Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1465: Affordable the word "great"

A lot of martial arts fans are discussing on the Internet, and many martial arts authors are also discussing it in their circles.

The twists and turns of this issue of serialization also made their moods fluctuating. They first read today's serialization as pure readers.

After reading it, I read it again as my own martial arts author. Naturally, the feelings of the two readings are not exactly the same.

But no matter which capacity they read, they are filled with emotion.

"It turns out that Zhang Cuishan is not the protagonist. We have all misunderstood. The real protagonist appeared only after nearly 200,000 characters. After all, Gu Yong is Gu Yong, and only he dared to write like this."

"It should be said that by the end of this issue, the number of words has exceeded 200,000 words, and the real protagonist Zhang Wuji has almost no role in it. It is really bold to write in this way."

"Facts have proved that he has the ability to write like this, we, ah, it is enough to sigh with emotion."

"Oh! I have to mention Guo Xiang again, which is really embarrassing. This is the real love and compassion. Compared with the feelings of Li Wenxiu for Supu in "White Horse Howling to the West", it is even more sighing."

"First there was Li Wenxiu, and now there is Guo Xiang. The feelings of the two people are very similar and different, but the infatuation is the same, and they both bury their affection deeply in their hearts. These two infatuated women really have Similarities."

"When it comes to Guo Xiang, I have to say Guo Jing and Huang Rong. Although they are just virtual characters in the movie, I think they deserve the word "great"."

"It's not just that we think so, but a large number of people who know the story of Guo Jing and Huang Rong should think so."

"Able to create such an influential and successful fictional character in the martial arts world, there is really only Gu Yong in the entire martial arts world. Even in the entire literary world, it is difficult to find the first place except for Li Fan. Three people."


Speaking of Guo Xiang, Guo Jing, and Huang Rong, the martial arts writers once again sighed with emotion.

At this time, Yang Qiming and Li Bo of the Jury Office of the Times Literature Prize were also just talking about Guo Xiang, Guo Jing, and Huang Rong.

For Guo Xiang, their previous sighs were not too strong, but after reading this issue of the serial, they learned about Guo Xiang’s follow-up life trajectory, and after knowing that she named her disciple "Feng Ling", the two of them also changed. Have infinite emotion.

Yang Qiming wrote on his Weibo: "Gu Yong is the best martial arts writer, and he is undoubtedly one of the writers who are best at writing'love'. They have a lot of great compassion and love, such as "Liancheng In "The Jue", the love between Ding Dian and Ling Shuanghua, and Di Yun's love with Qi Fang. Another example is the love between Li Wenxiu and Su Pu in "White Horse Howling to the West", and the love between Ouyang Ke and Ouyang Ke in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" Huang Rong’s love, for example, Li Mochou’s love for Lu Zhanyuan in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", these loves make people sigh silently. But if you want to talk about the most subtle, most cryptic, and most embarrassing love, surely It is Guo Xiang's love for Yang Guo, who is silent, but infatuated for his whole life."

After posting this paragraph on Weibo, Yang Qiming sighed slightly and said: "What an infatuated woman."

Li Bo nodded and sighed softly, and then said: "Guo Xiang is infatuation, Guo Jing and Huang Rong are respected. The two guarded the city of Xiangyang for half their lives. In the end, they would rather die and die than leave Xiangyang. The city leaves alone. Who doesn't respect such a character?"

Li Bo wrote on his Weibo: “From today’s serialized "Evening Heaven and Slaying Dragon", from the dialogue between Yu Lianzhou and Yin Susu, we learned an unfortunate news that Guo Jing and Huang Rong were breached in Xiangyang City. Day, both were martyred. Although they were just virtual characters in China, the news still made people feel very uncomfortable. For the country and the people, the heroes are great, the two of them are great."

Once the two Weibo posts were posted, they were quickly posted on the Internet. After countless people read them, they felt pain again and sighed again.

Just as Yang Qiming said, Guo Xiang's love for Yang Guo remained silent, but he was infatuated for his whole life. Such a woman aroused infinite pity.

Just as Li Bo said, although Guo Jing and Huang Rong are virtual characters, they are also extremely uncomfortable when they hear the news of their martyrdom.

In the eyes of everyone, the two really deserve the word "great". Although they are virtual characters, their noble sentiments for the people and the country can influence a lot of things. In real life, it is true and true. people.

The two of them are indeed great.


Three Holy Village.

Qin Lie, Su Yilin, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng also sigh for the martyrdom of Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

Qin Lie said: "Unexpectedly, the two finally chose to die for the country, and the images of the two finally came to an end. The result is regrettable, but we need this kind of spirit. These two characters have been portrayed very well."

Su Yilin said: "The two have guarded Xiangyang for half their lives. It's a pity that the footsteps of history are doomed. They can't always keep Xiangyang City. This is the sadness of the two and the sadness of the Song Dynasty in history."

Zheng Jie said: "Anyway, these two characters have been very successful. In the near future, they may come out of the book and become well-known celebrities."

Liang Sheng said: "In this way, the influence of the Condor Shooting Trilogy will increase, and the influence of martial arts will increase. Where did you dare to imagine this in the past?"

The four of them sighed for a while, thinking that Li Fan's martial arts influence was increasing day by day, and they were secretly happy, but in front of Li Fan, they would not show it.


Today's serialization has left countless people with a lot of emotions, and setting aside these emotional passages, the story of "The Legend of the Dragon Slayer" has become more and more expectant.

What kind of coincidence will the protagonist Zhang Wuji get the complete "Nine Suns"?

How will the grievances and grievances between the Wudang Sect and the various sects in the arena develop?

Zhang Wuji is the actor, then who is the heroine? What is his identity? When will it appear?

In the Dragon Sword and the Heavenly Sword, what kind of amazing secret is hidden in the shadow?

Waiting for a series of questions, are infinitely anticipated, and the answers to these questions will be announced one by one in future serials.

Only one issue of "Laughing Jianghu" magazine will be released a week, which is really irritating to wait.

Fortunately, Li Fan’s work "Journey to the West" is serialized every day. While they are waiting for "The Legend of the Dragon Slayer", they can see "Journey to the West" every day. This makes them feel that within a week, It flies very fast.
