Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2485: Catch fish in the ditch

, So, many people on the Internet started discussing enthusiastically.

Everyone knows that there should be no results in the discussion, but they still enjoy it.

Whether the results can be discussed or not is not important. What is important is that such a process is very interesting.

The major entertainment media are also scrambling to report.

For entertainment media, news related to Li Fan is the guarantee of traffic and reading.

They racked their brains to develop various topics and related reports one after another.

As long as there is a little connection, there must be a lot of people interested.

What the entertainment media like most and most excited about is the news about Li Fan.


National Children's Literature Publishing House.

Jiang Linxue took the seat himself, and the entire publishing house was fully operational and devoted to the publication of "Pinocchio".

Jiang Lin has been studying for a long time, and he has never been as energetic as he is now.

He felt that he was young, and he was back to that energetic age.

Jiang Linxue is looking forward to the launch of "Pinocchio"!


Three Holy Village.

Zheng Jie glanced over some news on the Internet, haha ​​smiled and said: "It is really right to let that kid write this story. Otherwise, how could the influence be so great?"

Liang Sheng also smiled and said: "This is expected. According to me, the kid should write more stories that are beneficial to children like this."

Zheng Jie said: "That's right. After this "Pinocchio" is released, let him write more. Anyway, I don't think the kid has much to do for a day. It's not a stroll here, or a stroll there."

Liang Sheng said: "Who said no."


In the village.

Li Fan was walking forward with a group of bear children.

Today is Saturday, and the bear children are not in class.

Walking, walking, Li Fan suddenly touched his nose, "How do you feel as if someone is saying something about me?"

"Brother Fan, hurry up!" a bear boy turned his head and shouted.

"Come on!" Li Fan said.

Then he quickened his pace and followed behind a group of bear kids.

They are going to catch fish in the stream.

It rained heavily last night, and now it has stopped.

A group of bear kids ran to Li Fan's house and dragged Li Fan to pick up fish in the ditch with them.

The bear children always like to call Li Fan to play with them.

With Li Fan, they always play more vigorously.

Of course, Li Fan also likes to play with the bear kids. It feels good to be a doll head.

Therefore, after Li Fan spoke to Su Qing and Qin Yulin, he ran away with a group of bear children.

Speaking of catching fish, Li Fan really hasn't caught fish for a while.

The bear children said that they would pick up fish and play today, and Li Fan was looking forward to it.

The so-called catching fish is to choose a gap where the water is flowing, or a suitable spot in the stream.

Then put the fence made of strips on the gap.

In this way, when a fish is washed down with the current, it will be intercepted by the fence, and then the fish can be easily caught on the fence.

Very interesting and fun. When a fish is rushed to the fence, the feeling of surprise is also very exciting.

For the fish to be washed down with the current, the current must be large enough.

Therefore, the timing of catching fish is usually after a heavy rain.

Heavy rain will increase the water flow in farmland gaps, streams, river courses and other places, which is a good time to catch fish.

Whether it’s a past life or this world, every summer after heavy rains, there will be many people in the countryside to pick up fish.

Not only children, but many adults will also go.

Not because I want to eat fish, but mainly for fun.

Li Fan has no shortage of fish now, and the bear children also have no shortage of fish, but they are still very interested in catching fish.

Not long after the heavy rain stopped, Li Han couldn't wait to pick up the fish.

Li Fan and the bear children came to the side of the stream.

The water flow in the brook was much larger than usual, and the water was not as clear as usual, and it was a little yellowish.

This is because of the sediment in the water.

Li Fan and the bear children played along the shore, looking for a suitable place to catch fish.

The streams and ditches are long and winding. There are many places suitable for catching fish.

So, not far away, Li Fan and the bear children found a suitable point.

That's it.

The bear children cheered, and then all rolled up their trousers and went down into the water.

Li Fan also fell into the water.

Since it is for fun, you must go to the water to have the greatest fun.

Li Fan instructed the bear children to set up the fence.

The fence was brought from home.

First move a few big rocks to block the sides of the river, leaving just the width of the fence in the middle.

Then put the fence in place and fix it so that the water cannot run off the fence.

After the fence was fixed, the remaining three edges of the fence were blocked with water weeds.

This can prevent the fish from escaping to a certain extent.

Because the fish just caught by the fence tends to roll and sway, if it is not caught in time, it may fall into the water from the edge of the fence.

After blocking water weeds at the edge, it can reduce the probability of fish falling into the water.

The fish that finally waited, naturally couldn't let him escape.

The whole arrangement is very simple and fast. It takes two or three minutes to arrange everything.

Now everything is ready, only the fish is washed up the fence.

In addition to fish, there are lobsters. Lobsters will also be washed up on fences by currents.

This is also a good thing. Many people like to eat, and Li Fan also likes to eat.

Although the lobsters in the streams are not as good as the lobsters specially raised on farms, they are much better than other lobsters sold in the market.

For Li Fan, the lobster in the stream can be used as an ingredient.

Therefore, the lobster that comes out is also necessary.

The bear children looked expectant, and Li Fan also looked forward to it.

Picking up the fish, waiting for the surprise at the moment when the fish appears.

Looking forward to it, a large lobster appeared on the fence first.

The appearance of the lobster was also a surprise.

And now this lobster is still harvested today.

Therefore, several bear kids were very excited, and they all said, "I'll catch them."

The bear kids all wanted to catch them, but in the end, the closest bear kids seized the opportunity and caught the harvest of today's opening.

Then some proudly showed it to a few people.

After the display, it was thrown into a bucket that was specially brought over to hold the harvest.

After opening, the next is often more exciting.

What will be the next gain? Is it still a lobster, or will it be a fish?

If it were a fish, what kind of fish would it be? How big will it be.

People are really looking forward to it.

Then after a short while, the answer was revealed.

A carp about half a catty suddenly appeared on the fence.

Then he kept flipping and thumping, very energetic.

But unfortunately, no matter how vigorous it is, it can't escape the clutches of a group of bear kids around it.

A bear kid easily grabbed it in his hand.
