Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2344: A love story between humans and ghosts

After a few polite words between the two, Kong Xinlin greeted Hoqueto again.

Because of the movie "Xiao Shengke's Redemption", the two people also know each other.

Kong Xinlin laughed and said: "Mr. Hockett, congratulations, this time I won it is clean and neat, and let Mr. Darryl take it orally."

Hoctor said: "This is all thanks to Mr. Li Fan's blessing. If there were no Mr. Li Fan's movies, I would have lost this time."

After a few words of courtesy, Kong Xinlin said: "I just seemed to hear the two mention "Legend of the White Lady", and also mentioned the relationship between humans and ghosts. Such a relationship has a special artistic charm. . I totally agree with the two statements. The love affair between a lady or a ghost is indeed more of a special kind of artistic charm. If possible, I would actually shoot a movie like this."

Hoctor laughed and said: "Such a film should have a very good market. Of course, the premise is that the plot must be good enough. And the best film designer in the world..."

Huoketuo and Kong Xinlin looked at Li Fan together.

Li Fan laughed and said to Kong Xinlin: "Mr. Kong, I know, the reason you came to say hello is actually purposeful."

Kong Xinlin smiled and said: "How dare you have any purpose? Mr. Li Fan broke me. However, after hearing two talk about the love of shemales and ghosts, I suddenly had the idea of ​​making such a movie. I wonder if Mr. Li Fan is interested in creating such a story?"

Hoctor also looked at Li Fan hopefully.

Is it a story of shemales, or the love between humans and ghosts?

Li Fan nodded in his heart, it is natural that there are such stories.

Moreover, it can be regarded as a classic.

Well, let's bring that work to this world.

That is also a classic work.

After thinking about it, Li Fan said: "Let’s do it, I will release a new work in the next few days. This work is composed of a series of individual short stories. Among them, the first story I intend to release is A story about the love between humans and ghosts. Then I will adapt it into a movie, and I will shoot it by Mr. Kong Xinlin."

Kong Xinlin was overjoyed after hearing this. This is really a huge surprise.

Life is full of surprises and surprises everywhere.

Today, he was purely visiting the Three Holy Village, but who knew he would get such a huge surprise.

He does want to visit Li Fan, but he is not sure if he will appear abrupt?

After all, he and Li Fan didn't say how familiar they were, and it might seem abrupt if he went to visit.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally didn't dare to bother Li Fan.

But he didn't expect to meet Li Fan and Hoqueto unexpectedly on the top of Baiyun Mountain.

Kong Xinlin is not surprised that Hoctor is here. He knew that Hoctor must have come here to thank Li Fan.

If you encounter Li Fan here, you can step forward to say hello and visit, which will certainly not seem abrupt.

Not only will it not appear abrupt, but it will even make people feel that there is some fate between the two people.

Encountering Li Fan by chance is exciting enough.

If you get another chance to make a Li Fan movie, it will be exciting enough.

Therefore, Kong Xinlin is now excited and excited. He still didn't know what kind of story Li Fan said about the love between humans and ghosts?

But he knew that there were no mediocre stories in Li Fan's writings, only stories that would surely become classics.

Since it is a classic story, then if he shoots the movie, it will definitely be a classic movie.

The film made to become a classic is the most coveted thing for every film director.

However, if you want to make the film you shoot a classic, why is it so easy?

Kong Xinlin is already one of the most famous film directors in China, and there are only two or three films under his name that can be qualified as classic films.

He really wants to make another film that is qualified to be called a classic movie.

This wish has not been realized for a long time.

Now, there is finally a great possibility to be realized.

How can Kong Xinlin not be excited and excited?

He repeatedly expressed his gratitude to Li Fan, and promised that the film will not let Li Fan down, so that Li Fan can rest assured.

Li Fan smiled, he naturally believed in Kong Xinlin's strength.

Otherwise, he would not give the movie to Kong Xinlin for shooting.

Li Fan's movie is definitely a guarantee for the box office. If you invest, you will definitely make a lot of money.

Hoktor was very excited, but he wasn't sure if Li Fan would let him have a drink?

After all, Li Fan can invest by himself.

Hoctor was hesitant to speak, very itchy.

When Li Fan saw it, he naturally understood Hoctor's thoughts.

He doesn't mind letting Hoctor invest.

For one thing, Hoctor is on the scene now, which is also related to this movie.

Second, how much money can movies make? It doesn't make much sense to him.

Besides, there are still many classic movies from previous lives, and this one is not bad.

Therefore, Li Fan said: "If Mr. Hoctor is willing, he can invest in this movie. As for how much investment is needed? It is still uncertain."

After hearing this, Hoctor was also overjoyed and said: "Yes! Yes! Of course I am willing to invest! Mr. Li Fan's movie is definitely a guarantee for the box office. Thank you Mr. Li Fan for letting me invest in this movie.

Li Fan waved his hand and said: "In our country, there is a saying called'you have a share'. Since Mr. Hoctor is here, he should have a share."

Hoktor laughed loudly: "I know such a sentence, thank you Mr. Li Fan."

After that, the three did not continue to discuss the matter of the movie.

Kong Xinlin and Hockett know that they only need to wait quietly for Li Fan to release the work.

Now that they have met, Kong Xinlin has no need to say goodbye, and the three of them travel together.

The top of Baiyun Mountain is beautiful and there are many things to see. Hoqueto is always amazed and moved.

After a few hours, the three people began to descend.

After descending down the mountain, Li Fan bid farewell to Kong Xinlin and Hoqueto.

After Li Fan left, the two continued to travel with each other and Hoqueto naturally wanted to stay in the village. Kong Xinlin did not plan to leave today.


arrive home.

It took Li Fan ten minutes to code the first story he planned to launch.

He is going to show it to readers through the starting point Huawen website.

However, instead of uploading the story immediately, he first logged into his Weibo and updated a message.

"Do you still remember the vigorous love story between Xu Xian and White Lady? If you still remember, I still have a love story between humans and ghosts that I want to tell everyone."


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