Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2299: Then bring out the red envelope function

Netizens from other countries were excited and discussed on the Internet.

Their discussion spread to China, and the Chinese netizens saw it, and a strong sense of pride and superiority suddenly rose in their hearts.

It was a very wonderful feeling, and everyone enjoyed it very much.

"I didn't expect it! In such a short period of time, WeChat has entered most countries in the world. The previous media statements are true. WeChat Pay will surely make people all over the world envy. If so. It's not envy, why would they be so anxious to introduce them> "That's for sure, no country will refuse such a convenient and fast payment method." Especially those countries with poor public security. After they introduced WeChat Pay, the country's crime rate is expected to drop a lot. They must thank Mr. Li Fan well. "

"So the significance of Mr. Li Fan's launch of WeChat Pay is huge. This has helped some countries reduce crime rates in the international community."

"When I think that so many countries in the world are using our WeChat Pay, I have a very strong sense of pride and superiority in my heart. This feeling is not the first time. Basically every once in a while , Mr. Li Fan will let us enjoy this feeling. I just want to say that Mr. Li Fan’s international influence is already enormous!"

"It's not nonsense. Go and see how those proud U.S. netizens say about Mr. Li Fan? They say that Mr. Li Fan is no longer just a legend in China, but is now a legend and pride in the entire world. Even the proud U.S. netizens say this, and netizens in other countries naturally think so. I think if the most influential person in the world is to be selected now, Mr. Li Fan must have been among the best."

"It's affirmation to be in the top. If you leave out those politicians, it's possible to be number one."

"The luckiest thing is that the legendary story that belongs to Mr. Li Fan is far from over. Mr. Li Fan will surprise us anytime and anywhere. This is the most exciting and exciting, and the luckiest."

"Mr. Li Fan is still so young, and the legend that belongs to him is naturally far from over. This is really exciting and expectant!"

"Now, the people who look forward to the legend of Mr. Li Fan are not the only Chinese people. People in many other countries in the world are also looking forward to the legend of Mr. Li Fan. Mr. Li Fan is us. The absolute pride of China!"

"I want to say, as a Chinese, I am so proud! I am so proud!"

"This is not nonsense, as a Chinese, we should be very proud and proud!"


Three Holy Village.

After being busy for nearly a month, Li Fan finally came down again.

He still prefers leisure to busy days.

Netizens in other countries in the world also paid attention to the evaluation of WeChat Pay.

In this regard, Li Fan also feels very proud and proud. Whether it is in the past or in this life, the payment concept and method of WeChat Pay are at the forefront of the world.

Now, WeChat payment has been basically popularized. Even people who don't know how to use WeChat payment or are unwilling to use WeChat payment already know it. There is a concept of WeChat payment.

The number of active users of WeChat software has exceeded one billion.

Li Fan estimates that another very popular feature in WeChat can almost be launched. That is > there is no red envelope function in the current WeChat version. Li Fan also thought about launching the red envelope function together before, but Finally gave up.

There is no electronic red envelope in this world. For example, the qd of Zhongtian has no red envelope function. WeChat red envelope will be the first electronic red envelope in this world.

Since it is the first one, it is better to launch it separately, so as to achieve the most ideal effect.

If the two functions were launched together with WeChat Pay before, the two functions must influence each other, and neither of them can achieve the maximum effect.

The WeChat red envelope function is undoubtedly a very popular feature.

In the previous life in 2014, the WeChat red envelope function was officially launched. It became popular as soon as it went online, and it was very popular.

The WeChat red envelope function is an extremely surprising feature for countless WeChat users, and everyone has a high evaluation.

Of course, there are also negative comments on the WeChat red envelope function.

This is mainly because some people have used the red envelope function of WeChat to get ill-gotten gains and cheat many people.

For example, the kind of group that specializes in grabbing red envelopes is not allowed to enter, and you must not enter with the mentality of making a small bet.

Otherwise, it will be terrible in the end.

WeChat red envelopes can be used by thoughtful people to earn ill-gotten wealth, but it is undeniable that this feature is very popular.

And as long as you stick to your principles, don't be tempted. So, letting those thoughtful people get through the sky is just a futile effort, and it is impossible to cheat you out of a penny.

Therefore, Li Fan intends to launch in this world > now, it is almost time.

How to launch it? Naturally very simple, just release a new WeChat software version. At that time, users can directly upgrade the existing version in the WeChat settings.

The new version is already ready.

And this kind of thing naturally does not require Li Fan to do it himself, everything is handed over to the WeChat operation team after receiving Li Fan's instructions, a message is pushed to all WeChat users through the background.

The main content is to say that a new version will be launched in hours. In the new version, there will be a new feature online, namely the WeChat red envelope function. At that time, you can directly upgrade the current copyright to the new version in the WeChat settings, without downloading and installing from the new version.

When countless WeChat users saw a new system push message in the message prompt, almost all of them didn't seem to care, and many people weren't ready to click on it.

Of course, there are many people who clicked on the message to view it. Although they don't care, they are also a little curious about what they have written?

Under this view, the previous inattention disappeared instantly, replaced by a refreshed spirit.

WeChat will be updated with a new version so soon? And also launch a new feature? WeChat red envelope? What is this function?

Red envelopes, everyone naturally understands what it means. Red envelopes are always indispensable when there are people with sophistication.

But what does WeChat red envelope mean? This makes people a little confused.