Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 702: The origin of birthday celebration and p

Although everyone at the scene has gradually calmed down, they still feel that they are still unfinished.

In twos and threes, they are still discussing the matter of Fairy Tong offering peaches. Everyone only felt that Fairy’s staying time was too short, it would be great if he could stay for a while longer.

After that, the focus of the discussion gradually focused on peaches.

"By the way, why did Fairy offer peaches? Not other fruits, such as apples and pears."

"Cut! You don't even know this? In vain, you just watched so hard. This birthday gift peach represents the wish for health, longevity, and happiness for the elderly, so there is also the word "shou peach". Now you understand? This is. It has been passed down since ancient times."

"I just cut it. Of course I understand what you said. What I mean is, why is it "Shou Tao" instead of "Shou Apple" or "Shou Pear"?"

"What's the reason for this? It has been spread like this since ancient times."

"You don't know."

"Fine, you know what you say."

"I just asked if I didn't know."


Why offer peaches for birthday?

When I asked this question, many people at the scene were taken aback, yes, why is it a peach offering? Instead of offering other fruits?

Many people have only discovered that they only know what is happening, but they don’t know why.

They had never thought about this problem before, and now when someone asks it, they also arouse their curiosity.

"Does anyone know why this is? Come, come out and tell everyone, my curiosity has been hanged."


"Do you know?" Lin Yuebai asked.

"Cut! How can I study this? No matter why, it's right to know that birthday celebration is to offer peaches." Lu Dong said.

"That is, rather than talking about this, it is better to talk about what should be done next? Li Fan, that boy, is now our common enemy." Ouyang Dong also said.

"That insidious kid!" Zhao Kuo gritted his teeth, he is still in extreme anger.

Obviously he was pretending to be coercive, acting cool, and showing up, but Li Fan robbed him of all the limelight.

Although the guests on the scene cared about his identity and did not taunt him, they did not continue to cheer for him, and did not continue to be shocked for him. This tone could not go down anyway.

Lin Kun looked at Song Jingshu and said, "Jingshu, didn't you say before that you have a perfect idea that will make the kid foolish? How are you now? When are you going to make the move?"

Song Jing said: "That kid Li Fan can do such a powerful magic trick, which is really surprising. But don't worry, don't worry, just hand it over to me next. Even if that kid has all kinds of skills, the next thing is There is no doubt that I will lose. Because what I want to do cannot be done solely by manpower alone. No matter how much the kid is capable, it is useless."

When several people around heard it, their eyes lit up at the same time, and Zhao Kuo asked urgently: "Jing Shu, what is it? When are you going to start?"

Song Jingshu smiled triumphantly and said, "You will know what happened later, at least when will it start, um, wait a minute."

Several people around saw the smug look on Song Jingshu's face, and they all snorted in their hearts, thinking in their hearts: "Smug ass! It really made that kid embarrassed and talked about it."


How did Lin Yuebai care about Li Fan? The guests at the scene now care about why they offer peaches?

"Huh? Don't everyone know? It's impossible."

"I guess not many people know this. Who cares about this?"

"I know this, let me tell you about it."

"Haha! Okay, someone finally knows. Hey, you are Yi Yun from the Yi family?"

"Haha, it's Brother Xie, I'm Yi Yun."

"Haha! I didn't expect you to recognize me. We have not seen each other for several years. However, Yi Yun, you can tell us about the ‘Shou Tao’ first, and we’ll talk about it later."

Yi Yun nodded and smiled: "Ok, no problem."

First of all, this peach is not an ordinary fruit in some folk sayings.

In the "Shen Yi Jing", there is a record: "There is a tree in the east, fifty feet high, and the name is peach. Its son is three feet three inches in diameter, and it is delicious with nuclear food.

It can be seen that the peach tree is actually a fairy tree, and its fruit "peach" can increase life span if eaten.

In addition, there is a record in "Supplementary Notes": "The Crab Mountain went to Fusang for 50,000 miles, and the day is too short. The cold ground is surrounded by peach trees, and the flowers are blue and black, and long live a food."

The peach trees on the Crab Mountain "Long live a food", people eat their "peaches", naturally prolong their life.

This is a related record about peach trees, and it is also related to two folklore.

The first is about the legend of Sun Bin.

According to legend, when Sun Bin was 18 years old, he left his hometown to Yunmeng Mountain, thousands of miles away, and worshipped Guiguzi as his teacher to learn the art of war.

It was twelve years since then. On the fifth day of May of a certain year, Sun Bin suddenly thought: "Today is my mother's 80th birthday."

So Sun Bin asked his master to leave home to visit his mother.

The master picked a peach and gave it to Sun Bin, and said, "You were studying art outside and failed to repay your mother's grace. I will give you a peach and bring it back to Lingtang for birthday."

When Sun Bin returned home, he took the peach from his master and handed it to his mother.

Unexpectedly, before the old mother had finished eating the peaches, his face would become younger, and Sun Bin was very happy to see it.

People heard that Sun Bin’s mother immediately became younger after eating peaches, and wanted to let her parents live long and healthy, so they all began to imitate Sun Bin, and they also gave fresh peaches to them on their parents’ birthdays.

The act of sending peaches for birthdays has spread like this until today.

There is also a legend about the Queen Mother of the West presenting peaches to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

There is a legend in our country that Emperor Wu of the Han advocates immortal Tao. When Queen Mother of the West learned about it, she sent an envoy to inform Emperor Wu of the Han that she would come at some point.

At seven quarters of the night on July 7th, Queen Mother of the West took a cloud car and came to the west side of Emperor Wu's Palace of Han Dynasty.

There are three blue birds standing by Queen Mother West.

The Queen Mother of the West gave Emperor Wu of the Han five big peaches and told Emperor Wu of the Han: "This is a fairy fruit that bears only once in three thousand years."

It can be seen that this peach bears fruit only once in three thousand years. It is an absolute fairy fruit, and mortals can pay it off after eating it, which is absolutely prolonging life.

Therefore, the gift of peaches by the Queen Mother of the West actually means a gift of longevity.

All of the above are the reasons why peaches are offered for birthdays.

Of course, if we analyze it from our current scientific point of view, we can also find the reason for birthday and peaches.

Because peaches are delicious in meat quality, not only are they high in cellulose, they also contain vitamin e, fructose and other nutrients.

Among them, vitamin E is anti-oxidant and anti-aging, and fructose has the effect of nourishing and strengthening the body, especially cellulose, which is good for common diseases of the elderly, such as arteriosclerosis and constipation.

Therefore, there is a proverb among the folks that "I would rather eat a bite of fresh peaches than a basket of rotten apricots".

In summary, Zhushouxian peaches are the most appropriate in terms of related meanings and nutritional value itself.


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