Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2205: Really made people see hope

Parents were reading "Sound Enlightenment" with their children, and they gradually found out with joy that their children were really interested in "Sound Enlightenment".

Although the children at this time cannot fully understand the text they are reading, the parents can feel that the children are really interested.

This is completely different from the feeling the children bring to them when they usually tutor them with their homework.

Parents are delighted and gratified, and finally have a book that can interest children and improve their writing skills.

Although, will the children's writing ability improve as a result? It will take some time to test, but all parents are confident at this time. They absolutely believe that their children's writing ability will definitely improve as a result.

Moreover, the time will not be too long.

All the parents were grateful to Li Fan again, and Li Fan once again sent their children the most precious gift.


"Sounding Enlightenment" can improve children's writing ability, but its role is not only that. For those children who are interested in poetry and couplets, this work is even more precious.

In a small forest in Sansheng Village that day, a teenager told his father that if someone could teach him to write poems, it would be great.

At that time, my father felt very sorry and guilty.

The guilty thing is that he hadn't noticed before that his child likes poetry so much. As a father, he was obviously negligent.

Unfortunately, he knew that no one could teach his children to write poems and lyrics, and there were no books in this area on the market.

His child must be very disappointed, and his father was very uncomfortable because of his obvious negligence before, but he had no choice but to say something to encourage the child.

But today, after seeing "Sound Rhythm Enlightenment", the excitement and excitement that my father has never had before, finally someone can teach his children to write poetry and lyrics.

Moreover, that person was not an ordinary person, but Li Fan, a poetic immortal who was called the banished immortal.

Although Li Fan doesn't teach his children by himself, his "Sound and Enlightenment" is actually equivalent to teaching himself.

As long as the "Sounding Enlightenment" is understood thoroughly and can be used flexibly, the father believes that his children will be able to make excellent poems, not to mention making classics that can be passed down to future generations and making excellent poems that can be sung throughout the country. There should be no problem. .

His child finally had a mentor in writing poetry and lyrics, and the guilt in his father's heart finally eased a little.

In the afternoon, when his child came home from school, his father was trying to tell his child about "Sound and Enlightenment", but who knew the child would speak first, "Dad, Dad, you know that Uncle Li Fan just launched a new one today. Is this work called "Sound Rhythm Enlightenment"? The teacher taught us to read this work today. It is a work that teaches people to write poems and lyrics. Dad, someone can finally teach me to write poems and lyrics."

The child was very excited, and his face was flushed a little.

Seeing his child's excitement, his father suddenly felt that his eyes seemed to be a little moist, and his child was finally no longer disappointed.

Now that the child already knows the "Sound and Enlightenment", he doesn't need to introduce it. Instead, he directly gives a tailored booklet to his child.

It was "Sound Enlightenment" printed and ordered by himself. "Sound Enlightenment" is currently only available in electronic version. There is no physical book. He can only make a simple version of the physical book temporarily.

The child took the booklet and saw that it was "Sound and Enlightenment". He cheered even more excitedly. Then he ran away and said as he ran, "I have gone to study. Although there are some words in it, I still don’t know it. But the teacher taught us how to read it, and I remember how to read it. If I forget, I will ask you."

Father promised again and again, feeling relieved in his heart.


The children are very excited, and those lovers of poetry and couplets are also very excited at this time.

"Sound and Enlightenment" can teach children to write poems and lyrics, and it can also teach them to write poems and lyrics. It is not only a gift for children, but also a gift for them.

When they saw the first sight of "Sound and Enlightenment", they knew that this work can really teach them to write poems and lyrics, and Li Fan's work is indeed capable of doing things that others can't.

Everyone thinks that writing poems and lyrics cannot be taught by others, but Li Fan has a way to teach them.

With this work, all poetry lovers and couplet lovers have seen writing a good poem, making a good poem, and giving out a pair of good hopes.

This has been their dream, but in the past they always felt that there was no hope. No matter how hard they tried, they seemed to see no hope.

But now, they see hope, and it is "Sound Enlightenment" that makes them see hope.

One work allowed them to see the hope that they could not see in the past. It has to be said that the classics passed down through time-tested past lives will also be classics in this world.

All the poetry lovers and couplet lovers laughed in excitement. They finally could feel that a good poem and a good couplet didn't seem to be so difficult to make.

"Hahaha! I have loved poetry for more than ten years, and I have never felt better than it is now. I really feel now, and give me some time, I can also write excellent poetry. Although I have felt this way before, but It’s never been so real."

"After seeing that the author of "Sound Rhythm Enlightenment" was Mr. Li Fan, I knew that our spring and hope had really come. Now, it has indeed come."

"Maybe soon, at a certain poem meeting, there will be a very good work, and it will quickly spread throughout the country. And the author of that work is me. Hahaha! Just thinking about it makes people Unprecedented excitement and anticipation."

"Everyone is so confident now. However, with this "Sound of Enlightenment", it is not surprising that everyone is so confident. This "Sound of Enlightenment" will definitely be the same as the previous "Sanzi Jing" and "Hundred". "Family Last Name" together, become a university question handed down."

"Indeed, these works are destined to be passed on to later generations. I found that every work of Mr. Li Fan, no matter what aspect of the work, seems to be passed on to later generations. This is too scary."

"It's terrifying, but this is Mr. Li Fan!"

"What a terrible Mr. Li Fan!"

"What's more frightening is that Mr. Li Fan is destined to be passed on to future generations, not just his works, but all his deeds and legends."

"I just want to say that we are very lucky to live in the era of Mr. Li Fan!"

"Of course, we are all very lucky!"

