Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2467: I want to get this calligraphy by Li Fan

Then, everyone on the scene looked at the page of paper on the long table.

Everyone's eyes are very hot, everyone wants that page of paper.

On that page, there is a poem that Li Fan just wrote, "I'll never see you when I fly into the reed flowers."

The handwriting is arbitrary and unrestrained, looking at it is a kind of beauty to the extreme enjoyment.

More importantly, it is also of great collection value.

What happened just now will definitely be uploaded on the Internet, becoming a new legendary story about Li Fan, and a good story in the history of poetry.

The influence will definitely be very, very big.

So, who can own this page will make countless people envy and jealous.

Therefore, the collection value of this page is great. If you get it to auction at an auction house, you will definitely be able to sell at an extremely exciting price.

Of course, everyone wants this page for collection.

Then take it out from time to time, or show it on the Internet, which definitely arouses the envy and envy of countless people.

How cool is that feeling?

Although before Li Fan "flew into the reeds and never see", there were the first three sentences written by the young man.

But it doesn't matter. Those three lines of poems are originally an important part of the story. Although the words are a little hard to grasp, they do not affect the value of the whole page.

There were about 20 or 30 people at the scene, and everyone wanted that page.

And, everyone has a chance to get it.

Because, judging by past legends about Li Fan, Li Fan will not take away what he wrote on the spot.

Instead, it will be randomly presented to a person on the scene.

This made everyone on the scene breathless.

So, who will Li Fan give to?

For a while, everyone at the scene excitedly expressed to Li Fan that they were very eager to get this calligraphy by Li Fan.

Li Fan smiled, indicating that everyone shouldn't be anxious, and then said that since they all wanted it, he would send it to a person at random in a way.

Which way?

It's very simple, the lottery is ready. Write the name of everyone at the scene on a piece of paper. Then randomly select a piece of paper.

This method is the simplest, and it is very fair to everyone on the scene.

After listening to the audience, of course they totally agreed.

Then one by one inexplicably excited and nervous, they all prayed in their hearts that they would be caught.

The young man just said excitedly: "If this is the case, let me prepare a batch of notes. Later, everyone will take a note and write their names."

Another man with glasses said: "There is a paper box at the scene. Then I will use the paper box to make a treasure box of lottery."

The rest said yes. The young man and the spectacle man were busy driving each other.

Not long after, the note is ready. Everyone at the scene took a piece of paper and wrote their name on the paper while praying.

After the name is written, the treasure chest is also ready.

Everyone at the scene crumpled the paper with their name on it again, and then threw it into the treasure chest.

The next is the most anticipated and tense moment.

Who will be drawn at the scene? The answer will be revealed soon.

Li Fan said to Qin Yulin: "You come and smoke."

Everyone at the scene looked at Qin Yulin again, they had already recognized Qin Yulin's identity.

Although Qin Yulin had already pressed down the brim of her hat very low, how could her beautiful face and extremely tall figure be able to hide her by lowering the brim of her hat?

If you just passed by in a hurry, you might not be able to recognize it, but after standing here for so long, someone would have recognized it a long time ago.

After recognizing Qin Yulin, everyone was naturally also very excited. This is an absolute goddess!

They were so lucky to stand together so close.

However, everyone didn't dare to watch it more, but the heart was pounding hard.

Now that Li Fan said, let Qin Yulin start the draw, they were inexplicably different from the previous excitement.

Qin Yulin grinned and said, "Okay! I'll smoke."

Li Fan nodded and smiled: "Then, it depends on who you got?"

Qin Yulin smiled again, put his hand into the treasure chest and grabbed a paper ball out.

Then unfold the paper ball.

The name on this paper ball is the lucky one today.

The atmosphere at the scene reached the most tense moment, and everyone looked at the paper ball that was slowly unfolding in Qin Yulin's hand.

After unfolding the paper ball, Qin Yulin did not read the name directly, but turned the paper over and showed the name on it to everyone on the scene.

Everyone at the scene saw it clearly.

On it is a name called "Yuan Yun".

The lucky person has been born, and everyone except the lucky person at the scene sighed with a long sigh.

They still don't have this chance after all!

So, who is this person called Yuan Yun? Why is there no response at all?

Excited and so excited that you can't even speak?

Everyone is looking in the crowd, wanting to see which guy is called Yuan Yun?

Then I saw a thin and tall man in his thirties, with his mouth half open, his right hand raised, shaking slightly.

Everyone understood in an instant, and they were so excited that they couldn't even speak.

Real Nima is enviable!

Li Fan also saw the thin and tall man, smiled, and said, "Is this gentleman Mr. Yuan Yun?"

The thin tall man said excitedly: "Yes, Mr. Li Fan, this is Yuan Yun."

"Sure enough!" Everyone sighed again.

Li Fan nodded, then picked up the page and said, "In that case, this page will be given to Mr. Yuan."

After hearing this, Yuan Yun quickly stepped forward, walked to Li Fan, took the page of paper Li Fan handed him with both hands, and said, "Thank you! Thank you Mr. Li Fan! Thank you Miss Qin Yulin!"

What else did Yuan Yun want to say? The reason why he didn't respond for a while was also thinking about what he should say.

But his head was buzzing, and he couldn't figure out what to say?

So, I can only thank you over and over again.

Li Fan smiled again, so that Yuan Yun didn't have to be like this, saying that it was a kind of fate that they could meet here.

Qin Yulin congratulated Yuan Yun.

In such a process, the rest of the scene has always been very envious.

This kid posted this time!

Next, after Li Fan had a few more conversations with everyone on the scene, he left with Qin Yulin.

They are here to visit the West Lake, and they will go to Leifeng Pagoda later.

Now that the matter here has come to an end, it is natural to leave.

Everyone at the scene hurriedly greeted Li Fan and Qin Yulin away.

The two left the scene, but everyone at the scene did not disperse, but was still excited and excited about what had just happened.

For them, what just happened is like a dream.
