looks quite high-sounding.

The fourth one is to add more for "Sing Your Tenderness" (5/6)