Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2268: Let's start with imitation

The writers of traditional novels in Lan Guo and other countries gradually thought of this.

This surprised them again, although it is said that if online novels do not appear, the traditional novel market will start to become significantly smaller, and it may continue to be pushed back for a while.

Maybe one year, maybe two years, or another time, but this time will not be too long.

The market for traditional novels becomes smaller, and that is of course certain.

Authors of traditional novels did not realize this problem at all before, but now they realize it, which makes them suddenly feel scared for a while.

Because, after thinking about it carefully, they found that the market for traditional novels has become smaller, and they have actually begun to have a trend.

It's just that this trend has not been noticed before.

I don’t know when it started. Many traditional fiction writers slowly discovered that the performance of their works is getting worse, and the number of readers seems to be decreasing.

They just thought that the readers' requirements were high, or they happened to have written about a certain poison that the readers did not like, which caused the grades to deteriorate little by little.

They think this is only temporary.

But now, they surprisingly discovered that the real reason is that their traditional novels are gradually becoming no longer suitable for the current market demand.

It is precisely because of this that some readers have slowly stopped reading novels.

And this is exactly the trend that the traditional novel market is beginning to shrink. They didn't know it before, but they know it now.

This not only makes them feel scared, but also makes them feel lucky.

I don’t need to say more when I am afraid. The reason why I feel fortunate is that the timely appearance of online novels has allowed them to discover in time. The traditional novel market has begun to shrink and the scary trend has allowed them to have enough time and energy to think and operate. What should I do next?

After thinking of this, a group of traditional novel writers were surprised to find that they seemed to be grateful to Gu Yong.

Otherwise, one day when you are eliminated by the market, you still don't know why?


"Should we really be grateful to Gu Yong? Thanks to his online novels for successfully seizing our novel market?"

"His online novels have invaded our novel market, and we have to thank him. No matter how you look at it, I think this is a little absurd. But it seems to be true again."

"It's ridiculous, but we should really thank him, shouldn't we?"

"Well, I admit, I really should thank him, he gave me enough time to think, how should I continue my creative career?"

"I have to admit that in the current social environment, compared with our traditional novels, online novels do have the advantage of adapting to the current social environment. Gu Yong is able to launch online novels in a timely manner, and his keen market judgment ability, It is indeed far from being comparable. It is no wonder that he has such a great reputation in China. To put it in a word from China, under the prestigious name, there is no lack of people."

"Indeed! Li Fan came first, then Gu Yong, China is not easy!"

"Anyway, we really need to think carefully about our next creative road. Now that we have already warned in advance, then I don't want to be eliminated by the market."

"No one wants to be eliminated by the market. Everyone, work hard. The competition will become more and more fierce in the future. I see that the new online novel writers are coming on fiercely. If we don't work harder, maybe they will continue to do it. "

"Market competition has always been fierce and cruel, come on, come on, I can't wait."



Another half a month passed.

In the past two months, "Broken the Sphere" has been serialized simultaneously from the original two countries of China and Lan, to being serialized simultaneously in Lan and Western countries.

The number of readers of "Fights Break Sphere" can be said to be increasing, and its plot is getting more and more exciting, making more and more readers more and more trapped in it, unable to extricate themselves.

After the preparation and deliberation of the past month, the works of the native Lan Guo network novel authors were finally born.

At the Languo branch of the starting point of China, the first local online novel was officially uploaded, and shortly after the first work, several successive works were uploaded.

At this moment, Lan Guo's book fans have been looking forward to it for a long time, and they can't wait.

As soon as the first work was officially uploaded, countless book fans clicked in. Regardless of the quality of the work, they first felt cordial.

The first work is called "The Legend of Xiu Xian", and the name is straightforward. A total of two chapters have been uploaded, which is obviously imitating the opening chapter of "Fights Break Sphere".

Just the beginning, "Fights Break Sphere" is obviously easier to imitate than "Zhu Xian".

After reading the two chapters, they looked alike, and the fans of Lan Guo were very pleased. Although the traces of imitation are heavy and there is almost nothing of their own, it is at least a good start.

After "The Legend of Xiu Xian", most of the works uploaded one after another are imitating the opening chapter of "Fights Break Sphere". Because of the high imitation, they all seem to be the same thing.

Not only the content is imitated, but the language style is also somewhat imitated. If it weren't for knowing that the author is a local online novel author from Lan, fans would probably think it was written by an author from China.

This makes the book fans a little bit regretful. Although they like the language style of "Fights Break Sphere" very much, since it is their Lan Guo native online novel, they still hope to have more of the Lan Guo language style.

Of course, book fans also know that nowadays, local online novel authors cannot be too demanding. They can imitate to this degree, which is already very good.

When you can create as you like in the future, you should be able to focus on the language style of Lan Guo.

Of course, not all of the works that have been uploaded are imitating "Fights Break Sphere" or "Zhu Xian". There are also a few authors who disdain to imitate, or do not want to imitate, or they have the confidence to write When they publish their own things, there is almost no trace of imitation at the beginning of their works.

The quality of their work makes people wonder what to say.

After reading it, Lan Guo’s book fans almost commented like this, “Let’s start with imitation first.”

There is no trace of imitation, the fans of Lan Guo were very pleased, and finally there are real local online novels.

After reading the whole article, they really don't know what the author is writing? It's messy and incomprehensible.

This makes them very regretful to conclude that their local online novels are still in the stage of learning to crawl, so let's start with imitation.

Otherwise, it is really horrible!


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