Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2169: Finally desperate?

Warden Norton stifled Andy's hope of freedom and put Andy in the confinement room, making all the audience in the theater angry and desperate.

And all this is not over yet.

In order to completely eliminate the possibility of Andy’s release, the warden Norton called the insider Tommy to a place alone and asked Tommy if he would be willing to testify for Andy in court?

After getting Tommy's affirmative answer, the warden Norton arranged for the gunmen prepared in advance to shoot Tommy.

Kill people!

This scene once again made all the audience in the theater angry, and even more sad and embarrassed by Tommy's death.

Tommy will be released from prison in less than a year. He has a young wife, a lovely daughter, and has just received a college diploma.

The audience is absolutely convinced that after Tommy is released from prison this time, he will change his mind and live a happy life with his wife and daughter.

He is still very young.

But now, everything comes to an abrupt end.

Not only that, but he was also charged with an escape from prison because he was found out and shot to death.

This is indeed sad, but even more angry, angry at the warden Norton.

The audience in the theater prayed that Norton would not end well.

But it is a pity that their prayers seem to be useless. At least it seems useless now. Norton is in Shawshank Prison and is covering the sky. It is difficult to let him end up badly! .

Norton told Andy that Tommy was dead and was shot because of being found out of prison.

Andy naturally knows how Tommy died? To some extent, it can be said that he indirectly killed Tommy.

Is it anger? Still regret it? No one knows Andy's mood.

But what is certain is that his mood must be very bad.

Andy told Norton that everything is over, he doesn't want to launder money for Norton anymore, and ask Norton to find someone else.

However, Norton threatened Andy that it could not end here. If Andy doesn't continue to help him, he will do what about Andy.

In the end, Andy seemed to compromise.

After compromise, Andy finally walked out of the confinement room.

In the corner of the prison playground, there were only two people, Andy and Reid.

Andy asked Rhett, have you thought about going out one day?

Reid said that when he has gray hair and dim eyes, he might be able to go out.

Later, Andy told Rhett that after he went out, he would go to a place called Zihuatanejo. That place was in Mexico. Mexicans said that there was no memory of that place.

Andy said he would go there, a warm place with no memories, where he spent the rest of his life, opened a small hotel, and then bought a worthless old boat on the beach and refurbished it. , Carrying his guests, go fishing.

When Andy said this, there was always a happy smile on his face, as if everything he said had been realized.

And it was this that made all the audience in the theater feel inexplicably sad.

Because, what Andy said, the future life he envisioned, I'm afraid it will never come true.

He is now locked in a cage in Shawshank Prison, and there is no hope of going out. Warden Norton will definitely not allow Andy to get out of prison.

If Andy has a chance to be released again, he will definitely be prevented by the warden Norton's efforts.

Zihuatanejo in Mexico is too far away for Andy.

Perhaps this will only be a dream that Andy will never realize.

Afterwards, Andy continued to tell Rhett that in Zihuatanejo, he needed someone with a way to help him, and that person was Rhett.

Rhett said that he felt that the outside world might not be suitable for him. He spent most of his life in prison. He has been institutionalized by prison, just like Lao Bu.

In prison, he can respond to Andy's requests, but outside, he will be of no help to Andy.

Later, Reid persuaded Andy not to think about it. What Zihuatanejo, what sea, what beach, what hotel, what steamer are just idiotic dreams, Mexico is far away, and Andy is locked in It is impossible to get out of these towering walls.

This is the reality.

The audience in the theater sighed. Rhett was right. Everything Andy said was nothing but idiotic dreams. He was locked in prison and couldn't get out at all.

Andy said that this is indeed the case, Mexico is far away, and he is locked here.

He said that now it seems that he has only one choice.

What is the choice? Andy didn't say, Rhett didn't seem to care too much, he didn't ask.

The audience in the theater also didn't care too much, or perhaps they subconsciously believed that the choice Andy said was that he finally chose to accept his fate.

Perhaps Reid thinks so too.

However, what Andy said next made Renren thoughtful.

"Either busy living or busy dying." This was what Andy said, and this sentence made everyone lost in thought.

Are you busy? Still busy dying?

Maybe there is an answer, maybe there is no answer, who knows?

After that, Andy told Rhett again that if Rhett could go out one day, please ask Rhett to do something for him.

Reid naturally agreed, asking Andy what's the matter?

Andy asked Rhett if he knew Bactons?

Reid replied that he knew.

Andy also said that there was a long stone wall there, the north lens had an oak tree, and under the corner there was a unique stone, underneath the stone was buried what he wanted to give Rhett.

He asked Reid to promise him that if one day he goes out, he must find that thing.

Rhett asked what was that?

Andy said that he needed Reid to find it himself, and then he knew what it was?

After speaking, Andy left.

However, these words that Andy finally said to Rhett made all the audience in the theater feel inexplicable.

Why did Andy say this to Rhett all of a sudden?

How do these words sound like last words?

Could it be that the chance to get out of jail was strangled, and finally made Andy feel desperate? Has the hope that always existed in his heart finally been completely extinguished?

He just said that there is only one choice, is it suicide?

Thinking of this possibility, all the audience in the theater were shocked. If this is the case, it would be too sad.

Will it really be like this? Is the man who has always longed for freedom in his heart really no longer longs for it?

No one knows the answer, but there is a faint anxiety. They would rather Andy stay in prison for a lifetime, and never hope that Andy will completely end his life because of despair.
