Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 165: Challenge victory

"Already finished?" Du Feng was startled, his face turned black in an instant.

I just said that I wouldn't be able to come out in a few days, and I am coming out immediately. Isn't this slap yourself in the face?

Seeing Du Feng's expression on his face, Mo Bai smiled faintly, and said, "Brother Du doesn't mind, I think Li Fan must have made sufficient preparations for this competition. It is not surprising that there are a few poems in existence.

Du Feng's eyes lit up and he smiled: "What Brother Mo said is that it must be the case. Come, then we will appreciate it together."

Lu Ran sighed: "I also hope that it would be better to save the poem. If not, then this person is definitely scarier than we thought."

While Lu Ran was speaking, Du Feng also clicked on Li Fan's poem.

"Hey, "Wing of the Willow"? Brother Mo, this is deliberately aimed at you. How about let me take a look at the content?"

"The jasper jade makes up a tree high, and ten thousand green silk ribbons hang down.

I don't know who cut out the thin leaves, the spring breeze in February is like scissors. "

This? Du Feng was taken aback after reading it, and for a while he dared not speak any more. He finally understood why Lu Ran said that just now. If this poem was really written by the boy Li Fan, even if it was saved, people like me would not dare to regenerate a little underestimated heart.

What's more frightening is that this poem may not be a manuscript, because it is called "Ying Willow". It's probably a new creation after watching Mo Bai's "Wing of the Willow".

If this is the case, then Li Fan is definitely a big rival for the first place in this competition. Thinking of this, Du Feng felt tight, he couldn't help but look at Mo Bai.

Now, the two people's "Wing of the Willow" is undergoing a pk battle. Moreover, whether it is from the perspective of the text of the poem or the voting of netizens, Mo Bai's "Ying Willow" is at a disadvantage.

Mo Bai's face is very ugly now. After a while, he said, "I admit, I really underestimated him. But that's fine. It makes more sense to defeat him in this way."

Although Li Fan's "Wing of the Willow" surprised Mo Bai, he was not too worried. "Wing of the Willow" is just the worst of the several poems he prepared for this competition, which was originally intended to be used in the qualifiers.

He still has more good poems in his hands, and he doesn't think Li Fan can create better poems than those in his hands. It's just that one more poem is wasted in the qualifiers.

As for whether to continue to use poems and Li Fan to pk in the qualifiers, Mo Bai hesitated. After all, ordinary netizens are voting in the qualifiers. It is not uncommon for a better work to be carried on by a lesser work.

The finals are different from the finals. In addition to the votes of netizens, there are professional appreciation opinions from poetry experts. The two are combined to judge the quality of the poem.

Therefore, Mo Bai wanted to wait until the next game to settle the ledger with Li Fan. It's just that there are some unwillingnesses, and they can't make up their minds for a while.


Beijing, the headquarters of the Chinese Poetry Association.

"Haha! Interesting, "Wing of the Willow" vs. "Wing of the Willow". Li Fan is really not a bully. Now, Mo Bai's face is probably not good." Bai Yi laughed.

Liu Yuan said, "Young people, sometimes it's understandable to be impulsive. Moreover, competing against each other like this is not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe it can stimulate both sides to create more excellent works."

Bai Yi said: "Well, now it's up to Mo Bai's side. Should I continue to pk against Li Fan in the qualifiers, or wait until the next game to have a showdown."

Liu Yuan smiled and said, "Leave those aside for now. Now Li Fan's appreciation of "Singing the Willow" can get me to come. The last time the song "Transplanting Rice Seedlings" was preempted by you."

Bai Yi was a little bit dumbfounded, "How old are you, Lao Liu, is it interesting to argue about this?"

Liu Yuan said: "Success, then you don't want to argue. I will leave Li Fan's work appreciation to me in the future."

Bai Yi was so busy: "You think it's beautiful."


At this time, the official website of the Chinese Poetry Association challenged the page. The pk competition of the two "Wings of the Willow" is coming to an end, and it will be over in 10 minutes.

The difference in the number of votes between the two sides is quite obvious. The number of votes for the song "Wing of the Willow" on the left is more than 1,000 votes higher than the number of votes on the right.

The message area below is also extremely active.

"Haha! It's so interesting. Li Fan's squadron is definitely on purpose."

"That's for sure, it's not good for Mo Bai to start looking for someone to challenge, so I'm going to look for him. The slapped face is also asking for it."

"It stands to reason that Mo Bai's "Walking the Willow" doesn't have to challenge anyone, and it can be in the top 100. Does anyone know why he wants to challenge Li Fan?"

"Who knows, I'm full. Or maybe I'm jealous of Li Fan's first two poems that are too showy."

"Hey, upstairs. But to make it clear, does our family need to be jealous of Li Fan? He is much more famous in the poetry world than Li Fan."

"It was before Li Fangao, who knows in the future. Isn't his current song "Ying the Willow" soon to be pushed down by Li Fan's "Wing the Willow"?"

"What's going on in the future? From now on, Li Fan's reputation in the poetry world will not be higher than Mo Bai. What if you won this time? Don't forget, Li Fan lost last time. They are just a tie now."

"Cut, Li Fan's last song was basically a game, and it was used to amuse you. You take it seriously."

"Our Mo Bai's "Wing of the Willow" only used less than 10% of the skill, so what if it was won by you?"

"Less than 10% is great. Our Li Fan's "Wing of the Willow" only used less than 5% of the skill. It's not easy to beat you."


This is often the case in the message area. The supporters of the two parties unconsciously pinched each other.

Just no matter how the two sides pinch, after 10 minutes, the challenge time is over. The challenge page disappears automatically, and the two poems return to where they should be.

Li Fan's "Wing of the Willow" won this challenge by nearly 2,000 votes higher than the opponent. "Ying Willow" naturally appeared at the top of the rankings.

The number of votes that originally belonged to Mo Bai's "Wing of the Willow" was also transferred to the song "Wing of the Willow" by Li Fan. As for Mo Bai's "Song of the Willow", the number of votes became 0, and he went with Li Fan's "Song of Rice Planting".

Of course, whether it's "Song of Rice Planting" or Mo Bai's "Ying Willow". They are all excellent works in themselves, even if they are now sinking into the bottom of the sea of ​​poetry. It will still be noticed by some netizens, and will gradually get some more votes, but the chance of entering the top 100 is not great.

Now, the top-ranked work is still called "Wing the Willow", but the author has become Li Fan. Some netizens who missed this challenge have met, and I'm afraid they will think that the website is malfunctioning. How can I get the name of the author of the number one work wrong.


Thank you very much, Ali al for your support! Thank you!