Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 155: Farm start to be built

July 25.

For Li Fan, today is a big day. His farm is finally about to start construction.

Yesterday, Wang Qian came to inspect the road in person. The road has been completely solidified and can be used for large vehicles.

Li Fan and Wang Qian discussed it and decided to start construction today. For him, every day is a good day, so there is no need to pick a day specially.

The construction of the farm is a big day for Li Fan. It is also a big day for the villagers. For the bear children, those are exciting days.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Wang Qian and his engineering team arrived at the entrance of the village. The entrance of the village has long been surrounded by villagers. There are thousands of people in this village and neighboring villages. The inner three floors and the outer three floors are tightly enclosed.

With so many villagers gathered together, it is natural to have discussions. The people in other villages were amazed, and the envy and jealousy in the words made no secret. The people in this village also put pride on their faces and laughed constantly.

Some tourists who came early saw so many people here, they were shocked at first, thinking that something big had happened. After inquiring about it, I realized that it was to build a farm. After letting go, interest came, and they stopped and joined the crowds onlookers.

The bear children jumped up and down in the crowd excitedly, chasing and playing around. When did Sansheng Village have such a lively scene, no wonder they were so excited.

Li Fan and his parents were also among the crowd. Li Fan was also a little excited watching such a lively scene, chatting with the enthusiastic villagers around him from time to time.

Village chief Li Fu was naturally among the crowd, but he did not gather with other villagers. Rather, standing on the periphery of the crowd with a few other people and talking. From time to time, I could hear Li Fu's laughter, and the others looked envious. Don't guess, those people must be the heads of the neighboring villages.

When Wang Qian and the engineering team arrived, the long motorcade caused the villagers to cheer. A large number of trucks are carrying engineering equipment such as bulldozers, loaders, and excavators, which is no less than the previous road-building battle.

"Boss Wang has worked hard!" Li Fan laughed and greeted him.

Wang Qian also laughed, and then pretended to be displeased and said, "Isn't it a bit of fun for Brother Li to call me Boss Wang?"

"Hey, success, success. Brother Wang has worked hard." Li Fan was not hypocritical.

Wang Qian laughed and said, "Brother Li, your position here is really not small. The people nearby are probably over."

Li Fan smiled and said, "When there is rare excitement in the mountain and countryside, everyone naturally wants to see the excitement."

Wang Qian said, "Your village will probably not be quiet in the future. Come on, Brother Li. Let me introduce, these are our engineers."

Wang Qian introduced the members of the engineering team one by one. Li Fan shook hands one by one, "The farm affairs will trouble you all."

The engineers hurriedly said: "Where, where." The impression of Li Fan, the owner, was very good.

"By the way, Brother Li. Have you already figured out the name of your farm?" Wang Qian asked.

Li Fan nodded and said, "I have already thought about it. It's called Xianyuan Farm!"

"Xianyuan Farm? Good! The name is good! The high-end atmosphere and the immortality. Indeed, only this name is worthy of the vegetables and fruits you grow." Wang Qian high-fiveed and praised.

When Li Fan gave him vegetables and fruits last time, he was still a little confused. What do you send vegetables and fruits for? After I went back and tasted it, I instantly felt that this fruit should only be found in the sky.

Xianyuan Farm, worthy of the name!

Li Fan smiled and said: "Then Brother Wang has to design the name of my farm and the gate so that it is fairy-like!"

Wang Qian also smiled and said, "Don't worry, Brother Li. I will definitely make you a door that we don't have in the world."

After the two joked and laughed, Li Fan called his parents and the village head over to start work. Because, according to custom, there must be a groundbreaking ceremony before the start of work.

It can be simple and lively, but it must be there. This is for auspiciousness.

Li Fan has discussed with his parents and the village head, and the ceremony is simplified and the village head presides over.

So, under the auspices of the village chief, after a simple groundbreaking ceremony. Amidst the cheers of the villagers, Xianyuan Farm officially started!

More than 150 small workers have already been prepared for a long time, and the small workers are also very excited today. After waiting so many days, work finally started. Once the work starts, they will also have income. 150 yuan per day, 4,500 yuan a month.

Most importantly, this is a part-time job at home. After get off work, you can go home and sleep comfortably all night. This is much better than working outside. Therefore, the little workers are full of enthusiasm and motivation.

In addition to Xiao Gong, Li Fan also invited all the chefs in the village, a total of 11 people. Because Li Fan had packed lunch and evening meals, the cooking was left to the chefs.

There are more than 150 small workers, and Wang Qian’s engineering team also has dozens of people. It is not an easy task to cook meals for so many people every day for a month. However, these chefs are all experienced old chefs. Don't worry about cooking Li Fan.

The chef team chose a location at the entrance of the village, set up a few temporary large stoves, and set up a few large pots. A makeshift kitchen was built.

It's 10 o'clock, and the kitchens are already preparing lunch for noon. Li Fan is no stranger to such a kitchen. In the countryside, whoever has any celebrities and banquets, they all do it like this. It's just that today's kitchens are larger.

Under the engineer's command, workers and engineering vehicles started to operate one after another. The villagers surrounded a little further, but did not disperse. It wasn't until noon was approaching that I slowly went home for lunch.

At noon, Li Fan, his parents, and the village chief did not go back to eat, but ate with everyone on the construction site. Although it is a big pot of rice, it tastes very good.

The standard of food provided by Li Fan is also high, there are several kinds of meat alone, and the portion is full. Everyone who ate was cheering. Straight to Li Fan, the Dong family is nice and generous.

Wang Qian also smiled and said: "Brother Li, we have done countless projects. Speaking of the quality of the food, your brother is the best here."

Li Fan smiled and said, "It won't cost much if the food is better, so why not let everyone eat better. After all, these are all physical tasks."

Wang Qian shook his head and said, "Nevertheless, not everyone is willing."

Li Fan smiled and didn't say anything. Instead, they signaled that everyone must be full and eat well.

After lunch, some women workers helped the chefs clean up the dishes. Li Fan and the others sat on the ground to rest, bragging and beating, it was so lively.

After a short break, everyone resumed work. The roar of the machine, mixed with everyone's hearty laughter, spread far away.

At this time, some villagers who watched the excitement came around one after another.
