Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 145: Switch to lobster fishing

The group of tourists who went into the water later was full of confidence, but seeing them cautiously in the water, we knew that it was probably the first time they went into the water to touch crabs.

It is impossible to expect them to touch the big guy. But this is not important, what is important is that they can temporarily forget the troubles in life and enjoy this simple and primitive happiness for a moment.

With the enthusiasm of relatives and everyone on the shore, the tourists in the water gradually found some feeling. The action also began to look decent.

"Haha! I touched it." A tourist held up the crab he had just touched in his hand and showed it to his wife and children on the shore. It's a little too small, but it's a crab after all.

"Wow! Dad is amazing! Bring it over and I want to see it." The child clapped his hands and shouted happily. His wife looked at him with tenderness. The people around would naturally not begrudge the shouting.

The tourist gave the crab to his child, moved his hands, and went into the water again. Obviously he hasn't touched enough yet, he just found some experience, and he is ready to touch a few more.

At this time, other tourists in the water also gradually touched crabs. Although there is no big guy, everyone is in high spirits.

Those tourists who hadn't planned to go into the water in the first place are also a little itchy at this time. Especially those tourists who come with children, they look at their children with envy in the eyes of other people's children. Suddenly, blood surged, "My child, don't envy others. I will go down and touch two for you, seeing your dad."

So, another tourist went down to the water to touch crabs. All the fathers who had children went down, and so did a lot of those who did not have children.

Now, this section of the stream and ditch has been occupied by tourists who touched crabs. There are many tourists, but there are more crabs in streams and ditch.

All said, even though the level of tourists touching crabs is not very good, many people are touching crabs for the first time. But from time to time, tourists will touch crabs.

In the water, the cheers on the shore continued, so it was not lively.

Li Fan also cheered for everyone in the crowd. Such scenes and results were exactly what he wanted to see. Those tourists who haven't got into the water basically hold their mobile phones in their hands, or record videos or take photos.

After they return, many people will upload these photos and videos on the Internet. The photos and videos taken by these tourists are more promotional and convincing than those taken by Li Fan.

The reputation of Sansheng Village will naturally gradually expand step by step, and it is not known that it will become a famous tourist attraction.

Two hours later, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. Not only did the enthusiasm of the people not diminish, but there was a growing trend.

Nowadays, there are no longer just male tourists in the streams and ditch. Some children are also having fun in the water under the leadership of their fathers. The courageous female tourists also went down a lot.

Li Fan checked the time and decided to call everyone ashore. This afternoon I also prepared lobster fishing for these tourists to experience. He has asked Xiaodong and other bear children to prepare the fishing rods, baits, and nets for lobster fishing.

There are hundreds of fishing rods. This thing is simple to make and you need as many as you want.

"Everyone, everybody. Listen to me." Li Fan stood on a high place and shouted with all his strength. When everyone saw that the boss had spoken again, they all calmed down.

Li Fan smiled and gestured to everyone before continuing: "I know everyone may not have enough. But we have another interesting activity for everyone to experience. It is the lobster fishing in the video. So, I hope. Everyone came ashore, and we went fishing for lobsters. As for the crabs, everyone will come again next time, and they will do whatever they want. Okay?"

"Good! Let's listen to the boss's arrangement."

Everyone should be. This reminds me that the interesting activities here are not only touching crabs, but also many other activities.

Li Fan saw that everyone had gone ashore. With a big wave, a large group of people set off towards the lobster fishing spot. Now there are many more people in this group than before. The villagers have also come more. In addition to discovering his parents in the crowd, Li Fan also saw Liu Ye and several other grandparents.

Although the elderly are not young, they are not dazzling and deaf. They may not be much slower than the young when they walk in turmoil. Thanks to the unique natural environment of Sansheng Village, the physical condition of the elderly in the village is generally very good.

In addition, Li Fan has recently often sent some fruits and vegetables grown with spatial spring water to the elderly in the village. The health of the elderly is much better than before. Going out activities are also more frequent. As it is now, I am in high spirits in the crowd watching the excitement.

This time the lobster fishing site is still a tributary of the Luohe River. It has a vast terrain and beautiful environment, making it the most ideal place for lobster fishing.

Everyone came to the bank of the tributary, and the water here was much deeper than the water in the stream. Therefore, Li Fan first reminded tourists to pay attention to safety. Of course, it does not matter if someone accidentally falls into the water. The villagers of Sansheng Village include these bear children, all of them are underwater dragons, and they have excellent water skills. The tourists who fell into the water can be easily rescued ashore.

The first thing everyone saw was the fishing rods lined up on the shore, densely packed with hundreds of them. Everyone has watched the video and naturally knows that the lobster was caught with this thing.

It is because of knowing that everyone is even more irritated. They stooped to pick up the fishing rods on the ground and looked carefully. They had never seen such a simple fishing rod. A piece of bamboo or a branch of a branch is finished with a thin woolen thread tied to one end.

There was a lot of talk and laughter for a while.

Lobster fishing is no better than touching crabs. It requires some strength and skill. Everyone can participate in this stuff, and no skill is required. Just tie the bait to the other end of the fishing line, throw it into the water and you're done.

When the lobster comes, it will pull the fishing line straight. If the fishing rod is lighter, the fishing rod will be pulled straight and tremble. Everyone can tell that the lobster is coming.

It just takes a little skill to lift the lobster. If you don't grasp it well, the lobster will loosen the big tongs holding the bait at the moment it is raised to the surface of the water and fall back into the water.

However, with the help of a small tool, the probability of lobster escape is very small. The gadget is the net that Li Fan prepared for everyone.

The net is opened with a piece of iron wire, enclosing a circle with a diameter of about 20 cm. Then tie it to a thin bamboo pole about two meters long. The net is ready.

When the lobster is hooked, first put the net into the water. A fishing rod in one hand and a net in the other. When the lobster is about to be raised to the surface of the water, quickly move the net toward the lobster and put it in the net. The lobster that enters the net can't escape.

The bait that Li Fan prepared for everyone was naturally snails. These things are found in rivers, streams, ditches, fields, and ponds, and there are so many.

When using it, just break the snail shell with a stone and take out the snail meat inside.

With the help of the bear children, the fishing rods in the hands of the tourists are all tied with bait. The girls and children each took a fishing rod, while the boys took two, three, or more.

After the bait was tied, everyone couldn't wait to throw it into the water. Then, expectantly waiting for the first lobster he was about to catch.
