Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 411: The four martial arts masters shot

Many martial arts writers in China joined forces to resist the incident of Gu Yong and "Yue Nv Sword", which continues to ferment, and its influence is also growing.

And as time went by, those martial arts authors who were still hesitating, after seeing it for so long, Gu Yong did not come out to say a few words or explain a few words for himself.

It seemed that Gu Yong was really settled this time, and he could no longer defend himself.

Otherwise, he would definitely stand up and speak for himself in the first place.

That being the case, why don't they follow in the footsteps of most martial arts authors and condemn Gu Yong with outrage? Maybe it can increase some popularity.

As a result, more and more martial arts writers jumped out and began to condemn and criticize Gu Yong and "Yue Nv Sword" in a righteous manner through social tools such as Weibo and Tieba.

Shouting that martial arts is not a fairy tale, it is not written as you want, it is rigorous, and every author must take care of it.

Anyway, you can write as justice and awe-inspiring, as long as you can write something new and attract attention.

Later, some martial arts writers apparently regarded this incident as a rare opportunity to advertise and gain popularity.


Gradually, even some people who don't usually watch martial arts know this.

After they knew it, they didn't have any special feelings. It was just strange, what exactly did the new author named Gu Yong wrote in "Yue Nv Sword"? Only then can so many martial arts writers join forces to resist.

He almost regarded Gu Yong as a demon who invaded martial arts.

They really wanted to buy a copy of "Laughing Jianghu" and come back to see what happened, but unfortunately they couldn't buy it.

However, although they could not see "Yue Nv Sword", they remembered Gu Yong and knew that he was a rookie martial arts writer.

This is a good thing for Gu Yong, and this is what those martial arts writers hadn't expected before.


Masters of martial arts such as Lin Hai Tingsheng, Xiang Yangsheng, Tao Lang, and Chenfeng have been paying attention to the whole incident.

It's just that they now vaguely feel that something seems to be wrong.

Throughout the whole incident, starting with Lin Hai’s Weibo, Gu Yong has never stood up and said a word.

They originally thought that the reason Gu Yong didn't stand up was because Gu Yong, as a newcomer, had already scared Liushen Wuzhu, confused Fang Cun, and couldn't stand up at all.

But now, whether on the Internet or in the real world, there are more and more people discussing Gu Yong and "Yue Nv Sword".

Even some people who don't watch martial arts at all are asking people with relish, what exactly did Gu Yong write? It has attracted so many martial arts authors to jointly resist.

This gave them a terrible idea in their hearts.

Is it all under Gu Yong's control? The reason why he didn't stand up to defend himself was not because he was confused, but because he deliberately didn't stand up?

Lin Hai Tingsheng and others were taken aback by this thought, "No, no, impossible, Gu Yong is just a rookie, he has no master, he is in chaos, and he should be in his current state if he is hit hard."

Lin Hai Tingsheng and others continued to comfort themselves like this.

However, this idea always lingers in their hearts, making them feel uneasy.

Therefore, on the evening of November 3, when the boycott of the Gu Yong incident had reached a climax, Lin Hai Tingsheng once again came to Luoye Silent's home.

At the same time, Taolang, Chenfeng, and Xiangyangsheng also went to the homes of Daliyi, Qinsheng, and Mengyue respectively.

They were disturbed, and now they can only go to the four martial arts masters.


"Xiao Lin, come, sit down." Chu Sheng (fallen leaves silently) greeted him with a smile.

Lin Hai (Lin Hai listens to the sound) thanked him, and after sitting down on the sofa, he expressed his worries.

After listening to Chu Sheng, he hehe laughed and said, "Xiao Lin, you think too much. He is a new martial artist, it is impossible for him to have this kind of mind. We can take ten thousand steps back and say, even if things are as you said, then So what? There will be no change in the result.

Because the loopholes in "Yue Nv Sword" that we caught, he couldn't justify himself in any way. As long as he can't justify himself, we will win. Even if everyone knows Gu Yong as a person, so what? After waiting for a while, he slowly forgotten him. "

Lin Hai's eyes brightened after hearing this. correct! Why have you forgotten such an important place?

As long as Gu Yong couldn't fill the loopholes they caught in "Yue Nv Sword", even if his Gu Yong's name was known to every Chinese, it would be useless and useless.

And can Gu Yong fill in those loopholes?

The answer is naturally impossible to fill.

Lin Hai relaxed and said sincerely, "Brother Chu, you still want to be thoughtful."

Chu Sheng smiled and nodded lightly, very helpful to Lin Hai's words.

After a while, he said, "However, this matter is almost enough here, and there is no point in continuing. I will discuss with Lao Zhou, Qin Sheng, and Mengyue, and post a Weibo to end this matter. Let’s stop those authors who have not yet spoken out."

Lin Haidao: "All will be arranged by Brother Chu."


At the same time, Taolang, Chenfeng, and Xiangyangsheng also relaxed. Obviously, they all got similar answers from the other three martial arts masters.


November 3, 6 o'clock in the evening.

The four martial arts masters Falling Leaves Silent, Making Strong Strokes, Qin Sheng, Crescent Moon, the four of them posted a Weibo with similar content at the same time.

"Dear martial arts authors, dear martial arts readers, everyone has been talking about a rookie martial arts author Gu Yong and his "Yue Nv Sword" for a whole day. Here, I urge everyone not to talk about this matter anymore. Continue to discuss.

It is true that those mistakes in "Yue Nv Sword" are indeed regrettable.

However, I believe this is not Gu Yong's intention. Gu Yong did not despise readers, nor did he mean to spoof martial arts.

All this is just because he is a martial arts rookie, making mistakes in creation, it is inevitable. We should not completely negate Gu Yong's mistakes.

As a result, I call on this matter to stop here, and everyone should stop disturbing Mr. Gu Yong. "

The Weibo of the four martial arts masters seems to be defending Gu Yong, and it seems to be speaking for Gu Yong. In fact, they added the last fire to this incident, which made today a whole day of resisting Gu Yong. The incident completely reached its climax.

The martial arts writers who participated in this matter were all excited, and even the four martial arts artists appeared. It seems that this time they have completely won.

And those martial arts writers who have not come to participate in this matter because of hesitation, regret it.

I knew that the four martial arts guys were going to make a move, so I hesitated. Now it's alright, the four martial arts guys have spoken, so that everyone will stop discussing this matter.

If they were to participate again, they would obviously offend the four martial arts masters.

Although the four martial arts masters spoke politely, if any author dares not to give them face, there is no need to mix in the martial arts circle in the future.

Of course, the martial arts authors dare not offend the four martial arts, but the majority of martial arts fans do not care about so many.

Naturally, the four martial arts fans can't bother how the martial arts fans talk about it.

Those martial arts fans who have been on the battlefield to resist "Yue Nv Sword" have now reached a climax thanks to the Weibo of the four martial arts masters.


Thank you very much, Zhou Zhou Ping'an once again rewarded! Thank you! (To be continued.)