Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2466: Is this the strength of Shi Xian?

Of course it is impossible for Li Fan to continue counting the fourth line of the poem as they thought.

So, what exactly is Li Fan's fourth poem? It is really exciting.

The first word is "Fly", what will follow?

Everyone on the scene is looking forward to it.

The shock and excitement in everyone's hearts just now is a long story, but the time is only a moment.

After Li Fan wrote the first word "Fei", he didn't stop, instead he wrote a poem directly in one breath.

"Flying into the reed flowers will never be seen."


"One piece, two pieces, three or four pieces, five, six, seven, and ten pieces.

Thousands of pieces, countless pieces, flying into the reed will always be missing. "

This is a very famous poem in the previous life, and the last sentence also has such sayings as "flying into the reed flowers" and "flying into the reed flowers".

According to legend, this is a poem co-authored by Emperor Qianlong and Ji Xiaolan.

Emperor Qianlong wrote the first three sentences unremarkably, and Ji Xiaolan then made the fourth sentence, which made the whole poem's strange peak suddenly turn into a magical moment.

Although it is said that this poem was written by Emperor Qianlong and Ji Xiaolan, it should not be true.

Because this should be derived from a very similar poem.

"Ying Snow" by Zheng Banqiao, a famous poet in the previous Qing Dynasty.

"One piece, two pieces, three or four pieces, five, six, seven, and ten pieces.

Thousands of pieces, countless pieces, flying into the plum blossom will always be missing. "

One is "Plum Blossom" and the other is "Reed Flower". There is only this difference.

According to legend, Zheng Banqiao, who first arrived in Yangzhou, temporarily lived in Biefeng Temple in Jiaoshan because of poverty.

One day, I met Ma Yueguan and Ma Yuelu by chance, and then forged a deep friendship.

Later, on a day of heavy snowfall, Zheng Banqiao braved the wind and snow to visit the two at Xiaolinglongshan Pavilion.

Then I met a group of scholars enjoying the snow and singing poems.

The scholar saw Zheng Banqiao wearing a coarse cloth and thought he didn't know how to write poems, so he deliberately embarrassed him and asked Zheng Banqiao to write poems.

Zheng Banqiao agreed and wrote the first three sentences of "one piece, two pieces, three or four pieces".

A group of scholars laughed and laughed at the sight, and they felt very superior.

However, Zheng Banqiao calmly wrote the last sentence, "Flying into the plum blossom will never be seen." The peak suddenly turned, and a group of scholars blushed.

When this last sentence came out, the whole poem was pushed from the trough to the strange peak at once.

Zheng Banqiao's "odd" poem is famous all over the world.

Perhaps it is precisely because of its speciality and fame that this poem has been passed down in different versions.

The plum blossoms became reeds.

Reed flowers usually begin to bloom after the fall, and will not wither in winter.

The reed flowers in the cold wind, clusters, clusters, soft and soft, swaying in the wind and snow, is a very beautiful scenery.

The clusters of reed flowers may be better than plum flowers in terms of effect.

Therefore, the plum blossom has become a reed flower.

The poet and author also changed from Zheng Banqiao to Emperor Qianlong and Ji Xiaolan.

Li Fan is very familiar with this poem.

And in this world, on the white **** of West Lake, the first three sentences of this poem were written by a young man, which made Li Fan a little surprised, a little dazed, and a little emotional.

Past and present lives seem to overlap again at this moment.

This is a kind of fate, and perhaps a kind of destiny.

Therefore, Li Fan was actually very willing to write the fourth sentence of this poem.

Without the fourth line of poem, the first three lines can only be mediocre, even ridiculous.

After the fourth line of poem, the whole poem immediately rose from the prosaic to the strange peak.

It can be described as a very magical poem.

Now, Li Fan has written this poem.

Everyone at the scene, including the young man, was all excited and excited like never before.

They witnessed the birth of a magical moment with their own eyes.

Yes, in their opinion, this is a magical moment.

Turning decay into a magical moment.

The magical moment that pushed the whole poem from the trough to the strange peak in an instant.

At this moment, they finally personally felt the talent of the poetry immortal.

This last poem is simply wonderful!

Everyone at the scene can understand the beauty of this sentence.

Originally, the first three sentences counted from one to ten, and then countless. It was very boring and cumbersome, and it could not be said to be a poem at all.

If it is a poem, it is also a poem that makes people laugh.

However, the sentence "I will never see you when I fly into the reed flower", but the strange peak suddenly turned, making the previous count no longer boring and cumbersome.

Reading it makes you feel like you are in the vast expanse of snow, but you see two countless pieces of snowflakes flying all over the sky, and finally all fly into the reed bushes and disappear.

The reed flowers in winter faded from the lush summer and autumn, clusters swaying in the wind and snow.

Snow flies, falling into it, is it a snowflake or a reed flower? It's already clear and interesting.

The unremarkable, ridiculous first three sentences, after the last one, make people feel full of mood and humor.

Is this the strength of Shi Xian?

Before, everyone was thinking about the fourth sentence. All they thought was how to continue counting so that this poem could become complete.

They never thought that this poem could become so full of artistic conception.

Everyone at the scene was very excited, especially the young man before.

His excited body trembled slightly.

When he knew Li Fan's identity before, he knew that Li Fan would definitely write a surprising fourth line of poem.

He also knew that he was going to become the protagonist of a new story about Li Fan.

Now, this matter can be 100% sure.

This poem and the process of Li Fan's just writing the poem will surely be circulated on the Internet soon.

Countless people will be surprised and excited, and then talk about it.

And he can be said to be the creator of this story.

If he hadn't written the first three sentences, Li Fan would definitely not be able to help him with the fourth sentence.

This story naturally does not exist.

Now, this story is born because of him.

As the creator and protagonist of the story, this will make him completely famous on the Internet.

This kind of opportunity is unsuccessful, and countless people want it.

He just got it.

How could he not be so excited that his body began to tremble slightly?

Others on the scene obviously also knew that the young man was completely famous now, and the eyes they looked at the young man were extremely envious.

They were able to witness the birth of such a magical moment with their own eyes. It can be said that they have been lucky.

However, no matter how lucky it is, it is not worth mentioning when compared with young men!

The luck of young men is against the sky.

All the people on the scene are envious!


It's New Year's Eve again, and one year has passed.

It's so fast!

And this is the fourth New Year greetings to everyone in this book.


At this time, the country felt very emotional inexplicably.

I can only wish everyone a happy new year, stay away from infection, and be healthy and safe!
