Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 132: True and False Li Fan (1)

Li Fan watched the fighting on the Internet and didn't understand what was going on.

"I haven't submitted a paper yet, what are you doing?"

After he figured out the situation, he suddenly couldn't smile. After that, I was moved again, because through this incident, it can be seen that if the quality of his prose works is really not good, his fans will also tolerate him.

This group of guys usually ridicule, but they still care about Li Fan very much.

Subsequently, Li Fan logged onto his Weibo again. Sure enough, there are many new messages below, which are to comfort him.

What "prose is a kind of entertainment", what "can write articles of this level is already very good" and so on.

Li Fan nodded in satisfaction. However, he is accustomed to being teased by fans, and seeing these comforting words is really unaccustomed. I felt like a layer of goose bumps suddenly appeared on my body.

With goose bumps on his body, Li Fan suddenly had a prank idea.

"Hey, since there is already a'Li Fan' among the contributors, then I will give you two whole'Li Fans'. Let's have a fight with a'True and False Li Fan'. Anyway, you people are too busy all day long. It hurts, it might as well be a little more lively."

Li Fan originally had a headache for whether to write prose or poetry. Now it’s all right, no more headaches, and the prose and poetry are put together. Anyway, this competition did not stipulate that one author can only vote for one work, so I will vote for two works.

In fact, some authors also voted for two works just to be on the safe side. It's just that it hasn't attracted attention because of its lack of fame.

With this idea in mind, Li Fan didn't say aloud to declare that he hadn't submitted a work yet. Instead, they "popped" the two works into electronic files, and logged into the submission channel of the Provincial Writers Association's official website. I voted for the two works I just coded.

A prose, an ancient poem.

Moreover, there was a deliberate interval of one hour between the two.


Magic capital, a certain community.

Yu Qing is in a good mood now. As soon as his entries were uploaded, he received rave reviews, and his ranking was from the last one just uploaded to the top ten.

You know, it's only two hours now. It is estimated that when I wake up tomorrow morning, I will be ranked first in the Mordu Division.

Of course, the main reason why he was in a good mood was not because of this, but because he completely stepped on the foot of Li Fan, who everyone thought was his opponent.

A "layman" just wants to provoke his own position, he is simply overpowered.

However, his good mood did not last long.

"Brother Yu, Brother Yu. Come here, why is there another Li Fan article in the Funan Division?" It was the young man who yelled at him.

"Li Fan?" Yu Qing was startled, could it be the same name and surname? Well, it is possible. The name "Li Fan" is relatively ordinary after all.

"How about these people named "Li Fan" who are endless? Let me take a look at the works of "Li Fan"?" Yu Qingman said nonchalantly.

The well-known "Li Fan" won't work. What if another "Li Fan" is added?

"Let me take a look, what is the name of the article. "Spring"? This is really a family, even the name of the article is almost the same." Yu Qing, who is already sitting in front of the computer, shook his head, "Brother, come. Let's enjoy and appreciate it together. The work of this'Master Li Fan'."

After speaking, Yu Qing clicked on "Spring".

"Looking forward, looking forward to, the east wind is coming, and the pace of spring is approaching.

Everything looked like she had just woke up, Xinxin opened her eyes. The mountains are running up, the water is rising, and the sun's blush is red.

The grass sneaked out of the soil, tender and green. In the garden, in the field, look at it, a large area is full. Sitting, lying down, playing two rolls, kicking a few balls, running a few times, catching a few hides. The wind is quiet and the grass is soft.

Peach trees, apricot trees, and pear trees, if you don't let me, I won't let you, they are all full of flowers. The red is like fire, the pink is like haze, and the white is like snow...


Spring is like a doll that has just landed. It is new from head to toe, and it grows.

Spring is like a little girl, blooming, smiling and walking.

Spring is like a strong young man, with iron arms and waist and feet, leading us forward. "


The article is not long, only more than 600 words. But Yu Qing read it for a long, long time.

He pointed at the computer screen with a slightly trembling finger, and his lips trembled a little, "This, this, this..."

After a long time, Yu Qing sighed deeply, and laughed at himself: "Ridiculous, ridiculous!"

What he is ridiculous about is himself, laughing at himself who was still smug just now, laughing at himself who was still smug just now. Ugh! It is indeed the same name and surname, but the Lord is only now appearing. Why didn't you think of the possibility of having the same name and surname in advance?

"Brother Yu, Brother Yu..." Just as Yu Qing sighed to herself, the young man cried out again.

"What's the matter?" Yu Qing frowned and asked.

"Funan Division, again, there is another Li Fan." The young man replied weakly.

"What? There's more?" Yu Qing was shocked, "What work is this time?"

"It's an ancient poem," the young man replied.

"Ancient poem? Let me see!" Yu Qing walked over.

After reading it, Yu Qing was confused. Muttered to himself: "Which one is Li Fan?"


"Spring" is one of the most famous essays by Mr. Zhu Ziqing in the past, and it was created probably in 1933. Putting aside Mr. Zhu Ziqing's secret code in this classic essay, just this poetic essay itself has a kind of enduring artistic charm.

Li Fan believes that "Spring" will also bloom its charm in this world.


Yang Yin is a big fan of Li Fan, from the original "Tortoise and the Hare" to the present "Young Di Renjie". Yang Yin has read every work of Li Fan.

Li Fan always surprises him.

This time Li Fan is going to participate in the "Children's Poetry Competition", and Yang Yin is naturally also particularly concerned.

The only thing he did today was sitting in front of the computer and constantly refreshing the web page. Expect Li Fan to surprise him again.

When he finished reading "Spring Outing", he sighed softly. Of course, he was not disappointed, he was just a little unwilling.

Especially when he saw those on the Internet attacking Li Fan, he was even more unwilling and angry.

But he has no way, because this "Spring Outing" is really not that good.

Of course, he can play against each other on the Internet just like other fans. But what's the point?

He still kept refreshing the web page. Because, there seems to be a voice telling him that "Spring Outing" is not Li Fan's work. But another "Li Fan" work.

Finally, after refreshing the page again.

He laughed loudly, "Haha! Great! I know, I know. We were wrong, we were all wrong. Li Fan never let us down, and it's the same this time."

He read "Spring" several times in one breath, and the more he reads, the happier he is. There seemed to be a picture of spring in front of me, and it was lingering no matter what.

Li Fan? Li Fan? It turns out that there is more than one Li Fan, this is our Li Fan!


Thank you very much, Lin Hai 741,100, Liu Siyi 100! Thank you!