Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2199: "Sound and Enlightenment"

The work Li Fan is about to write is one of the same classic enlightenment readings in his previous life, "Sound Rhythm Enlightenment".

"Sound and Rhythm Enlightenment" is an enlightenment book that trains children to deal with and master the rhythm of phonology, but its beneficiaries are not only children, but all people.

Anyone who wants to learn how to write poems and lyrics, get the correct answers in joints, or who want to improve their writing skills, can learn and read "Sound Rhythm Enlightenment".

When the number of readings is enough, the absolute benefit is endless.

The whole part is organized by rhyme, including astronomy, geography, flowers and trees, birds and animals, characters, artifacts, etc. From single-character pairs to double-character pairs, three-character pairs, five-character pairs, seven-character pairs to eleven-character pairs, the sound and rhyme are coordinated, and it is catchy. The layers from single to multiple words are correct, and it reads like a poem, and even a child will have a strong interest in reading it.

In fact, there is a very important premise for books used to help children improve their various abilities, that is, children must be interested in reading it.

Only when the children are interested, this book can really help the children.

After all, children are no better than adults, and they are often passive when they study. They are not like adults. If they want to learn a certain skill, or want to improve a certain skill, even if the corresponding books are very boring, they can continue to learn.

Children are not. If they are not interested in a work, they will never insist on studying, delving, and reading.

Those books on the market that help children improve their writing skills cannot be said to be poorly written, but that they cannot make children interested in them.

If children are not interested, it is naturally impossible to take the initiative to accept and learn, and it will naturally be difficult to have an effect.

In fact, the editors of those books also understand this and their works. First of all, children must be interested, and then it is possible to really help children improve their writing skills.

They also tried their best to get the children interested in their works, but unfortunately the effect is still not very good. Obviously they already feel very perfect, thinking that the children will be very interested. Unfortunately, the final market proved that children still have no interest.

If the children are not interested, their books will naturally be difficult to help the children.

They are also very depressed and helpless. They are already very interesting. Why do children always dislike it?

They really don't know, what kind of works are needed for the children to be interested?

This is indeed a problem. If this problem is not solved, those books will always have no effect on the children.

"Sounding Enlightenment" can perfectly solve this problem. Its poetic and rhyming sentences will surely arouse children's interest.

Li Fan believes in this.

Not only that, this work can also give children strong training in pronunciation, vocabulary, rhetoric, etc., instead of just learning how to write poems and lyrics? How to answer the question correctly?

In addition, the large amount of allusions contained in the works can also enable children to understand allusions, understand history, and even use allusions proficiently when writing in the future.

Of course, the same is true for adults.

This work is aimed at both children and adults. It is an absolutely classic work on sound and rhythm.

The whole work is divided into two volumes, each volume is divided into fifteen units, but the number of words in the whole work is not that many.

Li Fan quickly coded the entire work.

After all the codes came out, Li Fan read a few paragraphs by the way, feeling very perfect.

After that, Li Fan didn't notify Shen Cong, Cen Geng, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng to come to see them, but planned to wait until tomorrow morning to show them.

So as not to look too coquettish, it only takes a few minutes before the whole work has been released.


the next morning.

After Shen Cong and Cen Geng got up, they came to the courtyard. They happened to see Li Fan coming back from outside. Shen Cong couldn't wait to ask, "Little friend Li Fan, how are the works prepared?"

Li Fan replied: "It has been written."

"It's already written? It really only takes one night?" Shen Cong and Cen Geng were both overjoyed. Shen Cong said quickly, "Can we take a look now?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Of course."

Afterwards, Shen Cong and Cen Geng followed Li Fan to the study. Li Fan turned on the computer and called up the "Sound Rhyme Enlightenment" file that had just been compiled last night.

Without waiting for Li Fan to speak, Shen Cong and Cen Geng had already leaned in front of the computer screen and couldn't wait to look at the document Li Fan just opened.

Li Fan smiled, and stopped talking, stepping aside, leaving the place for Shen Cong and Cen Geng.

"Volume one, Yidong:

Clouds are to rain, snow is to wind, evening sunshine is to clear sky. Come to Hong to go to Yan, and stay birds to song insects.

Three-foot sword, six-jun bow, Lingbei to Jiangdong. The Palace of Qingshu in the world, the Palace of Guanghan in the sky. On both sides of the strait, the willows are green, and the apricots are red in the spring rain in a garden.

Winds and frosts on the temples, the early visitor on the way; a misty rain, the late fishing man by the stream.


After only reading the first paragraph, Shen Cong and Cen Geng both had their eyes brightened and their expressions were extremely surprised. The first paragraph of a few words revealed the essence of the couplet.

This first paragraph is all in one rhyme, the "Dong" rhyme.

The so-called "Dong Yun" refers to the sound of the "Dong" vowel, which is "ong".

And Yidong means the first rhyme part of Shangping in Dongyun.

There is also "Er Dong" at the back, which means Dong Yun Zhong, which is the second rhyme part in Shang Ping Sheng.

The whole "Yidong" section was coordinated with sound and rhyme, and it was catchy, like a poem, like a song, Shen Cong and Cen Geng couldn't help but read the sound directly after being surprised.

Only by reading the sound of this kind of text can you truly appreciate the mystery and charm of it.

After "One East", "Two Winters" followed.

"Spring vs. summer, autumn vs. winter, evening drum vs. morning bell. Watching mountains vs. playing with water, green bamboo vs. pine.


After the "Second Winter", there was the "Sanjiang", and after that, the "Four Branches", "Five Micro", "Six Fish" and so on.

Shen Cong and Cen Geng became more delighted as they watched, and liked them more. Even for them, after reading this roughly, they all felt quite benefited.

If you read it carefully, I'm afraid it will benefit even more.

More importantly, these words and sentences rhyme, and they are catchy to read, like a poem like a song, even children will be very interested.

As long as the children are interested, the next things will be much easier.

As soon as this work came out, a problem that has left parents and teachers at a loss for a long time, I am afraid that it will be solved.

For those who are eager to write good poems, make good words, and can write wonderful upper couplets, for those who are able to perfect the lower couplets, their wishes are also possible.

The more Shen Cong and Cen Geng thought about it, the more happy they were.
